Individual Accounts
Firsthand Account: Ms. Zhou Ling Tortured in Hunan Women's Prison
2012-02-21Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Zhou Ling was arrested by police in May 2008. She was sentenced to three years in Hunan Women's Prison, where she was subjected to violent brainwashing sessions, beatings and torture. She was forced to stand for 49 straight days. She recounts: "They tried to force us to write out the prison rules, regulations, and songs praising the Communist Party. I refused to cooperate, so they surrounded me and began kicking and punching me. I was forced to stand for long periods of time and was deprived of sleep for the first 12 days. For the next 37 days, I was forced to stand 24 hours a day."
Gaining Freedom After Being Rescued by Canada: Mr. Lin Mingli Shares His Experience of Persecution in China
2012-02-18 -
My Personal Experience of Being Persecuted for 11 Years
2012-01-31The communist regime has persecuted me for 11 years, and harmed my family tremendously. After hearing that I was sentenced to nine years, my elderly father could not sleep for two weeks and was constantly afraid of the police. After my release from prison, I met my 20-year-old son at a railway station. We could not recognise each other.
Chengdu Woman Arrested for Praising Falun Gong
2012-01-20On October 31st, two plainclothes police arrested Falun Gong practitioner Li Xiuying in her shop and took her to the police station. They arrested her for telling her relatives the truth about Falun Gong. Currently, Ms. Li is being detained at the Mianyang detention centre. Her daughter said: "In March 2008, my mother suffered a heart attack. She was having difficulty breathing and came close to losing her life. She suddenly remembered that a friend had told her to say “Falun Gong is good! Truth-Compassion-Forbearance is good!” After saying this, she slowly regained her breath. Afterward, she often exclaimed, “When I was near death, Falun Gong saved my life!”"
The Life and Death Experiences of a Persecuted Primary Inspector
2012-01-14Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Fu Rufang, 59 years old, was the principal inspector at the Tongnan County Disease Control Centre; she is now retired. Before she began cultivating Falun Gong, she suffered from serious illnesses. In June 1996, after she began practising Falun Gong, all her diseases were gone. However, when the Chinese Communist Party launched the persecution of Falun Gong, Tongnan County diseases control centre officials coordinated with the police to persecute Ms. Fu. Throughout the more than ten years she has been persecuted, she has been imprisoned and tortured many times.
Police Detain Innocent People, Let Real Criminals Go Free
2011-12-22When Ms. Han Xinlin was attacked by a thug in June 2010, the police officer arrested Ms. Han and took her to the Qinghuangdao Second Detention Centre! The officer let the criminal go free instead of protecting the victim. After 13 days of detention, Ms. Han was transferred to Kaiping Forced Labour Camp in Tangshan. She suffered brutal persecution in the camp.
Firsthand Account of the Inhumane Conditions at Hebei Province Women's Forced Labour Camp
2011-12-15Once a practitioner enters the forced labour camp, that night she is not allowed to sleep and the collaborators attempt to “transform” [forcibly renounce Falun Gong] her all night long. Guards take turns yelling at her, and if she does not give up, she will be forced to stand for the entire night and not allowed to sleep, wash, or use the toilet, even on summer days when it is 30 or 40 degrees Celsius. If she still does not give up, she will be handcuffed and they will try to hold her hand to force a finger print on a pre-written "statement." It is said that they are rewarded several tens of thousands of yuan for each “transformed” practitioner. The torture does not end with this forced “transformation.”
Mr. Wang Baohong's Personal Account of Torture at Handan Forced Labour Camp in Hebei Province
2011-12-02Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Wang Baohong was sentenced to forced labour in 2007 and was subjected to brutal torture and brainwashing at the Handan Forced Labour Camp. Here is Mr. Wang's personal account of the torture he experienced, "The guards gave criminal inmates the authority to watch over practitioners. and they could beat, verbally abuse, or punish the practitioners at random. The method they used in attempting to force practitioners to renounce Falun Gong was to talk to practitioners in turn and pretend to show concern for them in order to collect information about them. They even “studied” Falun Gong literature with the practitioners. If a practitioner didn't agree with their distorted “understanding” of the Falun Gong teachings, they began to punish and torture them."
Ms. Zhang Shuying's Eyewitness Account of the Severe Persecution She Was Subjected to at the Harbin Women's Drug Rehabilitation and Forced Labour Camp
2011-11-24As a result of the persecution of Falun Gong I was arrested eight times and put into a forced labor camp four times. I was shocked so severely with electric needles at the Dongcheng Detention Centre in Beijing that I became dysfunctional, lost my memory, and could not speak or take care of myself. At the Heitong Detention Centre I went on a hunger strike to protest the persecution. On the third day of my hunger strike I was force-fed. Several people held me down and inserted a thick rubber tube into my nose, leading to my stomach, and affixed it with adhesive tape that was never removed. I felt as if I was going to suffocate. I was force-fed four times per day with cornmeal gruel.
Chinese Communist Party (CCP) Repeatedly Persecutes Elderly Fujian Woman for Practising Falun Gong
2011-11-17Ms. Chen Saiyu, 75, started practising Falun Gong in 1998, and her five illnesses subsequently disappeared. She has since 1999 been repeatedly persecuted by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). In 2001, she was arrested and taken to a brainwashing centre for one hundred days. In 2002 and 2003, she was twice forced to leave her home to avoid the persecution. In 2005, she was sentenced to three years and tortured at the Fujian Women's Prison. Before she was released from the prison in 2008, she was taken to a remote village in Qingliu, Fujian Province and brainwashed there. On June 26th, 2011, she was again taken away.
Heilongjiang Women's Prison Had Inmates Torture Practitioner Ms. Yu Qiuyan
2011-11-14Practitioner Ms. Yu Qiuyan of Harbin is 60 years old. She was taken to the Heilongjiang Women's Prison in September 2009. To coerce her to abandon her Falun Gong practice, guards had inmates torture her. She suffered beatings, kicks, bamboo needles driven under her fingernails, standing punishment, torture tools, sleep deprivation, denial of toilet use, force-feedings, forced drug administration, and more.
I Was Whipped with Chains in Shenyang Women's Prison
2011-11-12In August 2007, I went out to distribute Falun Gong leaflets exposing the persecution with another practitioner. We were arrested. The Taihe District Court sentenced me to four years in prison and took me to Shenyang Women Prison. Guards tried to force me to give up my faith in Falun Gong, but I refused. I was forced to sit on small stool only was three inches wide and one inch high. They allowed me neither toilet use nor sleep. When I became so tired that my eyes closed, guards would whip me with an iron chain. It wasn't long before I couldn't open my eyes anymore because they were so swollen. A guard poured ice-cold water over my head, then continued to whip me. Soon I could no longer stand up, my mind was a blur and my entire body felt paralysed.
Guangzhou Resident Ms. Luo Liping Detained at Forced Labour Camp for Over a Year After Purchasing Hong Kong Shen Yun Show Ticket
2011-11-11Guangzhou Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Luo Liping was arrested by police and the street administration office in January 2010. She was sentenced to eighteen months of forced labour. When her term was up, she was persecuted for an additional 45 days. She recounts: "When I phoned to order tickets to the Shen Yun show (a world-class traditional Chinese cultural show) in Hong Kong in January 2010, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) persecutors were monitoring my phone. Later, when I went to apply for the visa to Hong Kong, regime agents confiscated my identification card. Several days later, police officers pushed their way in and ransacked my home. They took my personal belongings, including Falun Gong books, materials, cash, and a computer. They arrested me. I was sent to Chatou Women's Forced Labour Camp. I was forced to do heavy labour."
Chinese Spies in Finland Threaten the Acquaintances of Falun Gong Practitioners
2011-11-07My name is Jin Zhaoyu, and I live in northern Finland. In 2008, my mother Chen Zhenping was sentenced to eight years in prison for practising Falun Gong. She was sentenced by Jinshui District Court in Zhengzhou, Henan Province and she is currently incarcerated at Xinxiang Women's Prison in Henan. I have been appealing for my mother’s release and as a result, the Chinese government has been harassing me relentlessly. Chinese spies recently contacted one of my friends here in Finland. She was absolutely terrified. I want to let everyone know about this, hoping that people will extend a helping hand.
Ms. Wan Xiaohui's Account of Her Persecution at Masanjia Forced Labour Camp
2011-11-03I was taken to the eastern sector of the labour camp every day in mid-May, 2010. They tried to brainwash me by filling my mind with propaganda and telling me lies about Falun Gong. I was thrown into a cell and forced to listen to audio recordings defaming Falun Gong on an mp3 player. In late October 2010, the guards at Masanjia Forced Labour Camp began a new round of persecution. One morning in November, I was taken to the eastern sector, where they continued to bombard me with lies and propaganda. They used all sorts of ways to try to brainwash me. I was beaten, shouted at, forced to sit on a cold floor, and to kneel down for long periods of time. They also poured boiling water onto my neck.