6-10 Office
The Systematic Persecution of Falun Gong Practitioners within the Chinese Military System
2005-05-31The Chinese Communist military organisation has played a major role in Jiang Zemin's regime's persecution of Falun Gong. During a political background check in a yearly recruiting effort, an army unit even requested each recruit to write three sentences to slander Li Hongzhi (the founder of Falun Gong) and Falun Gong, in order to discern whether or not one was a practitioner. If a potential recruit has any relatives who practise Falun Gong, he would be implicated and be subject to punishment. A young man from Sichuan Province was immediately removed from the draft because it was found that his mother was a practitioner.
"610 Office" Collaborates With Police to Persecute Practitioners, Terrorising an Elderly Grandmother and Her Grandson in Jiamusi City
2005-05-18In April 2002, "610 Office" officials in Jiamusi City came up with a sinister plan to persecute Falun Dafa practitioners. Five of them ended up arresting a group of practitioners, including an elderly lady of 80 and a child of just 2 years old. The child was panic-stricken when he saw so many policemen shouting demands at his grandmother. He hugged his grandmother's neck and buried his head deeply, not daring to look up again. The policemen struggled to prise the child away from his grandmother and eventually they were separated, with the poor child howling and crying.
Teacher Arrested by "610 Office" Personnel for Showing a Falun Gong Video in Class
2005-05-18According to reliable sources, the District Court of Maojian District in Hubei Province will soon put Ms. He Jiao on trial. She is a young teacher at the Shiyan City Experimental High School. The court officials admitted that the case has already been decided by "upper level authorities" and that the court and the government lawyers will "merely follow the routine procedure." Her crime? On January 4, 2005, He Jiao showed the Falun Gong video, "Walk Forward in the Wind and Rain," to a class of junior high school students where she was employed.
The "610 Office" and Guangzhou City Court Conduct an Unfair Trail of Ms. Xie Kunxiang
2005-04-26In August 2004, Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Xie Kunxiang was reported to the police because she was distributing leaflets exposing the persecution. The police arrested her and took her to at detention centre. On January 24, 2005, the Haizhu District Court held Ms. Xie's trial. When the defence lawyer requested to examine the contents of the leaflets that Ms. Xie Kunxiang had handed out, instead of providing the leaflets to the court, the "610 Office" only provided a piece of paper which they said could not be made public. When she said a few words in defence of Falun Dafa the judge got angry and said, "Xie Kunxiang, it looks like if I don't sentence you to 3 years, you are not going to be compliant."
Police Force Pregnant Falun Gong Practitioner to Undergo an Abortion
2005-04-24The authorities forcibly took me to the Family Planning Office in Guangdong Province. There, an ultrasound was done, and I was then sent to the operating table. I held onto the door and didn't want to enter the operating room. Five or six men put me up on the operating table and didn't leave until two women held me down. I was so scared! After the surgery, they took me back to the police station. The personnel there didn't want to keep me, so they sent me home. I lay down on the bed with a blank mind. These evil people deprived a two-month-old life of its opportunity to live!
Liu Yongjing Brutally Tortured by the 610 Office and Linyi City Detention Centre
2005-04-20Liu Yongjing was arrested on June 10, 2004. He was beaten black and blue and thrown into the Linyi City Detention Centre that night, with hands and feet shackled. He held a hunger strike to protest this persecution. On about the fourth day of his hunger strike, policemen from the detention centre force-fed him by pushing a tube into his stomach. The tube was not the thin, silica gel tube required by hospitals, but a thick, rubber tube. It was very painful having such a tube forced into his body. The perpetrators then pushed the tube in, then pulled it out, and repeated this torture. This nearly resulted in Liu Yongjing's death. His cries for help were heard at the beginning then faded away. Liu Yongjing was on the verge of death after that torture.
Zhangjiakou City Police Persecute Ms. Cai Jinhua and Extort Money from Her Family
2005-04-09On December 15, 2001, practitioner Ms. Cai Jinhua went to Beijing to appeal on behalf of Falun Dafa. Police arrested her and placed her in the Haidian District prison. Local officials forced her husband to pay 3,000 yuan for her release. Her husband could only borrow 1,000 "yuan" from his work place to pay them. On December 18, police again arrested Ms. Cai and put her in the county jail. The 610 Office threatened her husband, saying that she would be put into a forced labour camp. He was so afraid for her that he borrowed 5,200 yuan to pay the authorities.
Mr. Zhao Guangsheng Badly Injured and Deformed after Police and Criminal Inmates Cruelly Torture Him
2005-04-04Mr. Zhao Guangsheng was arrested by police from the "610 Office". They cruelly beat him with a leather-thonged whip for 3 hours. On another occasion guards ordered several criminal inmates to put some toilet paper between Mr. Zhao's toes and then set the paper on fire to burn him. His agonising screams broke the silence of the night until he passed out from the pain. When Mr. Zhao's wife went to the prison to see him and saw how hideously deformed her husband was, she couldn't stop crying and borrowed money from her friends to pay for his release.
Wuchang "610 Office" Extorted Several Hundred Thousand Yuan from 100 Arrested Falun Dafa Practitioners
2005-03-11Wuchang's "610 Office" personnel used various methods to detain more practitioners to reach their goal of extorting money. The officials' average monthly salary is about 1,000 Yuan, however, they would receive a monetary reward if they could make a practitioner give up his/her belief, and they took advantage of it. If a practitioner is sent to the 610 Office for brainwashing, his workplace has to pay 2,000 Yuan per month for the practitioner's stay there. In order to obtain the highest profit, they would keep them there for a longer time so that they could extort more money.
Two Elderly Female Falun Dafa Practitioners Persecuted to Death by the CCP's "610 Office" in 2003 and 2002
2005-02-2768 year old Ms. Hu Gui'e revealed the evil nature of the persecution. The police repeatedly abducted her, harassed her, and forced her to undergo brainwashing. Under the pressure of this injustice, she passed away on March 17, 2003. Ms. Li Yuru, 58, was a school doctor who was repeatedly abducted, harassed, threatened and trailed by police. When she was dying her husband told police, "She is dying, and you're still doing this to her! You let the murderers and arsonists go, and come here to seize a good person like my wife!"
"Outstanding Woman" Award Nominee Viciously Persecutes Falun Gong Practitioners
2005-02-27Song Shuqin, the former head of the “610 Office” in the City of Zhaoyuan, is a person who overrode the law of the Chinese Constitution and is responsible for the murder of a Falun Gong practitioner. In January 2005, this person was nominated as one of the twenty candidates for the "Ten Outstanding Women of the City of Zhaoyuan" for the 2005 session, an activity hosted by the Women's Union.
Qingdao City "610 Office" Brainwashing Centre Fabricates Lies and Frames Innocent People
2005-02-22Qingdao City's current brainwashing centre hides its true identity with signs hanging up in front of the entrance, which say "Qingdao City Massage Instruction Centre for People with Visual Impairment" and "National Appraisal Centre for Professional Skills." However, none of these places exist. A leader of the "610 Office" has openly said to Falun Gong practitioners that every year the rental expenses for the brainwashing centre costs the state almost 100,000 yuan.
Four Chongqing Practitioners Receive Heavy Sentences for Exposing Rape
2005-02-07Four Falun Gong practitioners were arrested for exposing the rape of Chongqing University student, Ms Wei Xingyan, by a policeman. One man received a sentence of 13 years of prison, while the other three practitioners received 7 years each. The so-called charge was "Utilizing an evil [slanderous word omitted] to hinder the enforcement of law." After the rape of Wei Xingyan was exposed over the Internet, the "610 Office" sealed all documents about her at Chongqing University.
610 Office Behind the Torture Death of a 60-year-old Practitioner and the Arrest of Many Others
2005-01-23On the evening of December 27, 2004, agents of the 610 Office in Xiamen City, Fujian Province and local police officers arrested several dozen Falun Dafa practitioners. A 60-year-old female practitioner, whose last name was Gu, was tortured to death that night; the details are still being investigated. They also confiscated practitioners' Falun Dafa books and truth-clarification materials, home computers, printers and recording machines
The Terrorist-Style Persecution Tactics of the National Security Bureau 610 Office in Chongqing (Part II)
2004-12-05More than twenty police officers drove to Falun Dafa practitioner Huang Genhui's home in Dashiba. They broke the door down with axes, and many police rushed in. One of them tried to push the daughter Peng Zhaojun out through the window, while another bunch of them intentionally shouted downstairs "Falun Gong, don't jump off the building!" They tried to create an incident of a Falun Gong practitioner committing suicide by jumping off the building. Their plot failed because almost one hundred people came to the rescue.