Individual Accounts
Practitioner Yang Lixia Persecuted for Eight Years--Her Husband Tortured to Death
2010-11-21Ms. Yang Lixia is a practitioner in A'cheng City, Heilongjiang Province. Because she practises Falun Gong, she has been repeatedly arrested, beaten, and sentenced to forced labour camps by Chinese Communist Party (CCP) officers. Since September 1999, she has been imprisoned for approximately eight years and has suffered numerous rounds of torture. Her husband Zhang Bingxiang was tortured to death due to his belief in Falun Gong.
Police from Kaijiang County, Sichuan Province, Brutally Torture Ms. Wan Zhengping
2010-11-21I was arrested on the morning of August 23rd, 2010, because I told people in Lingyan Township, Kaijian County, why Falun Gong practitioners were being persecuted. Police took me to Yongxing Police Station, where I was brutally tortured by director Hu Hao from the National Security Division and Chen Wei, deputy chief of the police station. Hu Hao yelled at and hit me when I refused to answer his questions. He grabbed my hair with his left hand and hit me in the face with his right. Afterwards, he kept punching me in the chest while swearing. He later tied me to an iron chair and held up an electric baton to try to scare me. Everyone there left then, because they didn't want to watch him assault me, an elderly woman, further.
Human Resources Section Head Mr. Piao Guifeng Recounts the Torture Inflicted on Him
2010-11-21In 2004, police came to my workplace and deceived me into going to their police station. Two people on each shift took turns interrogating me all night about the source of my Falun Gong informational materials. They tied me up on a specially made bench. They next pressed a metal club against my abdomen and secured it to my chair. At the same time they twisted my arms backward through the horizontal bars on the chair's back and tied my hands to the chair. To make me suffer even more, they inserted several wooden planks through the space between my arms and the chair back, until no more would fit.
The Persecution of Falun Gong Practitioner Wei Liping in Hailin, Heilongjiang Province
2010-11-20During the past ten years of persecution against Falun Gong practitioners by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) Wei Liping has been repeatedly arrested and detained. She was sentenced to five years in Harbin Prison. During this time, she was repeatedly beaten and tortured, and was in critical condition several times. She went on a hunger strike to plead her innocence and request her release. She was force-fed with gruel mixed with a large amount of salt by guards, which caused her to cough profusely. She coughed up blood for several months afterwards.
Persecution Experience of Ms. Zhao Hongli from Tonghua, Jilin Province
2010-11-19On the evening of July 24th, 2009, I was arrested along with several other fellow practitioners by police while we were delivering information about Falun Gong. About six plainclothes officers arrived in two police cars, and did not provide any identification. Four of us were taken to the police station, and then interrogated separately. During my interrogation, the policemen cursed at me, humiliated me, kicked my legs, and cursed Falun Gong. After that, we were handcuffed to each other and not permitted to lie down or close our eyes. They made loud sounds to startle us when any of us closed our eyes. We were tormented this way for the entire night. On the second day, we were transferred to the Ji'an Detention Centre.
An Open Letter to Expose the Persecution of My Parents by Law Enforcement Authorities
2010-11-18My parents are Falun Gong practitioners. On September 29th, 2009, dozens of police officers broke into our house. They arrested my parents and confiscated personal computers, a TV, and other items. My father was detained at the Shuangyang Third Detention Centre in Changchun, and my mother was detained at the Tiebei Police Hospital. My older sister and I have been making every effort to appeal for my parents' release. Each time we went to the police department or court to appeal, officials turned us away without justification. When we went to the hospital to visit our mother, we were first denied entry and then asked to pay bribes.
Kindergarten Teacher in Her Sixties Tortured at the Fujian Women's Prison
2010-11-17Ms. Zuo Xiuyun has been arrested and sentenced to prison twice, in 2000 and 2004, since the Chinese Communist Party banned Falun Gong eleven years ago, simply because she believed in Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance. She was held at the Fujian Provincial Women's Prison for nine years, where she was brutally tortured. She recounts her experience of persecution: "Several officers cuffed my hands and hung me from the iron window bars. I had to stand on my toes, otherwise it would be extremely painful because the handcuffs were cutting into my flesh. The pain was excruciating. I still have the scars on my wrists."
Account of Persecution Suffered by Falun Gong Practitioner Ms. Zhao Gaorong from Wuhan City
2010-11-17I was jailed in the Baibuting Detention Centre in May 2005. I started a hunger strike to protest the persecution, and five guards force-fed me. They also injected me with unknown drugs, which caused serious pain all over my body. Later, officer Qin Jin from the Huaqiao Police Station took me to the Dongxihu Detention Centre. The centre's doctor injected a high-concentration salt water solution into me, making my stomach feel like it was on fire; they didn't allow me to drink water.
Officials from Heizuizi Forced Labour Camp, Changchun City, Jinlin Province, Persecute Falun Gong Practitioners with Drugs
2010-11-12Since 1999, the Chinese Communist Party has used drugs as one of the most insidious means to persecute Falun Gong practitioners. The practitioners have been given a great number of forced drug injections that damage the central nervous system, causing them to become disoriented or even to even lose their speech within a few hours. A practitioner witnessed this type of persecution: " A guard took practitioner Ms. Zhao Jinling away. Two hours later when Ms. Zhao was brought back, her eyes looked very dull and teary. She couldn't talk, she drooled uncontrollably, and her limbs were numb. She lost her awareness and didn't realize that she should wear clothes. After she went to the toilet, she didn't know that she should pull her trousers up."
Ms. Gao Xunhong Recounts the Persecution She Suffered
2010-11-11On December 7th, 2005, a dozen police officers suddenly burst in to my grain store and arrested me. I was taken to Shuangcheng Detention Centre. When I went on a hunger strike to protest my persecution, the guards dragged me into a car and took me to Shuangcheng Hospital. They inserted a rubber tube into my nose to force-feed me. When they finished with the force-feeding, I threw up everything onto the bed. The guards then shouted and ordered that the force-feeding continue. They did not remove the tube after force-feeding me this time. When I returned to the detention centre, they force-fed me every hour, while my hands were cuffed to the railings. On my 13th day in the detention centre, I had severe stomach pains and felt terrible for a day and night. I was diagnosed with a perforated appendix.
Ms. Wang Yingxia Recounts Her Mistreatment in Harbin Women's Prison
2010-11-05While I was talking to people about the persecution of Falun Gong in Tongjiang City in December 2007, I was arrested by the local police and moved between different detention centres before being sentenced to three years in Harbin Women's Prison in June 2008. When my elder sister went to the Tongjiang Police Department to request my release in December 2007, the police found out that she was also a practitioner and later arrested her. She was held in a detention centre and then was transferred to a labour camp for a year and three months.
First-Hand Persecution Account from Liu Fengbao of Yushu City, Jilin Province
2010-11-04Because I practise Falun Gong, I have been arrested five times. I was detained twice in the Chaoyanggou Forced Labour Camp, where I was brutally tortured both physically and mentally. In July 2003, I was taken to Chaoyanggou Forced Labour Camp by police. I was forced to squat for a prolonged period of time. The guards also ordered a criminal inmate to pour water over my head. Practitioners who were not "transformed" [forcibly renounced Falun Gong] were each forced to sit on a small stool. We had to carry dirt and bricks on our backs, and to work from 5:30 a.m. to 9 p.m. without a break from the demanding work. Sometimes we had to work until midnight or even 1:00 a.m. Guard Gao Zhilu often beat us.
The Ordeals of Retired Doctor Liu Maimei
2010-11-03I was sent to the Hewan Forced Labour Camp for practising Falun Gong. As soon as I arrived, I was subjected to surveillance by other prisoners. I encountered collaborators, former practitioners who are made to assist in brainwashing and torturing practitioners, and was subjected to non stop, around the clock brainwashing tactics. I was forced to watch videos that slandered Falun Gong and forced to write a self-examination every day. I was also intimidated and tempted with promises of rewards if I capitulated and gave up Falun Gong. I was deprived of sleep, and denied use of the toilet. The whole time I was in the labour camp, I was subjected to brainwashing and forced labour.
Falun Gong Practitioner Ms. Wang Sumei Persecuted
2010-10-30Since the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) started to persecute Falun Gong in 1999, Ms Wang Sumei has been constantly harassed by local police in her residential area. She has been sent to a forced labour camp, detained, and interrogated at Tangxunhu Brainwashing Centre in Wuhan City, and interrogated at the local police station. Throughout these ten years her family members have been living in fear and her relatives have not been able to lead normal lives. She recounts the persecution: "In the labour camp I was forced to stand completely still for long periods of time, forced to attend military training, and had to do slave labour. I became sick due to the work and persecution."
Falun Gong Practitioner Ms. Wang Wenjuan from Jinzhou City Persecuted for Ten Years
2010-10-28Ms. Wang Wenjuan started to practise Falun Gong in 1999. After the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) started to persecute Falun Gong, she went to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong three times and was arrested each time. She was brutally tortured and brainwashed while being detained in the mental hospital. She was also sentenced to forced labour. She recounts: "I was "painfully tortured in the mental hospital. If I refused to eat, Doctor Lin and Li Qiang used the electric needle to shock me. I was tortured in the mental hospital for over two months."