Brainwashing, Illegal Detention and Imprisonment, Inside the Labour Camps, Individual Accounts, 6-10 Office
My Experience Being Tortured in Miyun Prison, Heizuizi Forced Labour Camp and the Jilin Public Security Hospital (Photos)
2004-10-16On October 25, 1999, I was abducted for going to Beijing to appeal for Falun Dafa and tell the government the truth about Falun Dafa. I was taken to Miyun Prison in Beijing City. Police held me down to the ground and put their hand-made handcuffs and shackles on me, weighing forty pounds. The handcuffs and shackles deeply cut into my flesh; my feet were badly mangled. Even so, they did not remove the handcuffs and shackles for six days. Later I was detained in Heizuizi Forced Labour Camp where I was brutally shocked with electric batons for three hours. In the evenings, my body and face ached as if they were burning.
Products Packaged with Slave Labour at the Beijing Dispatch Centre (Photos)
2004-10-15All detainees held in the Beijing Dispatch Centre there are forced to engage in various kinds of slave labour, such as packaging chopsticks, folding booklets and papers, folding flyers advertising brand-name mobile phones, packaging sample packs of "Hua'anshi" Feminine Wash, and various other items. They work from six o'clock in the morning until very late night. Here we are focusing only on the slave-labour packaging of the "Hua'anshi" Feminine Wash.
Ms. Wu Guifang's Account of the Suffering She Endured in Gaoyang Forced Labour Camp
2004-10-15Ms. Wu Guifang, in her 50's, is from Hebei Province. She was abducted and twice taken to the Gaoyang Forced Labour Camp, where she experienced extremely cruel torture and brainwashing. In mid-August of 2004, she was tortured to the brink of death. Afraid of being held responsible, the labour camp authorities released her on medical parole. The two years of torture turned her into skin and bones. She was extremely weak and pale. She appears to be a different person compared to two years ago, when she was a healthy woman. Many people cannot even recognize her anymore.
Falun Dafa Practitioners Ms Wu Shujie and Ms Wang Fang from Heilongjiang Province Died as a Result of Persecution
2004-10-14Heilongjiang Province practitioner Ms. Wu Shujie, 47, was tortured while detained in the Harbin City Drug Rehabilitation Centre for two years. Her health deteriorated due to the torture and later she was found to suffer from lung cancer. She was sent home on January 2, 2004 and died on September 8, 2004. Ms. Wang Fang lived in Hailin City, Heilongjiang Province. She was first tortured in Harbin City Wanjia Forced Labour Camp, and the labour camp only released her when she was close to death. Less than two months after returning home, on September 24, 2004, she passed away.
The Severe Torture I Suffered in the Chaoyanggou Forced Labour Camp (Photos)
2004-10-14"This is what happened to me because of Jiang Zemin's ruling that, "Killing a practitioner is nothing and will be called as suicide." My story is only one of many. In China, many more have suffered even more severely. Changchun City's Chaoyanggou Forced Labour Camp enforcers alone have the deaths of 18 practitioners on their hands. Many more are still suffering from unbelievably savage torture."
The "6-10 Office" and "Anti-Terrorism"
2004-10-14Over the past five years, the "6-10 Office" has been directly responsible for the abductions, detentions, brutal torture, and deaths of numerous Falun Gong practitioners. People call it the most powerful agency in China, just like the Gestapo during World War II. Knowing that the "6-10 Office," the largest terrorist organisation in over 5,000 years of China's history, is taking a role in "anti-terrorism" is enough to make one's blood run cold.
An Appeal to the Prosecutor's Office from Zhang Beiqi, Who Was Disabled by Torture in Detention Centre
2004-10-13"My name is Zhang Beiqi. I'm a resident of Jilin Province. I am currently held at the Antu Detention Centre. People from Antu Police Department tortured me severely during their interrogations, which caused paralysis in my lower legs. I felt dizzy and extreme pain and couldn't take care of myself. I have to depend on others and have to lie down at the detention centre day and night, and live a life not fit for a human. Therefore, I am struggling every day, more dead than alive. I even received the arrest document from the prosecutor's office while I was in a coma. Now my case is being sent to the court and they are going to sentence me, based on the confession police extorted from me under brutal torture."
A Former Prison Guard's Story (Part 3)
2004-10-11"Facing violence and persecution, I passed through the crisis clear-headedly and reasonably thanks to my firm belief in Falun Dafa. On Oct. 18, 2000 I was illegally jailed in Heizuizi Women's Forced Labour Camp in Changchun City, where I suffered more brutal psychological and physical persecution. It was said that more than 2000 Falun Dafa practitioners were detained there at that time."
The Life of Falun Dafa Practitioners in the Liaoyang Forced Labour Camp: Torture and Excessive Workloads, but Some Guards Understand the Truth
2004-10-07"On January 29, 2004, I was transferred from Tieling Forced Labour Camp to Liaoyang Forced Labour Camp, where the persecutors continued to torture me. Right after I arrived, Section Head Zou read through every detained practitioner's file and came up with an individual torture plan for each practitioner. For the female practitioners, the perpetrators used high-voltage electric batons to shock them, forced them to stay awake for long periods of time, and forced them to perform heavy physical labour for over 20 hours a day. This kind of abuse lasted for more than 8 months."
I Was Forced to Abort My Five Month Pregnancy While Detained in a Labour Camp
2004-10-07"My name is Liu Zhiping. I'm 32 years old. Because I appealed for Falun Gong, in early 2000 I was sent to the Women's Forced Labour Camp in Yunnan Province. In August 2000 I was five months pregnant. Many prison guards told me that I qualified to be bailed out for medical treatment. Later I heard a leader had said viciously, "Without her reforming, there is no way for her to get out of here." I was sent to a hospital and injected with abortion medicine. Tragically, I lost the baby."
Masanjia Forced Labour Camp Subjects Practitioners to Slave Labour (Photo)
2004-10-07Falun Gong practitioners were driven like slaves at the Masanjia Forced Labour Camp in Shenyang City, Liaoning Province, to make handcrafts. Except for three meals, they were forced to do physical labour every day, both morning and afternoon, for at least 12-14 hours. Sometimes they worked on crafts for export to unknown countries; other times they hand-knit sweaters for the South Korean market, and the other times they were required to work on clothing for export, such as sewing on buttons and other tasks.
Demonstration of the Torture Technique "Stewed Chicken with a Bent Neck" Used in Zhangshi Education and Reformation Camp (Photos)
2004-10-06These photos show the torture technique "stewed chicken with a bent neck," illustrated by Shengyang City Falun Dafa practitioner Zheng Shoujun, who was subjected to this frightening and painful torture during his imprisonment at the camp. He recounted, "At that time I felt that all my bones really had broken, and the pain reached such an extreme that I felt as if 10,000 knives were stabbing into my body."
A Former Female Prison Guard's Story (Part 2)
2004-10-06While being knocked down, the young man struggled to take off his jacket to reveal the yellow T-shirt he wore inside. On the back of the T-shirt were the three large words "Truthfulness-Compassion-Tolerance." I rushed toward the perpetrators, saying, "Do not hit him. He is a good man." Then a plainclothes policeman yelled at me, "We are on duty plainclothes officers. Stay away!" I said, "I'm also an officer. An officer is supposed to stop criminals and protect the innocent. It is wrong to hit innocent people like this."
Falun Gong Practitioner Huang Guohua, Whose Wife Luo Zhixiang Died from the Persecution, Escapes to Thailand and Calls for Urgent Help
2004-10-05"I didn't have a place to live in Guangzhou City and the "610 Office" was after me. I secretly returned to Shandong Province and got my passport. I received my visa through a travel agency and on August 20 I went to Bangkok, Thailand on a travel visa in order to avoid further persecution by persons from the "610 Office." If I return to China, I will be in extreme danger. I urgently need help from the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees or other governments and organizations."
Dafa Practitioner Ms. Luo Biqiong from Sichuan Province, Forced to Have an Abortion by Local Government
2004-10-05"My name is Luo Biqiong. I am thirty-six years old. When I was unjustly detained, police asked me repeatedly whether or not I would continue to practise Falun Gong. I kept quiet so they continued to beat me without stopping. I was four months pregnant at the time. They hit my face, hands, and head and my whole body was cut and bruised, my mouth was filled with blood, my head and my hands were swollen, and both my legs turned purple. Eventually I couldn't stand the torture anymore and wrote a statement giving up Falun Gong. I regreted my action terribly and soon after revoked it. Just because I wrote, "I want to practise Falun Gong," I was subjected to a forced abortion that ended an innocent four-month-old life."