Death Cases

  • Hanting District 610 Office Arrests Respected Teacher - Three Students Lost Their Lives after Losing the Protective Care of their Teacher

    A sad incident occurred recently at the No. 4 Middle School in the Hanting District of Weifang City. In February, three art students from the senior class at the high school and one graduate student from a university in Jinan City all died from carbon dioxide poisoning. The three high school students had all studied with Ms. Li Guifeng. Everyone said that if Ms. Li had been there, such an incident would not have happened.
  • Five Practitioners from Hubei and Jilin Provinces Who Died During the Persecution of Falun Dafa

    Ms. Lai Xiuxiang was 48 years old. She began to practise Falun Dafa in 1997. She regained good health after learning the practice. After July 20th 1999, she went to Beijing twice to expose the truth of the persecution of Falun Dafa. On the second trip there, she was arrested and "unlawfully sentenced" to one year in prison by the local police. During her term in prison, she was subjected to inhuman tortures, which lead to the recurrence of her previous illnesses. The police released her when she was in a life-threatening state as they feared they would be held responsible for her death. Ms. Lai Xiuxiang died on December 1st 2001.
  • Five Practitioners Who Passed Away As a Result of Persecution in Liaoning, Sichuan and Heilongjiang Provinces

    On February 7th, 2004, officers suddenly broke into practitioner Mr. Yang Xingkuan's home. They went through everything and took Dafa books, materials exposing the persecution and 800 yuan in cash and arrested him, but Mr. Yang broke free and escaped. The police fired guns at him but he successfully escaped and lived in exile. A group of agents from the police department looked for Mr. Yang. They also waited at his home. Because they couldn't arrest him they arrested his wife, who is also a Dafa practitioner, for the third time and held her at the notorious Nanmusi Forced Labour Camp in Zizhong for 18 months. Mr. Yang tragically died in an industrial accident.
  • Seventy-Year-Old Resident of Sichuan Province Dies from Torture and Injection of Drugs

    70-year-old Wang Zengren was repeatedly detained and persecuted by police and 610 Office staff because he persisted in practising Falun Dafa. Wang Zengren was injected with unknown drugs and was kept unconscious for 12 days. He was incontinent, suffered anal erosion, his legs were swollen and he could not walk. Wang's head had two holes in it from the beatings he received, and as a result of all the persecution he suffered, Wang could no longer take care of himself. Wang Zengren was released on medical parole and he passed away on January 29, 2006.
  • Detailed Information about the Death of Practitioner Mr. Ning Jun

    Mr. Ning Jun was 50 years old, had a firm belief in Falun Dafa and was sentenced to forced labour several times. In September 2002, he was reported to the police for telling people, who had been misled by the government propaganda, the facts about Falun Dafa. He was arrested and sent to the Aimin Public Security Subdivision Bureau, where he was tortured until he almost died. At the beginning of 2004, Mr. Ning was sent to Mudanjiang Prison. He was in critical condition in the prison in September 2004 and passed away on August 12th 2005.
  • The Persecution Suffered by Mi Changrong of Henan Province Before Her Death

    Practitioner Ms. Mi Changrong died on July 29th 2005, as a result of the persecution. The police and local officials had subjected her to threats and harassment over an extended period of time. They also confiscated her home, and on many occasions, arrested her husband Li Xingcheng or put him in a forced labor camp. On June 8th 2005, they again arrested Mr. Li. After losing her source of financial support and hearing that her husband might be sentenced to prison yet again, Ms. Mi suffered greatly in both mind and body and died shortly thereafter.
  • The Secret Sujiatun Concentration Camp

    This source said that there are more than six thousand Falun Dafa practitioners detained. He said, "The CCP won't let a prisoner consume food forever. Then what are they doing? In the end, the Falun Dafa practitioners are killed for their organs, which are sent to the various medical facilities. Currently, organ selling is a very profitable business in China. Many patients that died on the operating table have had their organs taken away. No one investigates it, and even doctors are involved in this trade. They cannot find enough bodies through executions, and no bodies are more readily available than those of practitioners to do this business."
  • Practitioner Mr. Yu Shujin Dies of Persecution

    Mr. Yu Shujin was arrested and detained in Shulan Detention Centre. The torture he endured led to the calcification of his liver, excess fluid building up in his abdomen, and heart trouble. He was sentenced to 12 years in prison. To avoid being responsible for his death, the prison allowed Mr. Yu to go home on November 10th, 2005, for medical treatment. He died on February 11th, 2006.
  • The Torture and Abuse Suffered by Dafa Practitioner Wang Mingduo Before He Died

    Falun Dafa practitioner Wang Mingduo was dismissed from the bank where he worked because of his practice of Falun Dafa. He was sentenced to a forced labour camp. On the way to the camp, police officer Liu Kanhua fiercely told Wang Mingduo, "Don't expect to get out this time. I just want you to die. I will make you die in the labour camp and you won't even know how you died!" Wang Mingduo used to be a strong and healthy person with a kind heart, but he was tortured to death by Liu Kanhua and others within a period of 84 days. His family was shattered.
  • Gao Guang'en, Falun Dafa Practitioner In His Fifties from Shuangcheng City, Dies from Persecution

    52-year-old Falun Dafa practitioner Gao Guang'en passed away on the morning of January 5th, 2006, from the persecution. Over the past few years, due to his perseverance in practising Falun Dafa, Mr. Gao's house had been broken into several times. He had also been unjustly arrested, had money extorted from him, and was imprisoned, tortured and harassed by the local police on several occasions. Gao Guang'en suffered immense torture until he was emaciated, fainted on the ground many times, and could not even walk, before he was allowed to be brought home by his relatives.
  • More Information about Ms. Song Yulian, In Her Fifties, Who Was Persecuted to Death

    Ms. Song Yulian was 52 years old. When she told people, who had been misled by the government propaganda, the facts about Falun Dafa and exposed the persecution in April 2002, she was reported to the authorities and detained at the No. 2 Detention Centre of Xiangfang City. She was brutally tortured. Later, because of her high blood pressure, the detention centre was afraid of take responsibility for her and released her. In January 18th, 2004 she passed away at home.
  • Four Older People from Hebei and Gansu Provinces Pass Away as a Result of Persecution

    Ms. Zang Guilian, 63 years old, went to Beijing to appeal for Dafa on July 20th, 1999. The police arrested her and kept her under close monitoring for a long period of time. During this time, she was forced to attend many meetings that slandered Falun Gong and attempted to brainwash her. She was forced to pay 10,000 yuan in the name of bail. She received a notice requesting that she sign the guarantee letter to renounce Falun Dafa or she would be arrested. She contracted an illness and died on December 23rd, 2004.
  • Ms. Xu Jingbo from Jilin Province Died as a Result of Persecution

    Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Xu Jingbo was a 42-year-old wife and mother. Chinese Communist Party (CCP) agents arrested Ms. Xu between 2000 and 2001. They forced her to write a guarantee statement promising not to practise Falun Gong. They abused her physically, mentally and persecuted her financially. Xu Jingbo left home and lived in exile to avoid further persecution. Later on, she developed symptoms of severe illness. On February 17th, 2006, Xu Jingbo left the world. She left with love for her family and unfulfilled wishes after several years of anguish. She is survived by her father, her husband and her child.
  • Persecutors from the Yantai 610 Office Sent He Xiuling to the Mortuary While She Was Still Alive

    In 2003, while my wife He Xiuling was producing Falun Gong leaflets exposing the persecution in Wendeng City, policemen from the Yantai City 610 Office arrested her. She was imprisoned at the Zhifu District Detention Centre for a long time, where she suffered brutal torture. At 7:30 a.m. on March 11th, 2004, persecutors from the Yantai 610 Office, the Zhifu District Detention Centre, and Liuhuangding Hospital sent He Xiuling to the mortuary, even though she was still breathing. Her lower body was completely naked and frozen. After they were informed of her death, her family members arrived at the mortuary around 11 o'clock, and discovered tears flowing from her eyes.
  • 15-Year-Old Liu Jie Dies Due to Persecution

    A young 15-year-old girl named Liu Jie was diagnosed with lupus erythematosus. Her family had to spend almost 60,000 yuan to have Liu Jie hospitalised a total of three times. Just when mother and daughter were most desperate, a friend introduced her to Falun Dafa. After only ten days, her symptoms completely disappeared and her health returned to normal. On November 22nd, 2005, several Dafa practitioners were detained. Liu Jie's mother became very scared. Fearing that her daughter would be implicated and persecuted as well, Liu Jie's mother would not allow her to study Falun Gong anymore. This resulted in a reoccurrence of Liu Jie's symptoms, and on December 30th, 2005, the young girl passed away suddenly in a hospital corridor.