6-10 Office
The Cruel Treatment Ms. Fan Wenfang Suffered before Being Carried into the Courtroom on a Stretcher
2004-02-04In September 2002, Ms. Fan Wenfang was unlawfully sent to Funan Detention Centre, and while she was there, the guards tortured her with force-feedings, leaving her in an emaciated and pitiful condition. She suffered low blood glucose level and electrolyte disorder at the same time. She was not sent home until she was on the verge of death. Yet she was subjected to more relentless brutal treatment only one day after being sent home.
Party Officials Liu Songhua and Luo Xun Relentlessly Persecute Guiyang City Dafa Practitioners
2004-01-29The factory was on the verge of bankruptcy and was not even able to pay the factory workers' regular salaries. The brainwashing class charged the factory 2000 Yuan per person each month [500 yuan is the average monthly income for an urban worker in China.]. In addition, for every practitioner, the factory was ordered to send another person to guard the practitioner, and each factory guard cost the factory 2000 Yuan each. So a total of 12 people went to the brainwashing centre at a total cost of 24,000 Yuan.
Teeth Pried Out With a Wrench, Carried to Court On a Stretcher: The Persecution of Fuyang City Dafa Practitioner Ms. Fan Wenfang
2004-01-17On July 20, 1999, the Jiang regime began a brutal persecution of Falun Gong practitioners throughout China. Falun Dafa practitioner Fan Wenfang has been abducted to detention centres on seven occasions, held at the brainwashing centres twice and jailed in forced labour camps three times. We appeal to all compassionate people to come forward and pay close attention to the persecution of Falun Dafa practitioners-- in view of Fan Wenfang's situation, please raise your voices, condemn the evil persecution and protect the kindhearted people.
The Crimes Committed Against Dafa Practitioner by Tangshan City Lawless Authorities
2004-01-15The police sent people to take turns watching him. At night there was a police car blocking the entrance. Within one month after Sun was released, the director of the Fengrun Public Security Bureau Li Chunyuan, along with Zeng Xianghai and Qi Lianfu, as well as several dozens of people from the public security office and other government offices, broke into Sun Jianzhong's house and tried to arrest him again. After cutting through the security door with a welding torch, the police broke into his apartment. Sun threw himself against the wall. The police dragged him out by force despite Sun's mother loud weeping. The brutality of the police shocked the whole residential area and people started to think again about the entire campaign of persecution against Falun Gong.
Practitioner Tortured to Death and his 8 Month Pregnant Wife Forced to Have Abortion
2004-01-14It has been verified through a news source in Chengdu City, Sichuan Province, that Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Shen Lizhi was tortured to death on March 3, 2002 at the hands of perpetrators from Chengdu City "610 Office," who also forced his wife to abort her eight-month-old foetus. The news source revealed that police officers Tian Xinming and others from the Chengdu City "610 Office" are directly responsible for taking these two innocent lives.
Chengdu City "610 Office" Extort "Confessions" by Torture at a Brainwashing Class
2004-01-14In 2002, all employers of Falun Gong practitioners had to pay 20,000 Yuan per employee per month for the brainwashing class. In 2003, the employers were forced to pay 5,000 to 6,000 Yuan per employed Falun Gong practitioner per month. They not only sent gangs to beat up practitioners, but also ordered them to steal farmers' harvests in the fields at midnight.
The Crimes Committed by Wang Shuchun from the Taian City "610 Office"
2004-01-14Over the past four years, out of loyalty to Jiang Zemin's Regime, Wang Shuchun has carried out Jiang's genocidal policy of "ruin Falun Gong practitioners' reputations, devastate them financially and destroy them physically." Under Wang's plotting and conniving, with his instructions and direct participation, hundreds of practitioners were monitored, abducted and detained. Over a dozen Dafa practitioners were sent to labour camps, two were sentenced, numerous practitioners were fined and their homes were searched.
Shulan City Police Hire Low-Ranking Members of Criminal Underworld Organisations to Torture Dafa Practitioners
2003-12-27The hired gang members and thugs force-fed the four Dafa practitioners with water containing chilli pepper and ground mustard powder, then hung them up with their hands handcuffed behind their back. While torturing the four Dafa practitioners, the hired gang members and thugs shouted, "We were paid to make you speak against Falun Dafa!"
Police Illegally Open Citizens' Letters Seeking "Evidence" For Their Conviction
2003-12-15How did the city government get my personal letters? Did the city government intercept them? Or did someone report them? The people involved in such a dirty thing dare not to frankly reveal it to the public. However, they convict people only by the letters they write and without any legal basis. How can they talk about human rights? How can it be treated as an illegal activity to express one's thoughts and beliefs in writing to relatives? As citizens, how can we live under these conditions? I therefore call upon the international justice and human rights organizations, as well as all people with a sense of conscience, to come together to stop this persecution and defend justice throughout the world.
Shengli Oil Plant "610 Office" Poison Employees' Minds by Enticing Them with Bonuses
2003-12-14The Shengli Oil Plant Union, on behalf of the Shengli Oil Plant "610 Office*", recently published a Q&A type assessment paper with the intent to defame Falun Dafa. The Oil Plant employees were asked to fill out a questionnaire. To achieve participation, a big bonus was promised. The sole objective was to poison the Oil Plant employees' minds.
Mr. Ma Guilin, Retired Cadre of Shandong Province, Dies After Extensive Persecution
2003-12-11On September 30, 2002, Zhou Defa, head of the "610 Office," led dozens of police and arrived at Ma's home in 5 police cars. They attempted to take him away for brainwashing. Their attempts lasted from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Because of the force police used, Ma's arms were paralysed at the scene, and he could not move them at all. The violence of the police aroused indignation among the onlookers. Afterwards, Ma became mentally disabled and had to be bedridden. He passed away in March 2003.
Heilongjiang Province: "610 Office" Responds Viciously to Truth-Clarifying TV Broadcast in Nahe City
2003-12-10On October 26, some facts about Dafa were broadcast on TV in Nahe City, Heilongjiang Province. After this happened, the "610 Office" sent a special group to Nahe City to deal with the case. The provincial police department also sent persons to Nahe City, as well as to Molidawa Banner of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, and other nearby counties. According to sources within China, Luo Gan (a member of the Standing Committee of the Politburo of the Central Committee who follows Jiang Zemin closely in persecuting Dafa), and Li Changchun also gave "written instructions."...During that period, a female practitioner from Suiling County of Heilongjiang Province took a copy of "Zhuan Falun" [the main text in Falun Dafa] with her and brought her baby to Nahe for a visit. She was arrested, and her innocent baby was sent to the Welfare Centre of Nahe City. Her situation is now unknown.
Partial List of Members Who Persecuted Falun Gong in Shandong Province CCP Committee and "610 Office"
2003-12-02Shandong Province is one of the provinces in China where the most severe persecution against Falun Gong have been taking place. Up until November 15, 2003, ninety-four deaths of Falun Gong practitioners were verified, which placed the death toll in Shandong the 3rd highest nationwide...The main agencies involved in persecuting Falun Gong in Shandong Province are the "Leadership Team to Deal with Falun Gong Problem" in Shandong Province Chinese Communist Party (CCP) Committee and its long-term standing work office "610 Office," whose corresponding government agency is "The Office of Preventing and Handling the Evil Cult Problem." Starting from the second half of 2002, its formal name released to outside changed to "Provincial Leadership Team for Maintaining Stability" under the Shandong Province CCP Committee.
Crimes Committed by Wang Shuchun from the Taian City "610 Office"
2003-11-29For the purpose of greed and personal gain, Wang Shuchun incited his subordinates to exert all their efforts to persecute Falun Gong. Many kind policemen and heads of different organisations were forced to participate in this crackdown of innocent Falun Gong practitioners; out of ignorance, misunderstanding, and because of Wang's insistence, these people committed horrible crimes. Wang Shuchun also ordered various organisations and street administration offices to run a propaganda campaign to defame Falun Gong.
Secret Documents Released from Jilin Province Demand a 95% "Conversion Rate" by 2005
2003-11-28Around November 10, 2003, Jilin Province organized a guarantor system for the practitioners in each department. The "610 Office" forced each department to provide a guarantor for each practitioner. These guarantors are usually the Party leaders in the department, so that they will feel the pressure to reform these practitioners. The "610 Office" taught the guarantors how to persecute practitioners, in order to begin another round of persecution.