6-10 Office
Shuangcheng City Second Detention Centre Torments Woman Practitioner Until She Loses Her Mind
2003-03-01Ms. Xu Lijuan and her husband are both laid-off workers, and are therefore in considerable financial difficulty. They have had to spend close to 10,000 Yuan to treat Ms. Xu, [500 Yuan is the average monthly income for an urban worker in China] who remains listless, and has lost part of her memory. She cannot take care of herself. Because Ms. Xu's husband has to take care of her and also their daughter, who is in school, he cannot go out to work to earn money. He is extremely distressed and exhausted. The family has to rely on the financial help of their relatives in order to survive.
Practitioner Forced to Divorce by "610" Office
2003-02-15Not wanting to get implicated, she brought her three-year-old daughter with her to initiate divorces papers. The "610 Office" in the Gangcheng District and the court visited Junsheng in detention centre in order to compel him to sign the divorce papers, but he refused. Nonetheless the court still went through with the divorce procedures without his consent.
Middle School Teacher Is Persecuted in a Mental Hospital
2003-01-12This persecution is so vicious such that even ones own family can be poisoned by the lies, leading a husband to betray his wife, deliberately abuse her, and collude with the authorities to have her incarcerated and tortured. Gao colluded with the local officials, the principal, a school director, and the Chengguan Police Station to secretly detain his wife in a mental hospital.
Pengzhou City "610 Office" Kidnaps and Ruthlessly Tortures Falun Gong Practitioners
2003-01-08In the detention centre, Liu Bangxiu was tied up so that his arms and legs were outstretched and then force-fed through a tube. The malicious authorities left the tube in him for an extended period of time, which led to the walls of his intestines sticking together .Every day an intravenous infusion maintains his life. Such a waste of a good man!
The Crimes of Xinji City Police Station 610 Office
2003-01-02The "610 Office" is a bureau specifically created by Jiang's regime to persecute Falun Gong. It has absolute power over each level of administration in the Party, as well as over the political and judiciary branches This article documents the crimes of the 610 Office in Xinji City police station, which include torture, beating and extortion.
Lawless "610" Office Seize Unconscious Practitioner and Throw Her into Labour Camp
2002-12-26Tang Chunfang was not feeling well and lying in bed, unable to move. She had lost consciousness by the time the policemen pried her door open. Yet in spite of her condition, the barbaric policemen still carried her into the police vehicle. They also stole her life savings.
Police in Chaoyang City Torture Psychotic Killer into Saying He Is a Falun Gong Practitioner
2002-12-02But the police used dreadfully brutal means to torture him. His painful screams truly horrified me. I was not able to look at his face, as he was in indescribable pain from the torture. Eventually, Dong could not help but agree to cooperate with the police and slander Falun Gong. Even so, the police were still angry, and told Dong to crawl on the floor and bark like a dog. What happened before my eyes made me realize that all the propaganda by Jiang's regime against Falun Gong is false.
"610 Office" in Liaoning Province Shamelessly Persecutes Dafa Practitioners
2002-11-28Policemen tied her arms and legs to the bed, trying to force-feed her. She refused to cooperate. The policemen lost control of their senses, grabbed her hair and slammed her head against the bed frame. She suffered a hemorrhage and became paralysed.
Chongqing "610 Office" Persecutes Dafa Practitioner Liao Lianhai and His Family
2002-11-24A policeman told Liao Xiaoqing, "You stay put. Your dad will be home in three days."...Four days later, she still did not see her father. The policemen had lied to her.
"610 Office" Personnel Break the Arm of Cao Cha, An Excellent Teacher From Xinji City
2002-11-20The "610 Office" of Xinji City beat her up and interrogated her with brutal torture methods. Despite all the torture, Cao kept telling the policemen the truth of Falun Gong and gave them the chance to conduct themselves like human beings. However, having lost their human nature, these perpetrators became irritated and tortured Cao even more brutally to such an extent that they broke her arm.
Husband of a Falun Dafa Practitioner From Xinji City Tortured By the Local "610 Office"
2002-11-19The party secretary, who works closely with the Xinji City Public Security Bureau and the Xinji City "610 Office," proceeded to forcefully take Yin's husband Yang Zhanhui, a non-practitioner, into custody to torture and beat him continuously for two days and nights in an attempt to acquire information.
The "610 Office" in Xiantao City Sends Many Dafa Practitioners to Brainwashing Classes and Labour Camps
2002-11-18The "610 Office" thugs hired unemployed hoodlums with huge sums of money, to monitor, follow, and tap the telephones of practitioners. They also threatened the related work units and practitioners' relatives with high-pressure tactics and making use of the implication policy to massively search and arrest Dafa practitioners who were forced to live in exile to avoid further persecution.
Righteous Thoughts Defeat Persecution from the "610 Office"
2002-11-02One night I was picked up while distributing Dafa truth-clarifying materials, and was detained at a local police station. I experienced the typical five steps of how the "610 Office" personnel try to break the spirit of Falun Gong practitioners.
Liaoning Province "610 Office" Kidnaps, Beats, and Sentences Practitioners At Will
2002-09-17Since this spring, most of the jails stopped letting families and relatives visit Falun Gong practitioners who are being illegally detained. Falun Gong practitioners are forced to endure even more intense brainwashing, and brutal torture both mentally and physically.
Guangzhou City "610 Office" Confines and Tortures Falun Dafa Practitioners in a Metal Shack In Oven-like Temperatures
2002-09-10Practitioners were tied with ropes and strung up. Some were even suspended upside down with their heads partially submerged in water. Pepper water was smeared on practitioners' faces.