6-10 Office
Accounts of Persecution against Falun Gong Practitioners by the "610 Office" and the Political Security Office in Hebei Province
2003-08-23Officials at the "610 Office" of Zhengding County directed the Zhengding County Police Department's Political Security Office as well as local police stations to commit appalling crimes against practitioners, one after another. For example, practitioner Zhao Fengnian was beaten to death and his body was dumped, while other practitioners were detained, beaten, sent to labour camps, or sentenced to jail terms. Whoever practices Falun Gong is sent to the county's Party School and forcibly brainwashed, while those practitioners who are steadfast in their beliefs are detained.
"610 Office" Builds a New Brainwashing Centre in Pengzhou City To Persecute Dafa Practitioners
2003-08-22On May 26, Ms. Zhang Qinfang, a Dafa practitioner from the town of Li'an, had just finished an unjust and illegal term in a labour camp. Instead of being released, she was sent directly to the new brainwashing centre. This is making a mockery of the penal system! Ms. Zhang went on a hunger strike to oppose this cruelty. Director Luo Jianqiang took Zhang Qinfang out to force-feed her.
Persecution of Dafa Practitioners by the "610 Office" and the Chongzhou Police Department in Sichuan Province
2003-08-01On February 26, policeman Chen Xiaokun and a band of people from Chengxi local police station, Chongzhou City took Ms. Gou to Chongzhou municipal administrative detention centre and interrogated her. They did not allow her to sleep for 4 days and nights. After her hands were cuffed, they beat her, hitting her face and head. The goal was to force her to tell the origin of the truth-clarification materials. Ms. Gou did not obey them.
An Appeal to the International Criminal Court (ICC): The Criminal Acts of the "610 Office" and Police Department in Qinhuangdao City
2003-07-30Eight people surrounded Ms. Yang, punching and kicking her, and beating her head with batons, leaving a large bloody bump. After the beating, the thugs pressed her onto the ground, crushing her cuffed hand with their heavy boots and dragging her along the ground. Despite such torture, Yang Yuzhu still refused to say anything, and the thugs tightly bound the her arms backward with nylon string, pinched her nose and filled her mouth with water. After several hours of torture, police still did not get what they wanted. Even after seeing this practitioner with injures all over her body, the thugs revealed the extent of their cruelty, threatening, "If you do not tell us what we want, we will torture you to death."
Elderly Couple Both Tragically Lose Their Eyesight Due To Wicked Deeds of Changde City "610 Office"
2003-07-30When the nurse gave the injection on the third day, she told Hou Jinyuan in low voice: "Aunty, you have to eat. With continued injections of this kind, your whole body and all your internal organs will wither, so you will suffer agony until death." After the injection on the fifth day, both of Hou Jinyuan's legs became numb and lost feeling when she tried to stand. By the end of January, both of the elderly lady's legs were paralysed, and both eyes were blurry. After the Chinese New Year (February 12), she was tragically completely blind in both eyes.
Crimes Committed by Yanshi City "610 Office" Against Dafa Practitioners
2003-07-27In 2000, under orders from Jiang Zemin, the officials gave an ultimatum: "If three people from Yanshi City go to Beijing to appeal, the mayor will be removed from office. If even one person in a given county goes to Beijing to appeal, then the community Party leader of that county will be replaced." Since then, in order to keep their political titles, officials in all areas have strictly controlled the Falun Gong practitioners and cruelly persecuted them.
"610 Office" Use Charles Li's Elderly Parents to Coerce Him to Give up Falun Gong
2003-07-25Charles' fiancée said, "Chinese people love and respect their parents, and the worst thing for them is to see their elderly parents live in fear and desperation, worrying about their son. The Party is using filial piety, a cherished Chinese character trait, to coerce Charles." She said, "the government took Charles' parents to the prison and ordered them to 'advise' Charles to 'obey the rules'."
Shanghai "610 Office" Fails to Recruit Dafa Practitioner as Spy
2003-07-24At the end of January my family had me released on bail. On the one hand, the police wanted to see who would make contact with me and thus discover the whereabouts of other practitioners. On the other hand, the police kept talking to me every two or three weeks, threatening me to get me to write the "letter of separation" and other letters against Falun Dafa, and they also hung onto the delusion that I would become their spy. But I kept a righteous mind and their plot failed.
For Exposing Government Authorities' Illegal Conduct, My Husband, A Non-Practitioner, Was Brutally Beaten and Fired From His Job
2003-07-21Because my husband was also a staff member of the police force, he knew that without legal evidence, the detention centre could only detain a person for a maximum of 15 days. The section chief of the Political and Security Section, Yang Jingping, cursed him profanely many times, saying, "I am the law! If I want to detain your wife till she dies, what can you do to me?" Even during the time when my husband was critically ill and till he passed away, they didn't allow me go home to take care of him.
Jiang Zemin Regime's "610 Office" Blatantly Leaves Behind Evidence of the Persecution at the Hebi City Bus Station, Henan Province (Photos)
2003-07-20The chilling words "Falun Gong practitioners are forbidden to ride buses" are clearly seen on the door of the Hebi City Bus Station, Henan Province.
"610 Office" Persecute Falun Dafa Practitioners and their Families During the SARS Epidemic in Hebei Province
2003-07-18Bai explained to the police that Falun Gong practitioners are all good people, and there is nothing wrong about cultivating truthfulness, compassion, and tolerance. Even the onlookers said, "How could she be wrong about that? They are good people." Then someone came and asked Bai to irrigate the field, but police would not let her. Bai's mother-in-law is over seventy years old. She was terrified beyond description.
More Details about the Chongqing University Graduate Student Raped by Local Police
2003-07-13Recently, the policeman who raped Wei Xingyan and other policemen who are aware of this incident have been transferred to Yongchuan Jail from their original positions in Baihelin Detention Centre. Other policemen from the Shaqu "610 Office" who were involved in arresting Wei Xingyan were also transferred to other places to avoid external enquiries.
The "610 Office" Commits Evil Acts in Anhui Province
2003-07-08In 2002, a handicapped practitioner, Chen Jianyuan, was detained in a detention centre because of appealing for Dafa and he was brutally beaten up by policeman, Jiang Kefeng and his son. Due to the brutal beating he received, Chen Jianyuan lay on the bed and could not eat or move for several days. Not long after he recovered from his injuries, Jiang Kefang put him back into detention centre and started another round of physical persecution against him.
Criminal Officials of Sichuan Province Plan to Establish Brainwashing Centres in Every City
2003-07-06The "610 Office" from the Qingbaijiang District met with "610 Offices" from the surrounding area and the district government to come up with a new "plan" to force practitioners to give up cultivation. They talk with the practitioners, and then if the practitioner still insists on practising Falun Gong, he will be asked to report to the "610 Office" and the local police department.
The "610 Office" Headquarters Issues Command: Kill Dafa Practitioners at Will
2003-07-03It was reported that the "610 Office" headquarters in China issued a new rule to its nationwide affiliated "610 Offices" in early April of 2003. The new rule stated: In dealing with Falun Gong practitioners who are distributing Falun Gong materials or having a gathering, the "610 Office" members can shoot these practitioners without firing warning shots first if they resist arrest.