Brainwashing, Illegal Detention and Imprisonment, Inside the Labour Camps, Individual Accounts, 6-10 Office
My Two Years and Seven Months in Harbin Qianjin Forced Labour Camp
2010-10-23Ms. Gao Guofeng, a Falun Gong practitioner from Shuangcheng City, Heilongjiang Province, was detained in the Harbin Qianjin Forced Labour Camp for two years because she wore a shirt that had three words--Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance--printed on it. While being detained, she was cruelly persecuted. Her life has been in danger twice. She recounts: "I was beaten black and blue all over my face by guards. I was tortured by being hung-up. They handcuffed me and hung me up, both of my arms stretched to the limit. I was not allowed to move or close my eyes. My arms felt sore and the handcuffs dug into my flesh. I fainted several times."
Mr. Fan Qingjun Files Lawsuit Against Jidong Prison Guard He Xiaoqiang
2010-10-23Mr. Fan Qingjun was sentenced to seven years in prison in October 2003. He has been held at the No. 1 Division in Jidong Prison, Tangshan City, Hebei Province. Seven years of continuous persecution has caused his health to deteriorate. Prior to his imprisonment, he was in excellent health. Recently, Mr. Fan has filed a lawsuit against He Xiaoqiang, a prison guard at Jidong Prison. Mr. Fa says: "He Xiaoqiang instigated other inmates to beat, physically penalise, and abuse me on numerous occasions, which purposefully damaged my health."
Mr. Wang Zechen, a Retired Prosecutor with the Beijing Procuratorate, Sentenced to Eight Years in Prison
2010-10-23Mr. Wang Zechen, 69, was a prosecutor at a subdivision of the Beijing Procuratorate. In 2009, he was sentenced to eight years in prison for practising Falun Gong. He is being detained at Qianjin Prison in Beijing. Mr. Wang was very healthy before his arrest. After many months of imprisonment, however, he became weak and his hair turned grey. During his imprisonment, he has been sent to a hospital for about 45 days as a result of ill-treatment in prison. After he was sentenced, his former employer stopped paying him his pension.
Euphemistically Referred to as the "House of Love" by Corrupt Authorities, Nanjing Brainwashing Centre Continues to Cause Much Harm
2010-10-22The "House of Love" (a private brainwashing centre) is still doing its utmost to poison people against Falun Gong. With false compassion, this centre controls a group of so-called volunteers and collaborators, who are being used to brainwash and persecute Falun Gong practitioners. So-called "experts," such as Tang Guofang, the education head of the Jiangsu Province Forced Labour Bureau, and Lu Yangchun from Nanjing Culture Bureau have brainwashed the collaborators, who are former practitioners "transformed" [forcibly renounce Falun Gong] into "consultants" at the "House of Love." Their job is to implement the "brainwashing experience" and force Falun Gong practitioners to renounce practising Falun Gong.
Circumstances Surrounding Ms. Zhang Chengmei's Death Due to Torture in Wangcun No. 2 Forced Labour Camp in Shandong Province
2010-10-22When Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Zhang was taken to Wangcun No. 2 Women's Forced Labour Camp she was healthy and sturdy. When I saw her a little over a month later, she had become emaciated and was unrecognisable. After my release, I asked about Ms. Zhang. Later I learned that she had died in the labour camp hospital on February 6th. When her family saw her body, they noticed that her teeth were missing, and her arm was broken. When she died, she was nothing but skin and bones. The police did not allow her family to take pictures and hastily had her cremated.
Crimes Committed by Li Fenglin, Head of the Yushu City 610 Office in Jilin Province
2010-10-21Li Fenglin, head of the Yushu City 610 Office in Jilin Province, arrested Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Chen Shujie. Police sent her to Xinglongshan brainwashing centre in Changchun. She staged a hunger strike until she was at the brink of death. Her family strongly protested. Li Fenglin told the brainwashing facility officials to release her, fearing responsibility for her death. After Ms. Chen returned home, Li Fenglin told her employer to force her to write a guarantee statement to renounce practising Falun Gong, or she would be forbidden to work.
Laiyang Court in Shandong Province Tries Ms. Wu Jinfeng
2010-10-21Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Wu Jinfeng was tried at the Laiyang Court in Shandong Province on September 19th. Chinese Communist Party (CCP) officials used much manpower and material resources to seal off the court and conduct the trial away from public view. Police arrested Ms. Wu while she was distributing leaflets and DVDs exposing the persecution and telling people the facts about Falun Gong on April 22nd. Ms. Wu was held at the Laiyang City Detention Centre. When lawyers, hired by Ms. Wu's husband, visited Ms. Wu at the detention centre on July 31st, they noticed that she was weak, shivering, and lethargic. She had not eaten for over 10 days. After she stood for a while, she collapsed to the floor. It became obvious that she had been tortured.
610 Office Chief Ma Shaoyu's Misdeeds
2010-10-20The 610 Office--named after the date of its creation on June 10th, 1999--is an extralegal police task force responsible for carrying out the campaign to persecute Falun Gong. Ma Shaoyu was promoted to chairman at the Yanji 610 Office in Jilin Province because he was actively involved in the persecution of Falun Gong in 2005. Ma organises one or two brainwashing sessions every year and. personally plans the arrests of Falun Gong practitioners. Over ten practitioners have died due to torture on his account.
Ms. Shang Yuqin Persecuted in Heizuizi Forced Labour Camp in Changchun
2010-10-20Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Shang Yuqin was arrested three times and twice sentenced to forced labour camps since the persecution of Falun Gong began in China in 1999. She was tortured severely in Heizuizi Forced Labour Camp in Changchun. She recounts: "In the forced labour camp, we were forced to work from 6 a.m until 8 or 9 p.m. We prepared 500 boxes to be shipped by air every day and could not rest without finishing the work. We were forced to stand every two or three days, facing the wall, and were not allowed to look sideways. If we were found turning our heads, we would be beaten."
Falun Gong Practitioner Zhang Jingxiang Arrested and Detained Six Times
2010-10-18On July 20th, 1999 the CCP started to persecute Falun Gong. Because I was and still am a practitioner, I have been repeatedly persecuted by the Police Department since 2000. The police repeatedly harassed, extorted and cheated us of money of tens of thousands of yuan. I suffered enormous mental pressure and my family members were also severely harmed. At the detention centre, I was subjected to forced labour. If I could not finish the work quota, I could not sleep or rest. I was not allowed to practise Falun Gong, and we were watched every moment.
Three Falun Gong Practitioners Taken from Their Homes by Officers from the Linshu 610 Office in Shandong Province
2010-10-17On September 29th, officers from the Linshu County 610 Office [an agency specifically created to persecute Falun Gong] in Shandong Province broke into and ransacked the homes of three Falun Gong practitioners. The three practitioners and their property were taken away. Currently, the three practitioners' whereabouts are unknown. After Liu Yuhong, the former chief of the Linshu 610 Office, stepped down, Liu Xing became the new leader. In order to prepare for the Chinese National Day, the 610 Office stepped up its efforts to harass and arrest Falun Gong practitioners.
Older Practitioner Ms. Liang Yuying from Nanyang Oil Field, Henan Province Unjustly Sentenced
2010-10-17On November 25th, 2009, Ms. Liang Yuying and another Falun Gong practitioner were reported to police while they were talking to a couple about Falun Gong. The police sent them to the Xinye Detention Centre. Since July 20th, 1999, Ms. Liang Yuying has been detained in brainwashing centres, detention centres, forced labour camps, and prisons for a total of 10 times. Her husband, who is 70 years old, has not been able to bear the long-term persecution of his wife, and has been hospitalized after suffering a stroke.
Linyi 610 Office of Shandong Province Arrests Many Falun Gong Practitioners
2010-10-16On September 26th and 27th, Linyi 610 Officers (an organisation of special agents just for persecuting Falun Gong) ransacked the homes of twelve Falun Gong practitioners. Three of them were taken away. Mr. Wang Qingzhong was a professor in the Department of Physics in Linyi Normal College and now is the chairman of Xintianli Mechanical Ltd. in Linyi City. Police took him away from his home. At the same time police locked down the Xintianli Company and restricted the personal freedom of the employees and customers at the company. The police rummaged through all the offices in the two-story building. They did not find anything but took away a hard disk. Currently, Mr. Wang is being detained in the Linyi Detention Centre.
Ms. Wang Min and Ms. Liu Shulan Arrested by 610 Office in Shenbei New District, Shenyang City
2010-10-16For the past 11 years, the 610 Offices (an organisation of special agents just for persecuting Falun Gong) across China have been brutally persecuting Falun Gong practitioners. A recent arrest of two practitioners in Shenyang City once again reveals the evilness of the 610 Office. On September 29th, practitioners Ms. Wang Min and Ms. Liu Shulan were shopping. A group of police officers suddenly showed up and forced them into a police car. The practitioners were then taken to the Domestic Security Division, where they were subjected to an aggressive body search and were detained separately. The police locked the practitioners in metal cages.
Despite Torture, Ms. Yang Jun from Ganxu Province Remains Firm in Her Belief
2010-10-15Over the past eleven years of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) persecution of Falun Gong, practitioner Ms. Yang Jun has been detained in forced labour camps, where she suffered cruel torture and humiliation, both mental and physical. She recounts her experience in the labour camp: "Guards ordered drug offenders to torture me. Three of them held me to the ground and cruelly beat me. They pulled my hair, slapped my face, punched me in repeatedly in the face, and kicked me in the ribs and legs." Ms. Yang has now been forced to leave home and move from place to place to avoid arrest.