Individual Accounts

  • Germany Calls for Concern over a Young Couple Harassed by the Chinese National Security Bureau

    The young couple, Jiang and Guo, lived overseas for several years and they fully enjoyed the freedom and the goodness of cultivating Falun Gong. However, as soon as they returned to China, they lost all of their basic human rights. Like tens of millions of Falun Gong practitioners and their family members, the couple’s friends and relatives are intimidated and suppressed by the Chinese communist regime. We would like to call on the international society and the extensive kind-hearted people around the world to be concerned about this couple’s situation and put an end to this persecution once and for all so as to help all Falun Gong practitioners regain their freedom.
  • Police Cruelly Beat a Woman With a Thick Iron Bar

    "In the afternoon of January 30, 2002, police forcibly took me from my work place to the local public security bureau without any excuse or legal procedures. They dragged me to the fourth floor and cuffed both my hands to an iron chair. They then stripped off my clothes, leaving me in only my underwear. They shocked my breasts with electric batons. The electric shocks were too painful to imagine. This policeman threw away the baton, grabbed a one-inch thick iron bar, and beat my legs and hips to the point that my legs were covered with bruises and stains. They tortured me for about two hours."
  • A Practitioner in Jilin Province Speaks About the Brutal Persecution

    "I was dismissed from my position as a public official and unlawfully arrested and threatened many times, because I wanted to become a good person. I fainted four times from police beatings, was charged with phony crimes, secretly sentenced to over eight years in prison, and had 20,000 yuan illegally seized from me. I was devastated by the brutal treatment while in prison and developed cirrhosis of the liver. They sent me home when I became critically ill. The persecution has robbed me of everything. They left me with a mortal body full of illnesses related to cirrhosis, and I am at the end of my rope."
  • Former Cancer Patient Ms. Hong Lixian Arrested Five Times and Subjected to Relentless Persecution

    Ms. Hong Lixian was a terminal cancer patient. After practising Falun Gong, she regained her health. Even the medical experts who performed her surgery admitted that Falun Gong has an amazing healing effect. However, exactly because of her perseverance in cultivation, she was arrested five times. As a result, her physical condition declined, and she was sent to the hospital wearing foot shackles. Despite the seriousness of her illness, she had to be carried by her husband to the court to receive a sentence of three years in prison. The judge said that the ruling was not from his own will but rather orders from above, because he could do nothing.
  • Ms. Lou Yan Suffered Persecution Nine Times Before Passing Away

    Ms. Lou Yan, a determined Falun Gong practitioner from the Tiexi District, Anshan City, Liaoning Province, was detained ten times. She was sent to a mental hospital and forcibly injected with drugs. She was tortured to disability and to the brink of death many times. Later, the perpetrators sent the disabled Ms. Lou to the Liaoning Province Women's Prison (former Dabei Prison) at Shenyang City for a five-year term. Ms. Lou was tortured to the brink of death in the prison. To avoid responsibility in case she died in prison, the prison allowed her to serve the rest of her term outside of prison...
  • My Husband and Son Died One After Another Because of the Persecution

    "On July 20, 1999, Jiang Zemin's Communist regime banned Falun Gong. I wept deep within my heart because such a wonderful practice was suppressed without any reason. The police often came to our home to harass us. They never let up. My husband could not withstand such continual harassment, and he passed away. My paraplegic son also passed away. Now only my grandson and I remain."
  • My Daughter's Name Means "Joyful," But She Is Very Sad

    My little daughter, Kaixin, was separated from her mother when she was only three months old. She lost her mother at the age of one and a half. This caused her young mind to be deeply troubled. She cried to her father, "I miss Mum! Others have their mums, but I don't."
  • Mr. Shi Zuosheng Tortured to the Brink of Death and His Wife Sentenced to Six Years in Prison

    "My name is Ms Zhang Shufen. I was unjustly sentenced to 6 years in Harbin Women's Prison in 2002. Here I have experienced suffering and persecution. The prison police are extremely violent. They frequently hang us up by our wrists and place us in solitary confinement for hours and hours on end. Recently, news surfaced that my husband, Shi Zuosheng, is now terribly thin because of the persecution. He cannot work and his life is in great danger. His family members strongly request that he be released."
  • Practitioner Huang Yonghui Tells of His Ordeal in Hunan Province Jail

    "I was sent to jail in December 2001. In mid-March 2003, I was hospitalized in the jail due to the tortures I had received there. My body was swollen, painful and numb. I could not move my left hand, and both of my legs could not be straightened. My condition has not improved as of today. Since my release from jail, I am unable to walk smoothly. I am classified as having third degree limb disability by the City Disability Association. I am unable to find a job and get only 100 yuan each month, on which it is difficult to survive."
  • Wanjia Forced Labour Camp--A Den of Evil

    "I am a Falun Dafa practitioner from Heilongjiang Province. After being brought to court four times, I was sent to Wanjia Forced Labour Camp in January 2002. Wanjia Forced Labour Camp is a hell on earth. More than half of the practitioners detained there suffer brutal torture, such as force-feeding, being hung up, and shocks with an electric baton. Since July 2002, the guards at Wanjia have abused practitioners daily with beatings and torture."
  • Others Are Reunited with Their Families to Celebrate the New Year, But My Family Is Broken Up

    "I am Zhang Jingyan, a practitioner from Heilongjiang Province. The New Year holiday is a good time for the whole family to be together, but because of the persecution, I am forced to live a homeless life even though I have a home, just because I practise Falun Gong and follow "Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance" in order to be a good person. For the past five years I have been imprisoned and sentenced to jail, my family's property was confiscated, and now I live the life of an itinerant."
  • Wanjia Forced Labour Camp: The Cruel Torture of Women Practitioners Continues

    "Like thousands of Falun Dafa practitioners, I have endured the last five years of hardship in tremendous adversity, having been abducted several times, illegally detained, and forced to pay extortion totalling more than 6000 yuan. The most severe of these arrests was in April 2002, when I was abducted on the way to my relative's home. The local police department sent me to the "transformation" centre in Wanjia Women's Forced Labour Camp in July 2002. Being in the transformation centre of Wanjia Forced Labour Camp is like going to hell."
  • I Was Brutally Force Fed at Changsha City Detention Centre

    "The day after I was detained I went on a hunger strike. On the fourth day of my hunger strike, a policeman ordered inmates to force-feed me. They pushed me onto the floor, stood on my feet, and twisted my hands so that I would be in too much pain to resist. One person pushed my head, while another pinched my nose to suffocate me. Another inmate used a brush (used to clean toilets) to pry open my mouth and then used a bottle to force food into my mouth."
  • My Experience of Long-Term Imprisonment in a Chinese Mental Hospital

    "Having practised Falun Gong for nine years, I was in good health, yet I was thrown into a mental hospital for 3 year and suffered brutal persecution. It cost me, as well as my workplace tens of thousands of Yuan in medical expenses on top of the time lost and pain and suffering. This has worsened my family's already poor financial situation and put us in serious debt."
  • The Torture and Persecution That I Sustained Inside Wangcun Forced Labour Camp

    "Recently, "CCTV" [China Central TV]broadcast a series of fabricated lies and rumours alleging that Falun Gong practitioners are not tortured when they are arrested and detained by the authorities. This is completely untrue and so I hereby document and submit my personal experience of the torture and degradation I experienced when I would not go against my own conscience by giving up the practice of "Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance;" the practice of Falun Gong."