Individual Accounts

  • Practitioner Living in Sweden: The Persecution Separated Our Family

    Since July 20th, 1999, Falun Gong practitioners, including my mother Li Hua and my step-father Huang Shengjie, have been subject to various forms of persecution by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). In February 2006, the police took my mother and my step-father away from their home. The police charged my mother in court and requested a two and a half year prison sentence. But the court didn't accept the case, as my mum's conduct was not serious enough to receive a sentence. Nonetheless my mum is still incarcerated at the Qinghe Forced Labour Camp in Beijing. At the same time, my step-father is also unlawfully detained at an unknown place.
  • Ten Types of Torture I Experienced During Imprisonment at Masanjia Labour Camp

    In 28 months, the perpetrators used over ten different methods to torture me including "Back lock" where one arm crosses the front of the body, while the other crosses behind the back, and the hands are locked together behind the back. The neck is tied to the feet with rope, making it impossible to raise the head. One's body cannot sustain such a position, and after over forty minutes, I was sweating all over, and my heart could not bear it any longer. I was only unlocked after they realised that I would die if the torture continued.
  • Ms. Dai Ying, Living in Europe, Recounts the Cruel Torture She Suffered in China

    On March 5th, 2000, I went to Beijing to appeal against the persecution. Police detained me in Futian District Detention Centre. In order to resist and protest the persecution, I went on a hunger strike and the police force-fed me. They put a very rigid tube into my nose until I bled. When the tube did not reach my stomach, they forced my teeth open with a screwdriver. Then they put a bamboo barrel with a very sharp end into my mouth with a lot of force. My mouth hurt immediately. After that, they force-fed me with food or condensed salt water. I felt like choking. After they finished the forced-feeding, I felt as if I had died.
  • Mr. Lu Tong Recounts the Torture He Suffered at Fangqiang Forced Labour Camp in Jiangsu Province

    Practitioners who refused to renounce Falun Gong were forced to stand in the corner facing the wall from 6:00 a.m. to 1:00 a.m. or 4:00 a.m. the next morning. Sometimes practitioners were forced to stand all night. Inmates took turns to monitor us around the clock. In this vicious environment, physically abused and injured practitioners were forced to clean the floor on their knees [because they no longer could stand after standing for long hours.] Fifty-eight-year-old Zhao Jinquan's ankles were so swollen that they became as thick as his calves. Some practitioners had been forced to stand daily for five months or a year. I was forced to stand still daily for over three months.
  • 610 Office Tries to Coerce a Practitioner to Be Their Spy: the Story of Mr. Huang Yuxuan in Baise City, Guangxi Autonomous Region

    On September 13th, 2006, police arrested me and interrogated me. I was only allowed to sleep one hour every day. After several days, I was traumatised and exhausted. I could see no hope of getting out. I wanted the persecution to end, so I made up a false oral confession. After that I just fabricated things as I thought of them and gave the police several other false oral confessions. I wrote that after I was released I would mobilise other Falun Gong partitioners to hand in Falun Gong materials and would secretly investigate those who made Falun Gong materials. Now I solemnly declare that the two guarantee statements I wrote in September 2006 are null and void.
  • Wanjia Forced Labour Camp Guards Persecute Falun Dafa Practitioners

    In the forced labour camp two male guards attempted to force me to write the "three statements" to renounce Falun Dafa. Yao Fuchang went crazy and shocked my temples with a newly equipped, high-energised electric baton. I was shocked so severely that I fell down twice. He shouted crazily, "I am an evil spirit! I came to torture you!" He made me squat for one day and one night. As I still refused to write the statements, he handcuffed me behind my back with the smallest handcuffs and hung me from the bedpost. My arms were raised high, and my lower body had to squat. It was extremely painful.
  • The Persecution Tore Apart My Family

    In Guizhou's Zhongba forced labour camp, Falun Gong practitioners are forced to perform slave labour for long periods of time. Food rations are poor quality and scanty. Imprisoned practitioners work from 8:00 a.m until 3:00 a.m. the next morning. Sometimes, practitioners have to work all night, and the same routine continues the next day. All this time, prison guards and inmates constantly beat practitioners. The extended work hours and prolonged sleep deprivation damaged my brain. Now, whenever I think hard, I feel dizzy and get a headache.
  • The Persecution I Witnessed at the Wanjia Forced Labour Camp

    Ms. Song Wenjuan called out, "Falun Dafa is great! Falun Dafa is a righteous way!" Guard Wang Na immediately dragged her off to be tortured. I later learned that the guards had tortured her with electric shocks to the point of unconsciousness. Ms. Sun Yanfang refused to renounce Falun Dafa. Guard Liu Baibing summoned her and brutally tortured her until she could not move her wrists. In spite of this, they still forced her to work. Because of the repeated torture, she has rows of scars behind her knees to this day.
  • I Was Arrested and Taken to Gaoyang Forced Labour Camp to Be Persecuted for My Spiritual Belief

    "Most of the people imprisoned in Gaoyang Forced Labour Camp were Falun Gong practitioners. There are also some non-practitioner detainees there, but not many. The atmosphere is especially intense. As soon as a person enters the camp, he/she feels it is ghastly and fearful, causing one to gasp for breath. I lived on the first floor. Five people live in each room. The window was nailed shut and the room was not ventilated. The smell was very strong from the toilets. We often heard guards beating and abusing people on the second floor. There were also the pitiful cries as the practitioners were beaten."
  • The Persecution of Ms. Lei Xiuhua in Inner Mongolia

    Practitioner Ms. Lei Xiuhua is from Inner Mongolia. During the past several years, she was detained multiple times, and her family was fined a great deal of money. As a result, her son was forced to quit school. Her daughter was admitted to a university, but couldn't go since they couldn't afford the tuition. Ms. Lie was sent to forced labour camps twice and detained for a total of two years. She suffered various tortures. She was whipped with power cords and pinched on the upper portion of her thighs.
  • My Experiences in Three Forced Labour Camps

    On October 23, 2000, I went to Beijing to appeal to higher authorities on behalf of Falun Dafa with three other practitioners. At 10:00 p.m., we were arrested in a hotel. Our cash was also confiscated. When one practitioner walked toward the doors to leave the lobby, police officers caught him, pushing him to the ground and beating him. The practitioner's nose was bleeding, and his clothes were torn. We were detained and the other practitioners protested the detention. Officer Feng poured boiling water on them, and they were scalded badly. Later on we were detained in Zhangshi Forced Labour Camp. We worked as slaves until 10:00 p.m. or later.
  • The Persecution of Practitioner Ms. Gao Deyu, in Her 60's, from Sichuan Province

    In February 2004 National Security Division guards raided my home and sent me to a detention centre. I held a hunger strike the following day to protest the persecution. Guards told a doctor to force-feed me. I refused to cooperate with them and they didn’t succeed the first time. During the second attempt, agent Liu called the city 610 Office and said, "We can’t force-feed Gao Deyu. She may be dying!" Zhang at the 610 Office said, "Go ahead and force-feed her! I’ll back you up if she dies from it." I lost consciousness from the pain. I faintly recall them feeding me with something, and it smelled like drugs. After the feeding, they pulled out the tube, and the 2.2 ft. tube was dripping with blood.
  • The Persecution I Suffered at the Nanning City No. 1 Detention Centre in Guangxi Autonomous Region

    On October 27th, 2004, several police officers from the National Security Team arrested me off the street. They had previously broken into my home and searched it when no one was at home. This time they "showcased" searching my home. One police officer carried a video recorder; one had a conventional camera and a third one had a digital camera. They sent me to Nanning City No. 1 Detention Centre. Inmates have to do daily slave labour until late at night. We were forced to make shoe insteps. If we could not finish the quota, we would have to work overnight. Many times we could only sleep one to two hours. The police agents often arrived with batons in hand to check the product quality. Some police officers poured water and salt on our injuries after they had beaten us.
  • Middle School Teacher Died Under Persecution After Spreading "Nine Commentaries"

    Ms. Huang Boazhen, 61, suffered from hyperthyroidism, high blood pressure, and other illnesses before she started practising Falun Dafa. After she began the practice in 1996, all of her diseases went away. Ms. Huang continued cultivating in Falun Dafa even after the vile CCP began to wildly persecute Falun Gong on July 20th 1999. At the beginning of 2005, Ms. Huang gave copies of the Nine Commentaries to students, and was reported by security guards. She had to leave home to avoid being arrested. Due to the long-term pressure of the persecution, her former diseases returned, and Ms. Huang died on February 1st 2005.
  • My Persecution Experiences in Prison

    I am a Falun Dafa practitioner living in Fushun City. In July 1999, all the newspapers started defaming Falun Dafa and Teacher Li [Li Hongzhi, the founder of Falun Dafa]. In October when I went to Beijing to appeal for Falun Dafa, I was arrested and sent to the Dashagou Detention Centre in Qingyuan. In the evening, the warden instructed two inmates to tie the cords of a power generator around my wrists, and then started the machine to torture me with high-voltage electricity. Next they tied the cords around my ankles and shocked me. My whole body became contorted and I fell onto the floor, but the inmates pulled me up and continued the torture.