Individual Accounts

  • Atrocities at the Heilongjiang Province Drug Rehabilitation Forced Labour Camp: The Skin on My Inner Thighs Was Peeled Away

    "In 2002, I was sent to the Heilongjiang Provincial Drug Rehabilitation Forced Labour Camp. Guards gave me a pen and a piece of paper, and ordered me to write a "Repentance Statement" and a letter that attacks Falun Dafa. I firmly refused .They started torturing me in an effort to destroy my will. The guards ordered inmates to beat me. They yanked off my cotton-padded trousers, and pinched and pulled at my inner thighs until the skin was gone. Blood and fluid seeped from my thighs. Then they started pinching my thighs until small pieces of flesh came off."
  • My Experience in Anshan City Forced Labour Camp

    "After I was abducted and illegally detained at the Anshan Forced Labour Camp, many other Falun Dafa practitioners and I were continuously persecuted both physically and mentally. Prison guard Zhang Zhenyang once said to us, "All the torture methods we use on you have been approved by the Party and the government." The director of the prison, Xu Baoyu, challenged us, "Which one of you wants human rights?" Falun Dafa practitioner Li Peisheng stood up and said, "I want human rights." The prison guards later beat Li for 20 minutes."
  • A Letter Delivered from the Masanjia Forced Labour Camp After Passing Through Many Hands

    "I am currently detained in Masanjia Forced Labour Camp, without any legal procedures. In here I've suffered unspeakable humiliation, abuse, and torture because I've maintained my firm belief in Falun Dafa. The mental pressure and tortures to which practitioners are subjected is beyond what anyone can imagine. The nightmares I've experienced during my detention are imprinted in my mind and continually haunt me."
  • The Yantai Daily Fabricated a Report Attacking Falun Gong

    "On August 11, 1999, the Yantai Daily, a newspaper in Yantai City, Shandong Province, published a report about me. The article was entitled, "Falun Gong is Merciless while the Party Committee is Merciful." There were many parts of the article that were inconsistent with the facts. First, the journalist who wrote the article had never interviewed me. I wonder how he came up with such a report about me."
  • Practitioner Mr Pan Gang from Jilin Province Describes the Persecution He Suffered

    "After July 20, 1999 my workplace followed the orders of the "610 Office" and detained me. That was the beginning of a long period of persecution, with the authorities, following the orders of Jiang Zemin with regard to Falun Gong practitioners, attempting to "defame my reputation, ruin me financially and destroy me physically". If it hadn't been for my strong faith in Truthfulness - Compassion - Tolerance, I would never have survived."
  • Practitioner Ms Ren Hongxia Force-Fed With Horseradish Concentrate for Ten Hours

    "My name is Ms Ren Hongxia, a practitioner from Jilin Province. On October 26, 2004, at around 9 a.m., I was doing my laundry at home when a dozen policemen broke into my house from the second floor window, without a warrant and abducted me to a police station. They tied my legs to the legs of a chair, and my waist to the back of the chair with towels. My hands were tied behind the chair on top of each other. A policeman restrained my head using a towel, and another one stuffed my mouth with a towel. The third one poured the horseradish from a water bottle into my nose. At that time, I felt like I was dying. I can't fully explain the choking, overwhelming sensation that went into my lungs. This went on for 10 hours."
  • How Tangyuan County Police Department in Heilongjiang Province Tortured Practitioners (Reenactment Photos)

    "At 2:00 a.m. on January 31, 2002, Tangyuan County policeman Xu Qing tried to strangle me with a scarf and also hit me about the eyes and temples. I collapsed to the ground when he let me go. My eyes were in such pain that I could hardly breathe."
  • Tortures I Suffered in Beijing

    On January 9, 2001, I travelled to Beijing to appeal for Falun Dafa in Tiananmen Square. I was arrested. The same night, at 10 pm, I was interrogated and was brutally tortured. The police officer attempted to gag my mouth with a rag for polishing shoes, but failed. The chain came loose and I fell to the ground. He then viciously kicked me.
  • Ms. Yang Baozhen of Qian'an Township in Jilin Province Died from Persecution

    Ms. Yang Baozhen, 55 years old, was a retired employee of Dabusu Department Store, Qian'an Township, Jilin Province. She was sentenced to a forced labour camp for one year. During her labour camp detention, she showed heart disease symptoms and was released on bail for treatment. Yang was under close surveillance and was harassed after her release. She was forced to leave home and went from place to place to escape further persecution. As a result, Yang suffered greatly physically and mentally and passed away on November the 8th 2004.
  • Senior Official Mr. Feng Min Died from Persecution

    Mr. Feng, who was 75 years old, was an official at the bureau level in Tianjin. Previously he had undergone heart bypass surgery before practising Falun Gong and at that time was in poor health. In 1994, his health greatly improved as he began practising Falun Gong. Shortly afterwards, he eliminated all of his illnesses and saved his organisation hundreds of thousands of yuan worth of medical expenses. He died from police harassment and threats for practising Falun Gong. The exact date of his death is not available.
  • Ms. Huang Bing from Dalian City Dies as a result of Persecution

    Ms. Huang Bing, 26, was a Falun Gong practitioner from Xudatun Village, Xingtai Town, Pulandian, Dalian City, Liaoning Province. She used to suffer from leukemia, but after she took up the practice of Falun Gong, she completely recovered. She was thrown into Pulandian Detention Center. During her more than one month detention, Ms. Huang was severely tortured. As a result, her nose kept bleeding non-stop. The detention center didn't want to take any responsibility, so they released her. Under the tremendous pressure, Ms. Huang passed away around 9:00 on the night of February the 4th 2004
  • Two Falun Gong Practitioners from Yunnan and Hebei Provinces Persecuted to Death in 1999 and 2002

    After Jiang's regime started to persecute Falun Gong on July the 20th 1999, Mr. Chen Jianzhong's workplace and the "6-10 Office" forced him to go through brainwashing many times. On November the 4th 1999, frightened by the intimidation during brainwashing, Chen Jianzhong fell from his chair to the ground. He spit out foam from his mouth and half of his body was paralysed. He was sent to the factory-affiliated hospital for emergency rescue. However, despite the rescue efforts, he died the same night, at the age of 65.
  • A Young Woman in Gansu Province Describes the Persecution She Suffered and Demands an Investigation

    Ms. Zhang Ping is a 35-year-old professional from the former Gansu Provincial Trust Investment Company, Stock Exchange Department. She is suffering from persecution merely because she persists in adhering to the principles of "Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance" and clarifying the truth of Falun Gong to the government. Ms. Zhang says of her experience in detention, "Only because I shouted, "Falun Dafa is good," police brutally bashed my forehead. My mouth and nose bled profusely and my ears buzzed loudly. Policeman Wei Dong even tied my mouth and my neck with a piece of cloth that was one meter wide for four to five hours, which nearly suffocated me to death."
  • The Persecution by Jiang Zemin's Regime Has Taken My Elderly Uncle's Life

    "Uncle Wang was from my hometown. He was suffering from bone marrow cancer. Doctors considered him terminally ill and sent him home to die. One day a neighbour, a Falun Dafa practitioner, told him miraculous stories of Falun Gong and brought him a book. That day was a turning point in his life. He accepted the principles of Falun Dafa and thus his health and character improved dramatically. When the persecution of Falun Dafa started, my Uncle Wang gave up practising out of fear. His old bad habits and ill health returned, he went to hospital and never came out. My Uncle Wang left us in sadness and sorrow. It was Jiang Zemin who took away his life."
  • I Was Tortured in Changchun City's Heizuizi Labour Camp (Photos)

    "In September 2002, I was detained in Heizuizi Forced Labour Camp. The superintendent of the labour camp-owned clinic, Wang Jing and others confined me to a room and force-fed me. They cuffed both of my hands together while Wang Jing stepped on my legs and then pried my mouth open as far as it could go with the "mouth opener," almost knocking out my teeth. Wang Jing said, "If you don't eat, we will knock out all your teeth!" "