Individual Accounts

  • How Mr Wang Yanqing, a Middle School Teacher in Liaoning Province, Persisted in His Belief Under Savage Persecution

    "My name is Wang Yanqing and I am 37 years old this year. From January 2001 until January 2003 I was unjustly detained in forced labour camps and detention centres, experiencing relentless unimaginable mental and physical tortures, because I practised Falun Dafa and told others about the truth of the practice. My wife, also a practitioner, is presently imprisoned in Shenyang City's Dabei Prison. I have not seen my child for nearly four years. He is living with his aunt. We have been forced to be a scattered family."
  • Zhang Shousheng: Tortured for Wanting to Be a Good Person and Speaking the Truth

    "At the end of October 1999, I went to Beijing to appeal on behalf of Falun Dafa. When I attempted to practise the Falun Gong exercises outside of the People's Great Hall, I was arrested and sent to the Qianmen Police Station. Because I refused to tell them my name, more than ten police officers tortured me using the "backing up an airplane" torture. It lasted from 8:00 a.m. until 9:00 p.m."
  • Elderly Women Hung up Outside Overnight in Subzero Beijing Weather

    "I'm an elderly woman who practises Falun Dafa. Like other practitioners, I once went to Tiananmen Square. As soon as I unfolded a banner, the policemen came over to grab me. They knocked me to the ground and dragged me to a police car. I was sent to a detention centre. Police dragged all the practitioners outside. The temperature in Beijing was -20 degrees Celsius yet they ordered us to remove all our clothes, bend over and submit to the "flying an airplane" torture while we stood on the icy ground with our bare feet."
  • How I Was Tortured by the Police in Heilongjiang Province (Re-enactment Photo)

    "From October 3 to October 18, 2000, the head of the Police Department in Yichun City, ordered police and others to brutally torture me several times. One of the tortures involved having hot water poured on my head for four hours until they ran out of hot water. They then beat me with a wooden stick. One time they incessantly beat me for more than six hours. They also whipped me on the back with belts and stabbed me on the neck and back with cactus thorns."
  • Elderly Ms. Liu Yingfu is Persecuted to Disability for Refusing to Become a Secret Agent

    My name is Ms. Liu Yingfu and I am 58 years old. I live in Chongqing City. Because Jiang's faction persecutes Falun Dafa, the local police officers forced me to write a statement guaranteeing that I would not practise Falun Gong and I would turn in my Dafa books. Afterwards, they tried to get me to become a secret agent. Because I refused their demands, they took me to a brainwashing centre. Their persecution of my mother-in-law caused her death. The police officers asked my relatives to monitor me and the harassment never ceased. As a result, I eventually became disabled and unable to take care of myself.
  • Practitioners Qiao Zhongjin and Zhao Hongli are Persecuted to the Brink of Death in the Wujiawa Detention Centre in Chaoyang City

    Practitioners Qiao Zhongjin and Zhao Hongli from Jianping County, Liaoning Province, went on hunger strikes to protest the persecution and are now at death's door. Qiao Zhongjin originally weighed over 180 Jin (202 pounds), but is now only about 80 Jin (88 pounds). He may die at any time. Qiao Zhongjin's wife, practitioner Fu Minling, was sent to the Masanjia Forced Labour Camp for further persecution.
  • Hong Kong Practitioner: Shanghai Police Abducted My Mother For Telling People the Truth about the Persecution

    I am a practitioner from Hong Kong. My mother Zhu Wenxian is also a Falun Gong practitioner. On November 9, 2004, my mother was talking to people about the true situation of Falun Gong in a market in Shanghai when the Shanghai police abducted her. This is not the first time the police have abducted her. She is still being detained.
  • The Barbaric Torture I Endured at the Dalian Forced Labour Camp

    "On November 22, 1999, my older sister and I went to Beijing to appeal for the right to practise Falun Gong. From then on I was detained in detention centres and a labour camp several times. I experienced the most inhumane and debased torture and persecution that you could ever imagine, including beatings with electric batons, forced-feedings, holding extremely uncomfortable positions for long periods etc. Yet I was able to survive due to my faith in Falun Dafa."
  • An Appeal to Conscience on Universal Children's Day

    In China, a great number of children have encountered discrimination and threats because their parents practise Falun Gong. Many have lost their parents and other relatives, as well as the opportunity to continue their studies. Some of them have been illegally imprisoned and beaten, some have been forced to become homeless, and some have even been tortured to death.
  • An Account of the Torture I Experienced at the Heizuizi Labour Camp and in a Mental Hospital

    "In December of 2000, the police arrested me when I went to Beijing to clarify the truth about Falun Gong. Later on, I was sent to Heizuizi Labour Camp. When I refused to recite the rules of the labor camp, one policeman shocked me all over my body with a high voltage electric baton for about 45 minutes. My entire body smelled of burned flesh and the pain was so excruciating that I could hardly bear it! I was sent to a mental hospital where I was injected with unknown drugs into my body. I felt all kinds of pain and experienced horrible visual hallucinations."
  • Testimony of a Practitioner in Germany: I Suffered for 2 Years in a Beijing Female Forced Labour Camp

    On January the 5th 2002, Xiong Wei was arrested whilst distributing leaflets exposing the persecution against Falun Gong. She was then sentenced to two years in a Beijing female forced labour camp till January the 4th 2004. After two years of suffering in a labour camp and nine months of living at home under surveillance, Xiong Wei arrived at Frankfurt airport on September the 28th 2004. The following is a personal account of her two years of suffering.
  • After Repeatedly Suffering Unjust Persecution for Remaining Steadfast in Her Belief, Ms. Zheng Xueqiong from Dazu County Died in March 2004

    Ms. Zheng Xueqiong, 65, was a resident of the Zhonghe Street Neighbourhood Community, Longshui Town, Dazu County, Chongqing City. She started practising Falun Gong in the spring of 1997. Falun Gong healed her partial paralysis and she no longer needed to take medicine. Ms. Zheng was sincere, kind, tolerant and generous. A lot of people perceived the greatness of Falun Dafa in her.
  • A Practitioner's Child Says "I Need My Mum!"

    Since July 20, 1999--when the persecution of Falun Gong started--until today, I have been living in horror, worry and fear. Because my mother practises Falun Gong, the local government officials forced my parents to divorce. Since then, my mother and I have had a difficult and worrisome life. It was even worse during the time when mother was not at home. Seeing children in other families play with their mums or go shopping together, or hearing other children calling their mums, I could not hold back my tears and just let them run down my face.
  • Wang Tongchun, a Falun Dafa Practitioner from Jilin Province, Was Arrested and Persecuted Because He Exposed Torture

    The Police and Security Section said, "Mr. Wang Tongchun was followed and then arrested on the way to Beijing because customs agents found pictures of a simulated torture exhibition made to represent conditions he supposedly suffered in a forced labour camp and which were then mailed to individuals outside of China."
  • The Indecent Behaviour of Policeman Ma Zengyou From the Qianmen Police Station in Beijing (Illustrations)

    “Early in December 2000 I went to Tiananmen Square and shouted my heartfelt wishes to end the persecution. I was badly beaten up and then taken to the Tiananmen Square Police Station. That year I was 23 years old. The head of the police station, Ma Zengyou, humiliated me and indecently assaulted me.”