Brainwashing, Illegal Detention and Imprisonment, Inside the Labour Camps, Individual Accounts, 6-10 Office
Jiang Botao Secretly Transferred to Lianjiangkou Prison after Family Appeals
2010-10-30Falun Gong practitioner Jiang Botao from Qitaihe City in Heilongjiang Province has been jailed in Qitaihe Prison for more than three months. His family members are not allowed to visit him. A family member of Jiang Botao went to Qitaihe Prison to visit him on October 8th. He was told that Falun Gong practitioners are not allowed any visitors. He then found the warden of the prison who told him that special permission was needed to visit a Falun Gong practitioner. The family member said to the warden, "By law, they are allowed a visitor once a month. Why does the organization which executes the law not follow the laws of the Chinese constitution?" They could not answer. Recently we heard that Jiang Botao was secretly transferred to Lianjiangkou Prison in Jiamusi City.
Yangpu 610 Office Agents in Shanghai Beat Elderly Woman
2010-10-30On June 25th, 2010, police officer Zhou Guangrong deceived 64-year-old Ms. Xu Xuecun into opening the door of her home. The police then went into her bedroom and twelve more people from the local 610 Office [an agency specifically created to persecute Falun Gong] arrived. A large policeman grabbed the small elderly woman, lifted her up and threw her to the ground. When Ms. Xu hit the ground, the policeman used his hands to push and roll her body. Immediately, Ms. Xu's legs and arms started swelling. The right side of her face was swollen and her eyes were black from bruising. One of her teeth also fell out. She sustained severe internal injuries. Currently, Ms. Xu's whereabouts are unknown.
Falun Gong Practitioner Ms. Wang Wenjuan from Jinzhou City Persecuted for Ten Years
2010-10-28Ms. Wang Wenjuan started to practise Falun Gong in 1999. After the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) started to persecute Falun Gong, she went to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong three times and was arrested each time. She was brutally tortured and brainwashed while being detained in the mental hospital. She was also sentenced to forced labour. She recounts: "I was "painfully tortured in the mental hospital. If I refused to eat, Doctor Lin and Li Qiang used the electric needle to shock me. I was tortured in the mental hospital for over two months."
Falun Gong Practitioner Ms. Lin Qiongfang Recounts Ten Years of Suffering Persecution
2010-10-28I have been detained several times and imprisoned twice because of my belief. Another practitioner and I went out to put up Falun Gong information exposing the persecution in public in February 2003. We were picked up by several officers and taken to the local police office. When we got there, an officer took one damp towel and put it through the gap of my handcuff. He twisted the towel around several turns, twisting my arms along with it. He then threw me to the ground and the handcuff cut into my skin. The police kept interrogating me for seven days and took me to a local prison. I was sentenced to six years in prison several days later.
The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) Gives Large Cash Rewards to Local Officers to Arrest Practitioners in Jianyang City, Sichuan Province
2010-10-28Between July and September 2010, 14 Falun Gong practitioners from Jianyang City, Sichuan Province were sent to Erehu Brainwashing Class of Ziyang City where they were mistreated and pressured to renounce their belief in Falun Gong. At the beginning of September 2010, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) members of Jianyang City gave the order to their assistant organisations to begin an intensive persecution on all Falun Gong practitioners in the region. The cash reward for sending each Falun Gong practitioner to Erehu Brainwashing Class is 48,000 yuan from the Chinese Communist Party in Beijing. In order to obtain the cash rewards, the CCP members of Jianyang City began a ruthless campaign of arresting all Falun Gong practitioners.
Ms. Liu Hefang Confined and Persecuted in Hefei Mental Hospital
2010-10-27Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Liu Hefang was recently arrested by police and is now being detained in Hefei Mental Hospital. She recounts her previous experience of persecution in 2007: "I was on my way to visit a friend and strangers arrested me. They took me to a brainwashing centre. There they played DVDs discrediting Falun Gong every day and tried to force me to write statements to renounce my faith in Falun Gong. I refused. I was sent to a forced labour camp for a year. Guards forced me to do slave labour in the prison workshop more than ten hours each day. I went on a hunger strike. Criminal inmates tied my hands and feet and force-fed me. They pried out one of my incisor teeth."
Mr. Zhang Qin, 54, Sentenced Again
2010-10-27Mr. Zhang Qin was a key engineer at Shengde Plastic Ltd. in Shanghai. He was head of the Quality Control Section and a general engineer. Since the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) started to persecute Falun Gong on July 20th, 1999, Mr. Zhang has been arrested many times. He was detained in Tilanqiao Prison for four years. On June 5th, 2009, police seized Zhang Qin. It was the sixth time he had been arrested. According to a reliable source, Mr. Zhang is being held in Tilanqiao Prison.
My Mother Is Upholding Justice and Conscience
2010-10-26I suddenly received a phone call from my family, telling me that on July 19th, my mum was arrested by police for practising Falun Gong. My mother is now being held in Jiamusi Detention Centre, and my relatives and I have decided to hire a lawyer to defend her. I went to Changqing Police Station to talk with the director and the person in charge, but they screamed at me, saying, "Your mother violated the law because she distributed Falun Gong flyers." Jiang Zemin's [former leader of China and instigator of the persecution] Communist regime began persecuting Falun Gong practitioners on July 20th, 1999. My mother went to Beijing twice to appeal for Falun Gong, hoping that the government would hear the voices of the people and stop the persecution.
Mr. Shi Geng Persecuted at Zhangshi Brainwashing Centre in Shenyang City
2010-10-26Five police officers broke into Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Shi Geng's home on September 26th. They ransacked his home and confiscated Falun Gong books, and other personal property. Later, the same day, six police officers broke into Mr. Shi's home again and arrested him. He was sent to the Zhangshi Brainwashing Centre in Shenyang City, where he was brutally persecuted. Mr. Shi was previously arrested in May 2007, and subsequently framed in court and sentenced to a three-year prison term. He was brutally persecuted while in detention.
The Personal Account of the Abuse and Torture Ms. Lu Quilin From Heilongjiang Province Was Subjected To
2010-10-25Since 1999 when the communist regime started to persecute Falun Gong, I have been continually subjected to mistreatment many times. When I was detained in Hongxinglong Detention Centre police officers came to the detention centre to interrogate me. I refused to co-operate with them and tore up the interrogation form. Both of them grabbed me and beat me frenziedly. They grabbed me by my hair and slammed my head against the wall. They viciously kicked me with their leather shoes and slapped my face with their hands.
Accounts of Harrowing Persecution at Sanshui Forced Labour Camp, Guangdong Province
2010-10-25Since the persecution of Falun Gong began on July 20th, 1999, incomplete statistics have so far revealed that more than 1,000 practitioners have been persecuted in the Sanshui Forced Labour Camp. When Guard Lan Yuanhang saw Mr. Pan Zhihao practising the Falun Gong exercises from a video monitor on April 6th, 2010, he ordered inmates to drag Mr. Pan downstairs to the duty office and beat him. Su Jiashi burned his ears with a cigarette lighter. Due to the severe persecution, Mr. Pan became mentally unstable. Practitioners Mr. Chen Lixiong and Mr. Mai Mufa went on a hunger strike to protest the persecution when guards tried to force them to write guarantee statements to renounce practising Falun Gong. Guards then force-fed both of them.
Jiangsu Province Women's Forced Labour Camp Virulently Persecutes Falun Gong Practitioners
2010-10-24Falun Gong practitioners have suffered persecution at the Jiangsu Province Women's Forced Labour Camp's Third Division for a long time. They have been physically abused by having to stand for long periods of time, not being allowed to rest, being beaten, or being subjected to other abuse. They were also limited in the amount of drinking water they could consume or forbidden to drink water at all. Ms. Xie Lihua was sentenced to one and a half years of forced labour. The inmates who monitored Ms. Xie grossly abused her. Sometimes several of them would lift her up and throw her to the floor. They would beat and scold her constantly. Ms. Xie's term was extended for refusing to give up her belief.
Husband Sentenced to 10 Years of Imprisonment, Wife Arrested
2010-10-24Ms. Liao Yongge and Mr. Chen Yuhong, husband and wife, began to practise Falun Gong in 1998. Chinese Communist Party (CCP) officials had sentenced Mr. Chen to 10 years of imprisonment in 2000 and to date he has not been released. Agents from the 610 Office [an agency specifically created to persecute Falun Gong] arrested Ms. Liao when she was shopping for groceries on the morning of May 26th, 2010. The agents also ransacked her home. Ms. Liao was first held in a brainwashing centre, and within one month was transferred to the Xilin Detention Centre in Changzhou City and has been imprisoned there since.
Teacher Ms. Liu Xia Persecuted in Masanjia Forced Labour Camp
2010-10-24Ms. Liu Xia is a good teacher, and her students and their parents like her very much. She has been persecuted for 11 years for practising Falun Gong. Now she is being held in Masanjia Women's Forced Labour Camp in Liaoning Province. When the division heads realized that their wrongdoing had been regularly exposed on the Minghui/Clearwisdom Falun Gong websites, they were infuriated. On August 3rd, they ordered Ms. Liu to come to their office. They punched and kicked her; hit her with their shoes; pinched her face, temples, and ears; and pulled her hair. They beat her so savagely that she was unconscious for five days. Her face was black and blue, and afterward her vision was impaired and her reactions were slow. They also extended her term by 50 days without going through any legal procedures.
Falun Gong Practitioner Zhang Sifeng Taken to Brainwashing Centre Again
2010-10-24Since the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) started persecuting Falun Gong on July 20th, 1999, Mr. Zhang Sifeng has been arrested by the 610 Office [an agency specifically created to persecute Falun Gong] and National Security Team of Hanyang District, Wuhan City multiple times. He has been detained in forced labour camps twice for one-year terms. He was also detained in Hubei Province Brainwashing Centre many times. On September 6th, 2010, Mr. Zhang Sifeng was again arrested by police. He was detained in Hubei Province Brainwashing Centre. His wife gave him 3,000 yuan for the medical treatment of his mother-in-law, but the money was taken by the police and government officials.