Brainwashing, Illegal Detention and Imprisonment, Inside the Labour Camps, Individual Accounts, 6-10 Office
Horrific Torture I Endured at Jiangong Police Station
2002-12-17"If you still do not tell us where the book came from, we will take you to a hill, dig a hole, throw you in, and pour gas all over your body to set you on fire. Your family will have no clue at all about where you are. And we will just tell those people that you set yourself on fire to reach consummation."
Ordeal of a Sixteen-Year-old High School Student :Where Can I Study in Peace?
2002-12-16However it hurts me to be separated from my family. My parents have been illegally detained many times. My mother has had to leave home in order to avoid the persecution and I am not able to see her, although I miss her very much...Every day, I felt depressed or even that it was too painful to live. I often felt that my mind was on the verge of collapse.
Report on 12 Practitioners Tortured to Death in Daqing City
2002-12-15Four criminals beat him ruthlessly for a nearly an hour in front of over 40 people in the prison. This healthy living person was senselessly killed by the severe beating. The major blood vessels of his neck were ruptured, and as a result his neck was swollen due to excess bleeding. The torture was too cruel to watch.
Letter to Government Bureau Chief: I Want to Tell You the Facts About the Persecution and Awaken Your Righteous Side
2002-12-15When you learn that an innocent female college student's nipples were pierced through with an iron wire while the evil policemen laughed and joked at the victim's miserable screaming; when you learn that two Dafa practitioners were tied to a speeding motorcycle and dragged along the ground, do you, as a person with a conscience and a Chinese person with a human heart, still believe the propaganda from television, radio and newspapers?
Ireland: A Call to Rescue our Family and Friends on International Human Rights Day
2002-12-14The press conference gave practitioners the opportunity to bring to light the detention of 2 Chinese students who were formerly studying in Dublin, Mr. Liu Feng and Ms. Yang Fang. The assistant principal at Ms. Yang Fangs college, Mr. Gerard Craughwell also made a speech.
2002-12-14'I have never been able to make direct contact with either of the sisters inside the labour camp. I was told both sisters were suffering from the forceful brainwashing...My mother was 73 when she died in October 2001, a few days after her birthday...It was simply too much for her to endure. She died with much pain in her heart she didnt have chance to see the two sisters in the labour camp, and me also I wasnt allowed to go back to China, my motherland.'
Recent Persecution Cases against Practitioners in Benxi City
2002-12-14Because she persists in cultivating Dafa, she was illegally sent to the Masanjia Labour Camp, where she endured a lot of brutal torture. However, nothing has changed her righteous belief in Dafa. Later, she escaped. Before the 16th Party Congress, personnel from the police station in the Huolian village arrested Ms. Zhang again and sent her to the Benxi City Detention Centre for further persecution. Without knowing what kind of tortures the police had inflicted on her, they sent Zhang Huishuang home after she was nearly completely incapacitated physically.
Global Appeal for Yoko Kaneko (Luo Rong) and Luo Zhen (Photos)
2002-12-14While initially being detained, Kaneko suffered horrible abuse at the hands of the police, including being shackled to a bed in a basement hospital, catheterised, force-fed through a nose tube, and being beaten and tortured frequently to the point of unconsciousness.
The Cruel and Long-Term Suffering of Tangshan Dafa Practitioners
2002-12-13Zhang was not allowed to sleep on the very first day she was there. They forced her to stand day in and day out for fifty-seven days. But she held fast and wouldn't give in to the pressure...Later, Zhang was again forced to stand day in and day out, without sleep, for over a month close to the end of February 2002.
Practitioners in Daqing City Illegally Sentenced for 7 to 12 Years in Secret Trial
2002-12-13Dafa practitioner Jiang Derong was kidnapped by the police from his home in May 2002. When the police kidnapped him, they made up a story and told his neighbours that he wanted to kill his mother. Then in broad daylight, to spread further propaganda, they called in the fire brigade to break into the house through the window and abducted him and held him at the detention centre in Daqing City. He was illegally sentenced to seven years.
A German Resident Speaks Out - 'Please Help Us to Rescue Our Family and Friends from Brutal Persecution'
2002-12-12Here is the story of my wife who has suffered beatings and torture at the hands of Jiang Zemin's regime because she practises Falun gong. I would like to share this story with people so that they can realise how dreadful this persecution is and how much people are suffering just because they want to be good people.
Please Help to Rescue my Fiancee in China - by a UK Resident
2002-12-11 -
Two Years of Persecution Has Not Shaken My Belief in Dafa
2002-12-11The guard asked me, "Will you dare to do the exercises again?" I replied, "Yes." He brutally slapped my face...He then cuffed me onto a metal frame by the wall, with my arms stretched as far as possible and my feet dangling above ground. He kept asking, "Will you dare to do the exercises again?" My answer "yes" brought another round of face slapping. Then he brought out electric batons and tried to shock me under my clothes. It did not work...Tired and frustrated, he asked me again, "Are you still practising?" I resolutely answered, "Yes." They despondently released me and let me go back to sleep.
Dafa Practitioners Alleged to Have Interrupted TV Programming Stand Firm and Are Tortured in Court
2002-12-10Practitioners were not allowed to defend Falun Dafa in court. As soon as any Falun Dafa practitioner said, "Falun Dafa is good," or pointed out any rumour or slander of Falun Dafa by the government, or gave any example of illegal torture and extortion of Falun Dafa practitioners, he or she would be taken out of the courtroom and tortured.
Japan: Yoko Kaneko Rescue Committee Holds Press Conference at the Foreign Correspondents' Club of Japan
2002-12-10He confirmed that she looked like she had lost about 10 kilograms in weight and appeared to be very weak, but more alarmingly she seemed to have changed mentally and had large bruises around her wrists, indicating she may have been tortured or ill-treated in the camp. The once high-spirited Yoko had an unusually sullen expression.