Brainwashing, Illegal Detention and Imprisonment, Inside the Labour Camps, Individual Accounts, 6-10 Office
Dadong District Police Department in Shenyang City, Liaoning Province Conspires with the Procuratorate and the Court to Frame Practitioner Mr. Dong Xinran
2010-11-17On February 27th, 2010, police arrested practitioner Mr. Dong Xinran while he was working at a petrol station and took him to Dongling District Detention Centre. On March 18th, the Procuratorate issued an arrest warrant for Mr. Dong Xinran after the fact. On August 13th, the Dadong District Court conducted a hearing. The prosecutor claimed that Mr. Dong Xinran talked to Liu Shucheng about Falun Gong when he refuelled his car at the petrol station on February 25th, 2010. Mr. Dong's defence lawyer provided the shift records for February 25th from the petrol station, which showed that Mr. Dong was not on duty that day. However, Judge Jin Chengrui simply ignored the evidence.
Mr. Li Hongyu from the Bijie Area in Guizhou Province Held in a Brainwashing Facility
2010-11-15Dafang police arrested Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Li Hongyu on the evening of October 27th, 2010, and immediately took him to the Lannigou Brainwashing Centre in Guiyang City. Mr. Li's elder brother, Mr. Li Donghong has also been arrested and persecuted numerous times for having remained steadfast in his belief, and is currently being held in Guizhou Prison. Mr. Li Hongyu has been seeking help everywhere possible trying to rescue his older brother, and now he himself has been arrested, leaving his disabled wife and child uncared for at home.
Four Falun Gong Practitioners Brought to Trial in Kunming City Court
2010-11-15On November 3rd, 2010, the Kunming Middle Court in Kunming City, Yunnan Province, was scheduled to try four Falun Gong practitioners. On April 12th, these four practitioners were arrested and detained by police. Previously in 2000, one of the four practitioners who is in her 70s, Ms. Wang Shulan, was arrested when she was on a train on her way to Beijing to appeal to the government against the persecution of Falun Gong and put into detention. She was sent to a forced labour camp for three years.
Ms. Liu Zezhi and Ms. Li Fang'e from Guangshan County, Henan Province Sentenced To Prison
2010-11-14Falun Gong practitioners Ms. Liu Zezhi and Ms. Li Fang'e from Guangshan County, Henan Province were arrested around May 1st, 2010, as they distributed Falun Gong information. The county 610 Office [an agency specifically created to persecute Falun Gong] agents made the arrest, and manipulated the county court officials to sentence the two practitioners.
Ms. Lin Jiuliang from Xinjin County Sichuan Province Arrested
2010-11-14On October 25th, police suddenly broke into the home of Ms. Lin Jiuliang. Ms. Lin asked: "What are you doing? You are not allowed to enter my home without my permission. It is against the law." One of the policemen pulled out a piece of paper, calling it a "search warrant." Ms. Lin read the paper. The words "search warrant" were on it, but there was no explanation or reason for the search, no signature and no official seal. Ms. Lin shouted: "This is against the law!" A policeman entered all the rooms in Ms. Lin's house and rummaged through everything. They pried open drawers and trunks, damaged furniture, and threw clothing on the floor. A week later they came back and arrested her.
Officials from Heizuizi Forced Labour Camp, Changchun City, Jinlin Province, Persecute Falun Gong Practitioners with Drugs
2010-11-12Since 1999, the Chinese Communist Party has used drugs as one of the most insidious means to persecute Falun Gong practitioners. The practitioners have been given a great number of forced drug injections that damage the central nervous system, causing them to become disoriented or even to even lose their speech within a few hours. A practitioner witnessed this type of persecution: " A guard took practitioner Ms. Zhao Jinling away. Two hours later when Ms. Zhao was brought back, her eyes looked very dull and teary. She couldn't talk, she drooled uncontrollably, and her limbs were numb. She lost her awareness and didn't realize that she should wear clothes. After she went to the toilet, she didn't know that she should pull her trousers up."
Chenzui Village Police Officers in Tianjin Arrest and Extort Money from Practitioners
2010-11-12Villager Li Guosheng falsely accused a male practitioner from the same village of burning an antithetical couplet [two lines of poetry traditionally placed on the doors of people's homes] on March 15th, 2007. The practitioner, who had just begun practising Falun Gong, learned of Li's accusation and asked another practitioner, Ms. Huang Xixiu, to go with him to explain the facts about Falun Gong to Li. When they arrived at Li's home, only his daughter-in-law was there. The two practitioners told her of their visit and explained, "Falun Gong practitioners cultivate Truthfulness-Benevolence-Forbearance and would definitely do no such thing." Li Guosheng's daughter-in-law became irrational and called Li. Li returned home and told the practitioners, "I reported you to the authorities." Police arrested Ms. Huang the next day, ransacked her home, and extorted money from Ms. Huang.
Ms. Gao Xunhong Recounts the Persecution She Suffered
2010-11-11On December 7th, 2005, a dozen police officers suddenly burst in to my grain store and arrested me. I was taken to Shuangcheng Detention Centre. When I went on a hunger strike to protest my persecution, the guards dragged me into a car and took me to Shuangcheng Hospital. They inserted a rubber tube into my nose to force-feed me. When they finished with the force-feeding, I threw up everything onto the bed. The guards then shouted and ordered that the force-feeding continue. They did not remove the tube after force-feeding me this time. When I returned to the detention centre, they force-fed me every hour, while my hands were cuffed to the railings. On my 13th day in the detention centre, I had severe stomach pains and felt terrible for a day and night. I was diagnosed with a perforated appendix.
Please Help Stop the Persecution of My Mother, Xia Aihua
2010-11-10On October 15th, five people who claimed to be from the community office and local police station banged and kicked at the door and window of our home. They yelled that they would break in if we refused to open the door. After we opened the door, they demanded that my mother come with them. They left a phone number and a contact name before arresting her. Later my father was told that my mother was taken to a brainwashing centre to be "transformed" [forcibly renounce Falun Gong]. The name and phone number they had left behind were non-existent.
Mr. Wu Hongjun Sentenced to Three Years--Authorities Ignore Appeal
2010-11-10Mr. Wu was riding a motorcycle on March 28th, when police stopped him using the excuse of checking his licence plate. The police searched his bag and confiscated Falun Gong materials, including over 100 yuan in notes that had Falun Gong content written on them, DVDs exposing the persecution of Falun Gong and pamphlets, and other personal belongings. They arrested him and took him to the Third Detention Centre of Duli Township in Ranghulu District. The Ranghulu District Court sentenced him to three years in prison on June 8th. His appeal was ignored by the authorities and he is still being detained.
11 Falun Gong Practitioners Arrested in Jinzhou City, Liaoning Province
2010-11-09On the evening of October 26th, Jinzhou City police arrested eleven Falun Gong practitioners. Qi Xiaohong was not even allowed to put shoes on and Tang Jiwen's home was ransacked. The police followed the practitioners home, broke in once they were inside, and took away personal belongings while arresting them. Currently, the practitioners are jailed in Jinzhou City Detention Centre.
Falun Gong Practitioner Song Jiaxing Sentenced to Five Years in Mi County Prison
2010-11-09In mid September, 2010, Falun Gong practitioner Song Jiaxing was secretly sentenced by the court to five years in Mi County Prison, Henan Province. He had already been detained for nine months in Qi County Detention Centre. In mid June 2010, his case was heard at Qi County Court, but his family was not informed. During the trial, Song Jiaxing defended Falun Gong, stating that practising Falun Gong did not break any laws. However, the trial was only for show and the outcome had already been decided.
On the Orders of the Dandong City "610 Office," Local Police Arrest 23 Falun Gong Practitioners in One Month
2010-11-08The 610 Offices (an organisation of special agents just for persecuting Falun Gong) have been blatantly disregarding the law, and arresting Falun Gong practitioners--23 in the month of September. On August 31st, Donggang Traffic Police assisted four officers by use of a fire engine ladder to break into the home of Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Zhang Wei through the window. They accused her of "escaping from prison." Back in April 2002, the Donggang City Police Department had arrested Ms. Zhang and she was later sentenced to seven years imprisonment. While detained at a Women's Prison in Shenyang, Ms. Zhang was brutally tortured. She was released on medical parole after she was tortured to the brink of death, and had been living at home since 2003.
Du Yanrong, 58, Persecuted at Gansu Women's Forced Labour Camp
2010-11-08Falun Gong practitioner Du Yanrong, 58, has been detained for almost six months. She was tortured and as a result became mentally disturbed at Gansu Women's Forced Labour Camp. Ms Du's family eventually were allowed to see her in mid-October 2010, after going through many hurdles. She was severely emaciated and her hair had turned grey. She kept shaking, was not able to stand still, and appeared traumatised. During the twenty-minute visit, she just murmured and babbled. Police arrested Ms. Du when she was telling people the facts about the persecution of Falun Gong in a park on May 28th. She was then held at Tiaoshuping Detention Centre for 15 days before being sent to Gansu Women's Forced Labour Camp.
Former Deputy Head of Finance Suffers Nine Years of Imprisonment
2010-11-06Ms. Wu Jingjun began to practise Falun Gong at the beginning of 1999. From March to October 2000, she went to Beijing many times to appeal for Falun Gong and, as a result, suffered brutal torture. In January 2001, she was reported to the police for distributing leaflets exposing the persecution of Falun Gong in Fengxin City. She was first held at Fengxin Detention Centre, then moved to Nanchang No. 3 Detention Centre, and finally sentenced to three years of forced labour in June 2001. She was released in June 2004. On September 10th, 2010, she was explaining the facts about Falun Gong on a bus when she was arrested by officer Li of Chaonong Police Station. The police took her to Nanchang No. 3 Detention Centre. Liu, the director of the police station, physically abused Ms. Wu on the way to to the detention centre.