Brainwashing, Illegal Detention and Imprisonment, Inside the Labour Camps, Individual Accounts, 6-10 Office
Ongoing Brutal Torture at Shibalihe Female Labour Camp
2003-01-04She was unconscious when she was carried back to her cell and could not take care of herself. She had bruises and two-centimetre-deep wounds in her shoulders that were caused by the rope. The cuts had swelled and abscessed, and did not start to heal even after two months. She suffered greatly.
Widespread Abuses of Dafa Practitioners in Baoding City Brainwashing Centre
2003-01-04Gao declared, "If you do not reform, I will kill you." They kept torturing me, without restraint, until I lost consciousness. Both of my legs could not squat down for half a month as a result of the horrific torture. They beat me for several days. My face became swollen and my teeth were broken. I could not eat for half a month.
The Story of My Familys Terrible Persecution
2003-01-04In the freezing cold winter the callous and depraved abusers showered her with icy water, forced her to eat human excrement, shocked her feet and body with electric batons, and forced her to take psychotropic (mind-altering) drugs. During sleep she was often dragged into the hallway to be severely beaten, and in a few instances she was beaten unconscious, with an egg-sized chunk of hair and skin torn from her head.
The Story of Dafa Practitioner's Great Courage During Persecution (photos)
2003-01-03Everyday the inhuman prison guards force-fed him. One time a prison guard violently pulled out one of his teeth with pliers and force-fed him with two packages of salt..."Although it was wrong that you tortured me, I still want to apologise to you sincerely." The prison guard was struck by what he said, and was on the verge of tears. He put down the pliers in his hand and left.
Innocent Husband and Wife Given Jail Sentences for Practising Falun Gong
2003-01-03During the violent arrest, Yuan Wenxin suddenly had symptoms of a heart attack: her face became pale, she had difficulty breathing and fell to the ground after losing consciousness...When Yuan regained consciousness, she was immediately put in jail. No care or consideration was given to her fragile condition.
My Suffering Over the Last Three Years
2003-01-02I was transferred to the city hospital, hoping that the pain would end; but actually it was just a prelude to something even worse. When my wounds were dressed I cried because of the agonising pain; so my mouth was stuffed to muffle my cries.
Calling On the Graduates of Shanghai, Xian, and Hsin Chu Chiau Tung University to Help Release Detained Falun Gong Practitioners
2003-01-02I would like to call on the graduates of Shanghai, Xian and Hsin Chu Chiau Tung University to help secure the release of Chu Yen Lai and other detained Dafa practitioners. We need overseas Chiau Tung University graduates to speak out and offer their support to end this ruthless persecution of innocent people.
Disabled by Torture for Practising Falun Gong
2003-01-02The police intensified their torture and continuously increased the voltage on their electric batons, creating excruciatingly painful neck wounds..They relentlessly tortured me, forced me to take drugs, and told me that the medicine they injected was "first-grade poison" and would lead to a "calm death."
The Crimes of Xinji City Police Station 610 Office
2003-01-02The "610 Office" is a bureau specifically created by Jiang's regime to persecute Falun Gong. It has absolute power over each level of administration in the Party, as well as over the political and judiciary branches This article documents the crimes of the 610 Office in Xinji City police station, which include torture, beating and extortion.
Dafa Practitioner Lin Jieping Tortured at the Lishi Women's Prison
2002-12-31While in detention, she remained steadfast in her belief and refused to write a letter denouncing Dafa. The prison has been constantly intensifying the persecution of her. At present, Lin Jieping is forced to do hard labour with handcuffs on. In addition, the police force her to do physical work that normally only men can do. She has to work from early in the morning until late at night.
Disabled Lady Firmly Resists Evil Persecution at the Brainwashing Centre in Shanghai
2002-12-30Seeing that they could not deceive her into following them, several policemen kidnapped Xia and carried her from her home. The neighbours were all astonished by what they saw. They could not believe that such a kind-hearted disabled woman could be illegally arrested in Shanghai, an international metropolitan city.
My Personal Experience of Torture and Illegal Imprisonment While Detained at the Huadian Police Station
2002-12-30On October 8 2002, I was tried in court. The so-called confession and plea read by the prosecutor were not my words. I told them that the police didn't record what I actually said and it was not my confession at all. I was deceived and coerced under severe torture. I told them that the police officers are the real criminals.
Practitioner Has Been Persecuted Severely in Guangdong Province and His Health Is Deteriorating
2002-12-30In January 2002, Xu was arrested. In jail, he was determined and did not give up his belief. He went on a hunger strike for over two months, to protest the mistreatment he was suffering. During the persecution, he lost his hearing. A medical examination revealed that he suffered from gallstones and liver disease.
The Torture Suffered by Female Practitioner Gong Zhihui from Panzhihua City (photo)
2002-12-29During her detention, Gong went on a hunger strike to protest the persecution and was kicked, punched and force-fed with food and medicine. The guards usually did not do it themselves. They ordered the criminals to pinch her tendons and force-feed her while plugging her nose. They were also responsible for the multiple bruises on her arms and legs. She was unable to walk and two of her teeth had been knocked out.
Three Months Without Food is Unable to Weaken the Steadfast Belief of Liu Yongwang
2002-12-29Dafa practitioners are illegally imprisoned without trial and are sentenced to long prison terms for believing in Truth, Compassion, Tolerance. They are tortured and beaten with no way to appeal and very little chance of revealing their situation to the outside world. Therefore, many practitioners in China have had to resort to hunger strikes to protest against the unlawful and inhumane persecution that they are subjected to.