Brainwashing, Illegal Detention and Imprisonment, Inside the Labour Camps, Individual Accounts, 6-10 Office

  • Mengyin County Local 610 Office Details How They Persecuted Falun Gong

    Recently, in order to claim credit from higher authorities in persecuting Falun Gong, Mengyin County Party Committee published a report entitled, "Work Report of the 610 Office of Mengyin County Chinese Communist Party Committee" to highlight their "achievement" in persecuting Falun Gong. The report, printed in colour, summarised how Falun Gong has been persecuted since July 20th, 1999, and how much money was spent to "transform" and brainwash practitioners. The report contains three parts: prologue, details about Falun Gong, and work in progress.
  • The Longsha Police Branch in Qiqihar Arrested Nearly 100 Falun Gong Practitioners in March 2005

    At the beginning of March, two female Falun Gong practitioners were distributing leaflets exposing the persecution. The surveillance camera caught them. The police followed them and then started large-scale arrests. The police then subjected every arrested Falun Gong practitioner to strappado and many other forms of torture. [Note: The strappado is a form of torture in which a victim is suspended in the air by means of a rope attached to his hands which are tied behind his back.] Those Falun Gong practitioners who suffered this torture lost the ability to look after themselves.
  • Exposing the Inhumanity of the Luotai Villa Provincial Brainwashing Centre in Fushun City (Photo)

    The Liaoning Provincial government gave the Luotai Villa Provincial Brainwashing Centre in Fushun City 1.4 million yuan ($171,000). It is used to persecute Falun Gong practitioners. To deceive the public, this brainwashing centre is called the "Liaoning Provincial Caring and Loving Centre" or the "Fushun Municipal Legal Education Centre." It has been expanded in scale several times after the first session was launched in March 2003.
  • Crimes Committed in the Xinkaipu Forced Labour Camp

    All Falun Dafa practitioners sent to Xinkaipu Labour Camp in Hunan Province are forced to take off all their clothes and are searched as soon as they arrive. They are then immediately isolated. If the practitioner goes on a hunger strike to resist the persecution, guards order the monitors to tie the practitioner to the operation table in the clinic. Dr. Yu in the labour camp then pries open his mouth with an expander. He turns the screw rods to hold the jaws open. Then he clamps the practitioner's tongue with a surgery grip. He inserts a bamboo tube into the mouth, and fills it with fluid, such as gruel or soup mixed with the rhizome of Chinese goldthread, an herb that tastes extremely bitter, salt or chilli powder.
  • Lawless Officials from Shandong Province Arrest Many Falun Dafa Practitioners

    Recently, Diao Dechang of the Police Bureau of Luancheng City, was appointed director of the police bureau in Guan County, Shandong Province. He has declared publicly that he will eradicate Falun Gong. He said that the whole county would work together to "meet, visit, register, search, and arrest" Falun Dafa practitioners (especially those who had previously been arrested or sentenced) during the October 1st holiday.
  • Practitioner Dismissed from Yunnan University without Cause

    "I began working toward an MA in Legal Science in 2002 as a part-time graduate student at Yunnan University. On September 28th, 2005, because I practise Falun Dafa, I received a Decision (Yunnan University Graduate School Document no 8, 2005) to dismiss me from the Yunnan University. The document was sent by my teacher in the Legal Science Institute. I am not aware of any rules or regulations that would lead to my dismissal. According to General University Student Management Regulations, article 56, 58 and 61, I appealed my case to Yunnan University. Please take back such an unreasonable decision, so that I can finish my studies."
  • A Woman's Breasts Disfigured and Infected from Severe Electric Shock Torture by Masanjia Forced Labour Camp Guards (Photos)

    Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Wang Yunjie's breasts were horrifically disfigured and infected as a result of long-term torture, which included being tied up, hung up and shocked with electric batons. It was difficult to look at her and see her suffering. The long periods of torture took a severe toll on Ms. Wang's health. Although she had become extremely frail, she had to do forced labour. She was forced to make handcrafts for export, such as paper flowers. Finally, Ms. Wang gained her release. Later her family found out that the camp staff believed that she had only two months to live.
  • Cruel Tortures in the Women's Forced Labour Camp of Hohhot, Ms. Zhang Yuhua Suffers Mental Collapse

    In the Women's Forced Labour Camp of Hohhot, guards force Falun Dafa practitioners to stand for several days, lock them in solitary confinement, forbid them from going to the toilet or washing or brushing their teeth, and deprive them of sleep. If these tortures do not change practitioners' minds, the guards coerce inmates to torture practitioners day and night. Inmates cuff practitioners' hands behind their backs and hang them up so that the tips of their feet barely touch the floor. This torture is named "riding an airplane."
  • Ms. Zhang Xinyi from Hunan Province Unjustly Sentenced to Three Year Prison Term

    It has been reported that after 51-year-old Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Zhang Xinyi was secretly tried on August 4th 2005, she was sentenced to three years in prison by the Tianxin District Court in Changsha City. The reasons for Ms. Zhang's sentence are as follows: she was caught on two occasions distributing leaflets exposing the persecution about Falun Gong and the police found leaflets at her home. Ms Zhang was sued for violating criminal law article 300 and the so-called "obstruction of criminal law."
  • Authorities at Gaoyang Forced Labour Camp Brutally Persecute Ms. Ding Shumei from Hebei Province

    On August 10th 2005, officers from the Xhanhua Police Department arrested Ms. Ding Shumei, a Falun Dafa practitioner. Without a warrant, they sent her directly to the Gaoyang Forced Labour Camp. Since Ms. Ding refused to cooperate after the arrest, they beat and tortured her with electric batons. To protest the persecution, Ms. Ding held a hunger strike. In return, the authorities brutally force-fed her. Currently Ms. Ding is in an extremely weak physical condition. We appeal to all kind-hearted people to pay attention to Ms. Ding's situation.
  • Recent Persecution of Practitioners by Dalian City Police

    On the evening of October 9th 2005, Dalian City police stormed into people's homes and arrested five Falun Dafa practitioners. At around midnight, Ms. Man Chunrong's children woke up, and found that their mother had not returned home. They started looking for her, and learned from Ms. Liu Yuqin's husband, that they were all arrested. The two kids went to the police station and were locked outside the gate for more than two hours. Police ransacked these five practitioners' homes, did not find anything they wanted, but still refused to release them.
  • The 610 Office Disabled Falun Dafa Practitioner Ms. Zhang Zhe from Hebei Province through Brutal Beatings

    In April and May 2001, the local 610 Office imprisoned Dafa practitioner Ms. Zhang Zhe and her husband Mr. Chen Xijian from Hebei Province. They subjected the couple to all kinds of torture and mistreatment. The police set up a torture room at this place, and violently beat Ms. Zhang. At first, they beat her feet, knees and shoulders. In the process, they broke several wooden clubs. Later, they soaked the clubs in water to prevent them from breaking. To this day, Ms. Zhang's legs and feet are still numb and without any feeling. Her left leg was left with a deep scar. This has prevented her from walking normally, or standing for more than a short while. Ms Zhang is permanently disabled.
  • Two Falun Dafa PractitionersUnjustly Sentenced to Prison in Laiwu City

    Practitioners Mr. Wang Zideng and Mr. Pang Jihai were represented by a defence counsel in Laichen District Court, Laiwu City on February 1st 2005. The defence counsel argued that according to the law, Wang Zideng should be released. However, the amoral court determined on June 5th 2005, that Mr. Wang be sentenced to 7 years in prison and Pang Jihai to 6 years in prison for following the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance to improve themselves. The court verdicts were controlled by the Laiwu City 610 Officeband the Political Judicial Committee.
  • Dafa Practitioners Suffer Threats, Torture and Hard Labour at Beijing Tuanhe Forced Labour Camp

    At the Tuanhe forced labour camp in Beijing, an assistant instructor once said to me, "Do you still refuse to be 'transformed'? I do have ways to make you! I will first inject you with addictive drugs. Then after you develop an addiction, I will withhold the drugs. I will only give you the drug when you say that you will stop practising." At the labour camp, I would often hear these words from the police, "Transformed or not? If not, we will extend your term by ten months!" "You are not allowed to talk to so-and-so. Otherwise wait and see!"
  • Dalian City Practitioner Ms. Qu Shumei Imprisoned and Tortured at Masanjia Forced Labour Camp

    Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Qu Shumei was arrested again and sentenced to forced labour for two and a half years in May 2004. She is imprisoned in Masanjia Forced Labour Camp and is being severely persecuted. During her previous term in a forced labour camp Ms. Qu Shumei was was brutally tortured, sexually abused, and even locked up in a small cage. Her husband, Mr. Zhu Changbin, was also sentenced to 12 years of imprisonment and is in Dabei Prison in Shengyang City. Their 16-year-old son is being taken care of by her parents.