6-10 Office
Details Regarding Death of Heilongjiang Province Falun Dafa Practitioner Sun Yuhua
2004-05-10On January 14, 2004, Dafa Practitioner Ms Sun Yuhua was arrested near Harbin No.3 Electric Power Engineering Company and her home was ransacked and valuables were confiscated. Later that day her 18 year old daughter was also arrested. For four continuous days after Sun Yuhua and her daughter were taken to the Police Department, the police tried to extort a confession by painful torture. Sun Yuhua held a hunger strike to protest against the unlawful persecution and detention. In response she was forcibly fed a high concentration salt solution. After 55 days of such persecution, the once healthy Sun Yuhua died on March 8.
Criminal Deeds of Fang Simin, a Cruel Persecutor of Dafa Practitioners in Shandong Province
2004-04-25Fang Simin, was promoted to vice director of the "610 Office"(1) in Mengyin, Shandong Province, as a reward for persecuting Dafa practitioners. To realize the "transformation" of practitioners by torture, he hired some jobless men (aged 18-22 and poorly educated) at a cheap price as his hatchet men in his detention place. He paid them 200 yuan a month and assigned them uniforms and did not let anyone know their names and addresses. Under Fang's instruction and incitement, these thugs freely beat and swore at the detained practitioners. Sometimes Fang personally participated in the torture.
Six Inner Mongolia Family Members Suffer Harrowing Persecution
2004-03-28All six members of Mr. Tian Fujin's family from Tongliao City, Inner Mongolia, cultivate Falun Dafa and have become the main targets of persecution from the local lawless police. All six have been detained and sent to labour camps many times. Tian's wife, Liu Xiurong, filed an appeal against policeman Shao Jun for extorting money and harassment. Recently, Tian Fang, the eldest daughter of Mr. Tian, was arrested again when she went to prison to see her third sister and her father.
"610 Office" Personnel of Chongqing City Beat and Force-Feed a Thirteen-year-old Girl
2004-03-23Dafa practitioner Chen Si is only 13 years old. Her family all live their lives according to the principles of Truthfulness - Compassion - Tolerance, yet because of this her family has been torn apart - Mother in a forced labour camp, Father in a brainwashing centre. Despite the trauma of the separation Chen Si has the courage to remain firm in her belief and to tell people how the authorities brutally mistreat practitioners. This young girl has now sadly also been a victim of the authorities' terrible abuse and has been barred from going to school.
Running the Campaign of Terror: "610 Office" Head Luo Gan's Role and Crimes in the Persecution of Falun Gong
2004-03-13In April 2002, Luo Gan issued orders to the political and judiciary departments of Heilongjiang, ordering the arrest of 6,000 Falun Gong practitioners to be carried out within a period of three months. The police were told, "Don't bother with those that committed crimes, such as murder, arson or any other criminal offence." Practitioners released on medical parole, practitioners released after going on hunger strike, practitioners who refused to write pledges or who once went to Beijing to appeal again became the targets of arrest.
Gansu Province Dafa Practitioner Sentenced to Eighteen Years in Prison for Truth-Clarifying TV Broadcast
2004-03-10Because he insists on living according to the principles of Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance, and because he clarified the truth to the public, Mr. Wang Weiping has been detained on four occasions by the "610 Office." He was most recently detained after mid-August, 2002, when he was involved in broadcasting truth-clarification programming on TV. The broadcast was considered a major case by the police, and most practitioners who had participated were arrested.
The Persecution of Falun Gong Practitioners by the Chengdu City and Chongzhou City "610 Office"
2004-03-10In February 2003, the "610 Office" of Chengdu City and Chongzhou City in Sichuan Province arrested Falun Gong practitioners who were caught handing out Dafa truth-clarification materials in Chongzhou City. In the detention centre, arrested practitioner Ms. Huang Ying refused to comply with orders from a guard. The guard put a few electric wires together, and beat Ms. Huang with the wires and with a metal club, and kicked her. Huang Ying's face became swollen and she had many injuries over her whole body.
Qingdao Dafa Practitioner Ms Wang Xiaoli's Death Caused by Police Brutality
2004-03-04After Wang Xiaoli died, they spread a rumour that she "committed suicide" in order to cover up the truth. However, the truth that Wang Xiaoli died as a result of the persecution quickly spread to the neighbourhood around her home. Chen Guolei, the director of Luoyang Street Police Station and Xu Zhaozhen, the director of Luoyang Street Resident's committee are very frightened. In an attempt to shift the responsibility, they told Wang Xiaoli's husband that her death had nothing to do with them.
Crimes Committed by Wang Quanfeng of the Weifang City "610" Office
2004-03-04Wang Quanfeng, 39 years old, was formerly a "610 Office" official at the Fangzi District Police Department. He has since been transferred to another post. Since July 1999, he had been following Jiang Zemin together with the former District Chief Huang Weilian to persecute Falun Dafa practitioners with all sorts of methods. During this period of over 4 years, Wang abducted and persecuted countless Dafa practitioners. The facts listed here are only some of the crimes committed by Wang Quanfeng.
Following Severe Torture Elderly Shandong Province Dafa Practitioner Mr. Li Huaiqing Harassed to Death by "610 Office"
2004-02-27On December 29, 2001, Falun Dafa practitioner Mr. Li Huaiqing, a retired teacher, was abducted and taken to Ningjin County Detention Centre. After his release, he was hospitalized for his poor health due to the torture suffered in the detention centre. Even though he was in the hospital, local "610 Office"* officials often harassed him. After his release from the hospital, these lawless people made his recovery impossible by their continuous harassment. Mr. Li died in August of 2003
Neijiang "610 Office" Builds Its Own Brainwashing Centre to Persecute Falun Gong Practitioners
2004-02-22They built an iron fence around the houses, set up monitors in every room and in all the places where Dafa practitioners were active, and hired security guards. Thus they effectively turned the area into a prison built especially for the "610 Office." All the practitioners who are sent to this brainwashing centre are forced to pay 2,000 to 5,000 Yuan. The "610 Office" staff either coerces the practitioners' families to pay the fine, or deducts the money from the practitioners' salaries or pensions.
Former Jiaozhou City Judge Is Tortured in State Infirmary
2004-02-19Mr Xiao Zhiduan was a Judge in Jiaozhou city, Shandong province. Because he inisted on practising Falun Gong, he was detained and tortured in a mental hospital. They forcefully tied him to a table and shocked both his arms with a heavy current circular electric needle. Both of his arms went numb from the torture. The pain was too hard to endure and it reached his chest. He eventually fainted. He woke up when they turned off the switch and they shocked him again. They repeated these steps and asked him if he would still practise Falun Gong.
Shandong Province "610 Office" Conspires To Spread More Lies About Falun Gong
2004-02-12The activity targets students in elementary and middle schools, and farmers. The plan of attack is to adopt a face-to-face approach in villages to display pictures and VCD's based on fabrications in order to slander Falun Gong. Farmers and students will be forced to watch slanderous videos and to view the exhibition. Afterwards, the students are asked to enter a contest by writing articles and speeches that slander Falun Dafa.
Detailed Information of How Elderly Ms Ye Wenying was Tortured to Death by Pengzhou City "610 Office"
2004-02-08Wang Chengdong, 30 years of age, is from Group 12, Section 1 of Gongtian Village in Tongji County, Pengzhou City. He served in the army in Xinjiang Province for four years. He was hired by the 610 Office after he came back home from the army. Together with Luo Ke, he often cruelly tortures Falun Dafa practitioners. They always repeat filthy language such as, "A man will disappoint the Central Committee of the Party if he does not patronize prostitutes. A woman will disappoint Jiang Zemin if she does not prostitute herself."
Violence in Minxi Prison: Dafa Practitioner Hung by Thumbs and Given Unknown Drugs
2004-02-06I am a Falun Gong practitioner. Because I exposed crimes committed by Jiang Zemin's regime in their persecution of Falun Gong, I was sentenced to 18 months in jail and incarcerated at the Minxi Prison in Longyan, suffering many abuses that no kind-hearted person would think was bearable. At that prison, the authorities subjected me to torture which they called the "Three-All" treatment. I was also forced to perform hard labour at the prison's Plastic Factory