Individual Accounts

  • The Persecution Suffered by Yin Shuyun from Longkou City, Shandong Province

    My name is Yin Shuyun and I am a 49-year-old Falun Dafa practitioner. On February 8th, 2000, I travelled to Tiananmen Square, Beijing with five other practitioners to peacefully appeal against the persecution. I was forcefully arrested. A policeman grabbed my hair roughly and beat me up. I was forced to run in the snow barefoot and stand in cold water for an hour. I was also forced to press large cubes of ice against my face, before being hung up with handcuffs and brutally beaten. While the police beat me up, they shouted that it was time to slaughter the pig. I was severely frozen and my face was also beaten to the extent of distortion and my entire body was bruised and injured.
  • I Was Tortured With Poisonous Drugs by the Shayang Forced Labour Camp in Hubei Province

    Around May and June 2001, when I was first detained in the Shayang Forced Labour Camp, the guards forcibly gave Falun Dafa practitioners injections, using the excuse of "protection from typhoid fever." The guards arranged for some hired thugs to wait in a police vehicle. If anyone did not yield, they took him in the vehicle to another location and separately carried out more brutal persecution. I was forced to have an injection. However, the prisoners who monitored us did not receive injections at all, which showed that the guards tortured Falun Gong practitioners with drugs.
  • The Persecution I Experienced in Yang'ai Forced Labour Camp

    In August, 2001, I was detained for what turned out to be four years at Yang'ai Forced Labour Camp in China, for distributing leaflets exposing the persecution. In the beginning, I worked more than twelve hours every day wearing a prison uniform. I was then transferred to the Eighth Branch in 2005. For every practitioner there were two inmates assigned to monitor them closely. The group of three stayed in a single room with the windows tightly shut. Practitioners were watched around the clock. We were not allowed to leave the room, even for meals.
  • Details of the Brutal Torture I Received at Zhongba Forced Labour Camp in Guizhou

    I was detained at Zhongba Forced Labour Camp in Guizhou from January 9th, 2003, to July 14th, 2005. During that time, I was brutally tortured by the camp guards. Their methods of torturing are extremely brutal. The following are examples: They kicked my face with the bottoms of their shoes; they hit me until I fell to the ground and then stepped on me. After I got up, they hit and kicked me until I fell again; they twisted my hands backward. Two persons, one at each side, blocked my feet with theirs. Then, they suddenly pressed on my back and pushed me to the ground. My head hit the ground and bled; they used cigarette butts to burn my palms, creating blisters.
  • The Persecution I Experienced and Witnessed at Masanjia Forced Labour Camp

    The team leader bound my legs with a rope. Zhang Chunguang tried to hold me still by planting her feet on my legs and forcibly gave me an injection. Like a beast, she beat prisoners at will. In mid-winter, she stripped me of my insulated coat and hung it on a line, and for two days in a row forced me to stand in the cold outside the room. She humiliated me by taking pictures of me holding a black carton. One time my required fitness exercise movements were not quite up to par, so I was dragged into an open area and savagely beaten by police officers.
  • The Humiliation and Suffering I Endured During My Detention in Beijing's Tuanhe Forced Labour Camp

    I started practising Falun Dafa in 1996, and benefited physically and mentally from the practice. I held the position of manager at a well-known foreign company in Beijing prior to the regime's ban of Falun Dafa. I worked hard and my achievements were outstanding. My superiors had great trust in me. Later, during the persecution against Dafa practitioners, my company forced me to resign due to pressure from the Communist regime. The police arrested me five times because I appealed for Dafa, did the Falun Gong exercises in public and exposed the persecution. My most traumatic incidents took place after the last arrest. My experiences are a demonstration of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) fanatic wickedness and evilness.
  • A Falun Dafa Practitioner from Jiamusi City Recounts the Persecution She Suffered

    When I was in the forced labour camp, because I refused to renounce Dafa, I was handcuffed behind my back twice. Police used high voltage electric batons to shock me and at the same time beat and kicked me. They also pulled my hair. The brutal handcuffing behind my back torture severely injured my arms. It took over a year for my right arm to heal. My left arm was even more injured. In the evenings it hurt so much that I could not fall asleep or turn. I could only rely on the practitioner next to me to help me to turn over during the night.
  • The Persecution I Experienced During the Last Few Years at the Hands of the Jiamusi Police

    On December 13th, 2002, police and officials, searched my house and confiscated even the money given to the children as a New Year gift! They took me to Youyi Road Police Station. I was sent to the detention centre that night. I was held in the detention centre for twenty days and was sentenced to a year and a half in a labour camp. I suffered inhuman abuse and torture in the labour camp. I refused to cooperate with the persecutors, refused to do the "homework," "weekly reports," and to shout propaganda. I was forced to sit from morning until 10:00 p.m., and received all types of corporal punishments. I was released on May 6th, 2004.
  • Husband Persecuted to Death, Wife Detained in a Forced Labour Camp

    On October 31str, 2001 when I was distributing leaflets exposing the persecution, policeman Wang Xiaodong saw me and arrested me. Officials from the County Public Security Bureau sentenced me to one year in a forced labour camp and sent me to the Heizhuizi Labour Camp in Changchun. The wardens there appeared decent on the surface but behind the scenes they did evil things with utmost cruelty and with no mercy at all. Practitioners were forced to work for sixteen or seventeen hours a day. If they couldn't finish the job or refused to cooperate, the wardens shocked them with electric batons. My husband was brutally persecuted in the Jiutai Labour Camp and his former liver disease relapsed. He passed away on November 28th, 2004.
  • I was Tortured by Methods of the Tiger Bench, Electrocution, "Dragged by Five Horses" and Hanging

    I am a 64-year-old resident of Heilongjiang Province. I practise Falun Dafa and live according to the principles of "Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance," so I have been arrested, detained and tortured on numerous occasions ever since the Jiang Zemin regime began the brutal persecution of Falun Gong on July 20th, 1999. These torture methods include being "dragged by five horses" in five different directions, electrocution, "tiger bench" and being hung by the handcuffed wrists for long periods of time
  • I Suffered Four Years of Persecution in Tiebei Prison in Changchun City

    After fellow practitioners and I were sentenced in 2001, I suffered all sorts of physical and mental persecution in Tiebei Prison, such as being locked up in a small cell that was like a steam box, being hung up in the air by hand cuffs, and continuously forced to undergo brainwashing. I was cuffed and hung up naked outdoors for the whole night, while it was snowing. The next morning, several policemen (the temporary guards always served as hatchet men) practised boxing and kicking me in turn. A police officer surnamed Wang who claimed to be an instructor and another unknown police officer beat me black and blue with a club and then brought one big and one small electric baton to shock the sensitive parts on my body, until the power ran out.
  • The Gross Physical Abuse and Mental Torment I Suffered in Jilin Prison Between 2002 and 2005

    I am a practitioner who was sentenced to five years in February 2002 because I spoke to people about the facts of Falun Dafa. Seven criminal inmates monitored me at night. I heard loud screams from the Strictly Monitored Team next door. The screams were horrifying. The criminals told me, "Somebody is on the Stretching Bed now. They stretch his legs and arms. That person will either die or be disabled if they keep stretching him for a long time. Jilin Prison is extremely brutal."
  • The Torture I Suffered in Baishan City Detention Centre

    They tortured me on the "death bed" for five days. My body was seriously weakened and I was hard to recognise. I carried very heavy shackles. When they started to force-feed me, the criminals all came together. They consider torture and killing entertainment. The prison police really enjoyed the criminals force-feeding me. The criminals knocked me down and held me down firmly. Then six or seven criminals used their thumbs to firmly press my ribs, they pinched my crotch, stepped on my hands, twisted my belly and forcefully squeezed my head. The criminals pried open my mouth in turn, inserted the plastic bottle into my mouth and corked my mouth with a toilet cleaning rag. Then another criminal would take a turn to force-feed me. I nearly suffocated several times.
  • The Chinese Communist Party Has Broken up My Family and Caused the Deaths of My Husband and My Son

    At noon on March 1st, 2000, a group of people, one after the other, came to our home three times. They intimidated, threatened, and mentally tortured us. My husband died the next day. On July 8th, 2005, Party personnel broke into my house. They ransacked all Dafa related materials and all valuables in my home. They cursed and beat me, a nearly 60-year-old woman. They injured my legs and pulled out several clumps of hair from my head. They detained me for 42 days. My not-yet-10-year-old grandson was left with nobody to look after him.
  • Remembering a Few Incidents from an Early Appeal in Beijing

    Along with several other practitioners, I was sent to Miyun County Detention Centre. At first, we were all marked with numbers on our bodies because no one would tell the police his or her name and address. They took our pictures and then we were taken away, one by one, to what seemed like an old office building. While passing by a hallway, I saw a door that was half open and inside the room a policeman was sitting on a chair. A lady in her 30s was sitting on the floor with her hands handcuffed behind her back. Right by her side, a five-year-old girl was sitting on her knees on the floor, and both of her little hands were handcuffed behind her back. The police even persecuted such a young child!