Death Cases
Dafa Practitioners Ms Ye Jingsu and Ms Zhao Hongxia from Inner Mongolia Persecuted to Death
2006-01-09Two ladies, one a retired accountant and the other a teacher regained complete health after they began to practise Falun Dafa. However, both exposed the persecution and were arrested detained and suffered severe long-term persecution by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). As a result their illnesses returned and they both died; one in August 2005 and one in November.
Six Practitioners Die from Persecution in Hebei, Xinjiang, and Shanghai
2006-01-0969-year-old Mr. Li Xiaojing suffered from physical and mental persecution ever since former president Jiang Zemin's regime launched the suppression of Falun Gong. In May 2000, Chinese authorities imprisoned Mr. Li several times and extorted tens of thousands of yuan from him. Mr. Li's home was searched a dozen times and he was imprisoned for more than a month. The persecution has also harmed Li Xiaojing's children. Mr. Li was forced into homelessness in 2001 to avoid further persecution. He died on September 5th, 2005.
Information about Two Practitioners Who Died from Persecution
2006-01-07Mr. Sun Daye, 41 years old, practised Falun Dafa together with his wife. After the persecution began this couple went to Beijing twice in order to appeal for Dafa. Mr. Sun was detained and persecuted in the police station, the 610 Office, the brainwashing centre, and the detention centre many times. His home was illegally searched, and he was badly beaten, threatened, fined, and otherwise disturbed. He was greatly hurt both spiritually and physically. On June 29th, 2003, he died from a recurrence of his former disease.
Falun Dafa Practitioner Mrs. Chen Jianhua Tortured to Death - Ningbo City Police Propose a 300,000 Yuan Settlement in Exchange for the Chen Family's Silence
2006-01-06The police illegally arrested Falun Dafa practitioner Mrs. Chen Jianhua on May 20th, 2005, when she was distributing materials exposing the persecution. Mrs. Chen was savagely tortured in detention and died. On August 20th, the police told her family to claim her body. The authorities proposed to pay her family, represented by her husband, 300,000 yuan in exchange for their silence regarding Chen Jianhua's death.
Four Falun Gong Practitioners from Shandong, Hebei, Hunan, and Jiangsu Provinces Die as a Result of the Persecution
2006-01-0658-year-old Ms. Yu Caihua experienced her illnesses being cured since she practised Falun Dafa. Since July 20th, 1999, when the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) started to persecute Dafa, the party members in the town prohibited her from practising and often harassed her. Her husband was frightened by the party's ever-changing political movements and also stopped her from practising. He beat her until his hands hurt. Ms. Yu was forced to rent other land to farm. The farmers recall that they repeatedly saw several persons arresting Ms. Yu while she was working the land. Since Ms. Yu suffered for so long from the terror and persecution, in 2001 her health deteriorated, and she died soon thereafter.
Practitioner Mrs. Fu Guiying Dies From Persecution After Her 18-year-old Daughter Passes Away
2006-01-06Falun Dafa practitioner Mrs. Fu Guiying and her family in Inner Mongolia, persisted in practising Dafa and were often persecuted. She and her husband were arrested and held at a labour camp. The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) secretary forced their young daughter, Zhang Yichao, to write a weekly statement at school to cut off her relationship with her parents. She was ousted from school and had to work to provide for herself. She passed away on April 6th, 2005. Due to long-term persecution her mother, Ms. Fu Guiying, died on December 17th, 2005.
Three Practitioners Died as a Result of the Persecution in Shandong Province, Chongqing City, and Sichuan Province
2006-01-05Mr. Gan Guoping, 41 years old, went to appeal at the Beijing National Appeals Office in December 2000. He was arrested and Mr. Gan was brought back to the Neijiang Detention Centre. During his detention, he was tortured and harassed by the police, and he was forced to pay the travel expenses of the 610 officers and police for bringing him back. The total cost was several thousand yuan. He was arrested again later. During the persecution, Mr. Gan Guoping suffered severely both mentally and physically. In December 2004, he was diagnosed with terminal cirrhosis of the liver. He passed away on December 17th, 2005.
Falun Dafa Practitioner Mr. Liao Youyuan Tortured to Death at the Xinkaipu Forced Labour Camp
2006-01-04Someone reported Liao Youyuan on June 14th, 2005, when he was telling people, who had been misled by the government propaganda, the facts about Falun Dafa. Police officers arrested him, searched him, and beat him. Close to evening, a group of police ransacked Liao Youyuan's home and sent him to a detention centre. They threatened his family and demanded money from them. His family refused to give the police extortion money. They sent Liao Youyuan to the Xinkaipu Forced Labour Camp in Changsha City on July 8th, 2005, where Mr. Liao was later tortured to death on December 18th, 2005.
Elderly Practitioner Mr. Fan Weihuai from Liaoning Province Suffers Persecution and Dies a Result
2006-01-0474-year-old Mr. Fan Weihui persisted in exposing the persecution of Falun Gong and validated Dafa, from which he had personally gained benefits. On April 17th 2002, he was arrested by officials who disregarded the law. He was then sentenced to a long jail term by officials of the Chinese Communist Party. On December 7th, 2005, Mr. Fan Weihuai was found to be suffering from terminal liver cancer in jail. The jail authorities knew he was close to death, so in order to shift the responsibility, they released him. Mr. Fan Weihui passed away on December 12th, 2005.
Mr. Su Guohua Dies from Effects of Persecution in 2003 in Hebei Province
2006-01-04The 610 Office and the local Judicial Department arrested 73-year-old Mr. Su Guohua many times. The authorities once handcuffed Mr. Su to a big tree and then shocked him with electric batons. Mr. Su always refused to sign any repentance statement, admitting remorse for practising Falun Gong so the authorities constantly harassed him. The vicious torture and persecution took Mr. Su's life in December 2003. Because of the torture, the long-term persecution and the constant harassment, Mr. Su left this world in December 2003.
Mr. Xue Yutian Forced to Give Up Practising Falun Dafa and Passed Away from Severe Illnesses
2006-01-03Mr. Xue Yutian was around fifty-six years old. Before Mr. Xue Yutian started to practise Falun Dafa, he was so ill that he had totally lost his ability to take care of himself. In order to treat his illnesses, he was overloaded with debt. In May 1997, Mr. Xue Yutian started to practise Falun Dafa. He gradually regained his health and he could do almost all kinds of farm work by the autumn of 1997. After the persecution started local village Chinese Communist Party members tried to force Mr. Xue Yutian to give up Falun Dafa numerous times, leading to the recurrence of his old illnesses. Finally, Mr. Xue Yutian passed away in the middle of November 2005.
Falun Dafa Practitioner Mr. Ma Wensheng of Qiqihar City Died as a Result of Torture
2006-01-01The police tortured Ma Wensheng with the method known as "the big hang-up", among other methods. They beat Ma Wensheng until his legs were broken and his body became deformed. On the morning of October 20th, the police told Ma Wensheng's brother that Ma Wensheng was hospitalized in the Qiqihar City Railroad Hospital. His brother saw an unconscious Ma Wensheng at the hospital. He passed away before his brother could get food and soap, a towel and some other things for him.
The Persecution That 53-Year-Old Ms. Long Lianqiu Suffered Before Death
2006-01-0153-year-old Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Long Lianqiu went to Beijing to appeal for justice for Falun Dafa twice during 2001. Police arrested her and detained her. During 2002, the police harassed her at home on numerous occasions, also arrested her and forced her to work with other prisoners for more than 12 hours a day. She became ill because of this inhumane treatment. Later police took her to a brainwashing centre. After receiving brutal treatment, she suffered a cerebral hemorrhage and developed hemiplegia. She finally died on September 11th, 2005.
Four Practitioners Died Due to Persecution
2006-01-0171-Year-Old Mr. Lai Changming was arrested in October 2000 while he was on his way to Beijing to appeal on behalf of Falun Gong. Police sent him to Xinzhou Detention Centre and forced him to go to the Liuji Brainwashing Centre at a cost of over 3000 yuan. After he returned home, local policemen and other perpetrators frequently came to his home to harass and threaten him, keeping him from his practice of Falun Gong. He died in 2005.
Ms. Ye Lianping Tortured to Death by Police Officers in Mudanjiang City
2005-12-31Police officer Qiao Ping was very active and did his utmost to persecute Falun Dafa practitioners in Aimin district. Later he was transferred to the City Police Department to specifically persecute Falun Dafa. Police officer Li Fu from the city Police Department has been persecuting Falun Dafa since 1999. It is reported that these two officers are the ones responsible for cruelly torturing and murdering Ms. Ye. We hope people who know inside details of Ms. Ye's death provide information about the incident. The murderers must be punished and justice must be served.