Brainwashing, Illegal Detention and Imprisonment, Inside the Labour Camps, Individual Accounts, 6-10 Office
The Responsibility of Beijing's Tongzhou District "610 Office" in the Tragic Death of Ms. Liu Ying
2004-11-19Liu Ying was a 35-year-old college graduate, with a degree in engineering.Because she practised Falun Dafa she was abducted by the Beijing "610 Office" who forced her to become a spy, to betray her family and fellow practitioners. She was deceived into thinking she was helping practitioners, yet her mother and other practitioners were arrested and sent to brainwashing. When she found out the true nature of the "610 Office", she stopped working for them. On June 24, 2003, in a dazed and confused state she jumped off a tall building to her death.
The Savage Guards at Gaoyang Forced Labour Camp Ask: "Do You Want to be Burned to Death or Buried Alive?"
2004-11-18One evening between April 20 and April 23, 2003, close to 30 Gaoyang Forced Labour Camp guards took five Falun Gong practitioners to a deserted field, and pushed them towards five burning bonfires. Each bonfire was separated from another by about 100 feet, with pre-dug pits next to them. There were 5-6 guards next to each bonfire. The guards yelled at the practitioners; "Do you want to be burned to death or buried alive? A quick death means less suffering than a slow painful one!"
The Terrorist-Style Persecution Tactics of the National Security Bureau 610 Office in Chongqing (Part I)
2004-11-16According to preliminary estimates, at least 1,000 Falun Gong practitioners who had experienced tremendous improvements in their health from practising Falun Gong, died after torture, brainwashing and abuse by personnel from the "610 Office" of the National Security Bureau. Another 1,000 practitioners were seriously injured and disabled from suffering insidious torture in brainwashing classes, detention centres and labour camps. The official policy of the National Security "610 Office" toward practitioners is to "defame their reputation, bankrupt them financially and destroy them physically."
How Two Practitioners Were Killed as a Result of Persecution in Wanjia Forced Labour Camp in Heilongjiang Province
2004-11-15This is an eyewitness account by a detainee in the Wanjia Forced Labour Camp Hospital. She witnessed the persecution of practitioners Ms. Liu Limei, Ms. Fu Guilan, and Ms. Wu Yajie between 2002 and 2004. During their imprisonment in the labour camp, this detainee witnessed the miracle of Falun Dafa and the practitioners' steadfast faith and determination to validate and safeguard Falun Dafa with their lives. As a result, this eyewitness embarked on the path of Faun Dafa cultivation and became a determined practitioner.
Testimony of a Practitioner in Germany: I Suffered for 2 Years in a Beijing Female Forced Labour Camp
2004-11-14On January the 5th 2002, Xiong Wei was arrested whilst distributing leaflets exposing the persecution against Falun Gong. She was then sentenced to two years in a Beijing female forced labour camp till January the 4th 2004. After two years of suffering in a labour camp and nine months of living at home under surveillance, Xiong Wei arrived at Frankfurt airport on September the 28th 2004. The following is a personal account of her two years of suffering.
Mr. Xu Zhibin, Illegally Sentenced to 14-years in Prison, Now Weighs Only 88 Pounds and Is Extremely Frail
2004-11-13The District Court in Dianlian City sentenced Mr. Xu Zhibin to fourteen years of imprisonment in September 2002 because he practised Falun Gong. When his family members asked Hu Xiaoping, the department chief, on what grounds the verdict was based, she replied, "This is discipline. No one can talk about it." Xu Zhibin is now detained in Wafangdian Prison, Liaoning Province.
Officials in Hebei Province Extort Over Five Hundred Thousand Yuan from Falun Gong Practitioners
2004-11-12From July 30, 1999 to November 30, 2003, officials in Baoding City, Hebei Province extorted a total of 501,900 Yuan from Falun Gong practitioners. "610 Office" head often ordered Falun Gong practitioners to give him money, food, and other items. In addition, these officials organized many campaigns to search practitioners' homes and send practitioners to brainwashing classes. When they arrested any practitioners, they first questioned the practitioners about their financial circumstances, then extorted money from the wealthier practitioners and sent the poorer practitioners to a labour camp or long-term imprisonment.
Severe Torture Methods Used to Persecute Falun Gong Practitioners at the Dalian Forced Labour Camp
2004-11-10The authorities at the Dalian Forced Labour Camp have followed Jiang Zemin since July 20, 1999 to persecute Falun Gong. They torture practitioners savagely. In order to hide their crimes, they whitewash the facts by telling lies to practitioners' families and the public. Practitioners detained at the Women's Division have experienced tortures in small cells, and intensive brainwashing and forced labour, among others. Each small cell (confinement room) holds three to four cages made from stainless steel pipes. The cages are about 2 metres long, 1.5 metres wide and 2 metres tall. Practitioners were locked in these cages to force them to abandon Falun Gong.
As of Early 2004, At Least Seven Falun Gong Practitioners Known to Have Died from the Persecution in Jieyang City
2004-11-08During the past five years in Jieyang City, Guangdong Province, the number of Falun Gong practitioners known to have died from the persecution has reached at least seven. The number of practitioners illegally detained was at least 14, and those illegally put into labour camps was at least 60. At least two practitioners were illegally put into the Provincial Legal and Law Institute, and at least four are currently being held in detention centres. Over 3,000 practitioners have been detained, arrested and put into brainwashing classes, including those who were detained more than once.
After Repeatedly Suffering Unjust Persecution for Remaining Steadfast in Her Belief, Ms. Zheng Xueqiong from Dazu County Died in March 2004
2004-11-08Ms. Zheng Xueqiong, 65, was a resident of the Zhonghe Street Neighbourhood Community, Longshui Town, Dazu County, Chongqing City. She started practising Falun Gong in the spring of 1997. Falun Gong healed her partial paralysis and she no longer needed to take medicine. Ms. Zheng was sincere, kind, tolerant and generous. A lot of people perceived the greatness of Falun Dafa in her.
The "Seven Dishes" Torture in the Leshan City Detention Centre
2004-11-08Yuan Tao beat me, causing my face to bleed. Yuan and Zheng also burned my arms, fingers, and chest with cigarettes. Luo Peihua said, "I got word from the higher-ups that if we beat you to death, it will be treated like nothing has happened at all." Luo and Zheng said, "We'll stop hitting you if you curse your Teacher (Referring to the founder of Falun Gong)." I did not utter a word from the beginning to the end. The five of them stopped beating me after they were exhausted.
Young Practitioner Du Weifeng Suffers Mental Collapse from Brutal Torture at Chaoyang Forced Labour Camp
2004-11-07Falun Gong practitioner Du Weifeng from Liaoning Province, suffered brutal persecution when he was only a teenager detained in the Chaoyang Forced Labour Camp. He endured tortures such as electric shock, standing straight for long periods of time and many other abuses, which led to a mental collapse on two occasions from which he has still not recovered.
A Practitioner's Child Says "I Need My Mum!"
2004-11-07Since July 20, 1999--when the persecution of Falun Gong started--until today, I have been living in horror, worry and fear. Because my mother practises Falun Gong, the local government officials forced my parents to divorce. Since then, my mother and I have had a difficult and worrisome life. It was even worse during the time when mother was not at home. Seeing children in other families play with their mums or go shopping together, or hearing other children calling their mums, I could not hold back my tears and just let them run down my face.
A Record of the Crimes Committed by Authorities at Longshan Forced Labour Camp - Part I (Photos)
2004-11-06The Longshan Forced Labour Camp is located in a southeast suburban area of Shenyang City, Liaoning Province. The first group of Falun Gong practitioners was sent there around October 21, 1999, at a time when a large number of Falun Gong practitioners went to Beijing to appeal. They were sent there arbitrarily, without following any due legal process. The government knows the practitioners are innocent.
Illustrations of the Tortures Inflicted Upon Practitioners from Shandong Province in 2000
2004-11-06Yuhezhen Township Transformation Centre is notorious for their "Great variety of styles and vicious techniques" which they use against practitioners and to persecute Falun Gong. Their tortures often included shocking practitioners with electric batons; whipping them with wooden sticks, rubber hoses, or bamboo shoots; sticking needles under their fingernails; scalding them with boiling water, etc.