Death Cases
Falun Gong Practitioner Ms. Chang Shuzhen From Qingdao City Died As A Result of Persecution After Appealing in Beijing
2004-07-25Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Chang Shuzhen went to appeal for Falun Gong after the unlawful persecution began in 1999. The police detained and tortured her. Other Dafa practitioners told the police Chang Shuzhen had died, and the police drove her to hospital. Around 6:00 a.m. the doctor examined her and said, "She can't be saved. She is gone."
Elderly Ms. Yuan Cuirong from Henan Province Died with Injustice in Her Heart After Being Forced to Give Up Her Belief
2004-07-2557 year old Ms. Yuan Cuirong was a resident of Henan Province. Because she went to Beijing to appeal for the end of the persecution, she was incarcerated in a forced labour camp. After being subjected to brutal and savage persecution in the forced labour camp, Yuan Cuirong heavy-heartedly said she would give up her belief in Falun Dafa. She became depressed and developed cancer of the spine. Yuan Cuirong finally died on June 21, 2003.
Eyewitness' Account of the Death of Zhang Yali and Two Other Falun Dafa Practitioners
2004-07-24"I would like to tell you about the death of three practitioners, Ms. Zhang Yali, Ms. Zhang Baoju, and Ms. Guan Ge in a labour camp. Zhang Baoju said, "We cannot just watch our fellow practitioners be tortured and forced to renounce their belief''. They all wrote their wills, which stated, "This is not suicide. We do this under the circumstance where the evildoers rampantly persecute practitioners. we all know that Teacher states clearly in "Zhuan Falun" [the main text of Falun Dafa] about the issue of killing...we are willing to give up our young lives." The three of them hanged themselves on June 4, 2003."
A Female Dafa Practitioner Was Tortured to Death in Beijing Detention Centre in November 2001
2004-07-23East City Detention Centre in Beijing was suspected of torturing a female Dafa practitioner to death in November 2001. I am able to confirm the validity of the report because I was being held in that detention centre at the time. Due to my persistence in Dafa cultivation, I was put into a cell at the East City Detention Centre on November 5, 2001, and learned from the inmates there that a female Dafa practitioner had just been persecuted to death.
More than a Dozen Beijing Policemen Beat Mr. Han Junqing to Death
2004-07-22Mr. Han Junqing, 47, was a resident of Beijing. He was tortured to death at the beginning of June 2004. It has now been confirmed that he died from the brutal beating at the hands of more than a dozen policemen. His body was cremated on June 5th. An examination revealed that Mr. Han, a Falun Dafa practitioner, had sustained several broken ribs. The skin and muscle under his left eye was severely injured, and a piece of flesh was missing there.
Murder, Disfigurement, Torture and Enslavement: Longshan Forced Labor Camp Commits New Crimes in Order to Qualify as a "Provincial-Level" Camp (Photos)
2004-07-21A civic-level forced labour camp insanely and inhumanely tortures Falun Gong practitioners in order to accumulate "achievements" so as to meet the upgrade criteria. This clearly demonstrates that under Jiang's policy to annihilate Falun Gong, brutally persecuting Falun Gong practitioners not only becomes a criterion for promotion for personnel in public security, procuratorial organs, people's court and judicatory organs, but also a criterion for the promotion in status for forced labour institutions.
Beijing Falun Dafa Practitioner Mr. Chen Fenglin Dies as a Result of Persecution
2004-07-20Mr. Chen Fenglin was a 51 year old Falun Dafa practitioner from Beijing. Owing to the long years of imprisonment and mental persecution, his physical and mental health severely deteriorated. Even after his release he was continuously followed and harassed by police. He died in hospital on July 7, 2004.
A Witness Steps Forward: "She Was Tied to a Chair and Beaten for 24 Hours!"
2004-07-20On the night of March 31, 2002, Mrs. Wu Jingfang and several other Falun Dafa practitioners were arrested. On April 10, the police tried to find her younger brother. They did not tell her family that she had already died until her brother came at 7 pm that evening. The police said Mrs. Wu died at around 11 am that morning and that her body had been sent to a crematorium. This struck her family like a lightning bolt. When they went to the crematorium and saw her, her eyes were still open and her entire body was black and blue.
Police from Changchun City Torture Dafa Practitioner Mr. Jiang Yong to Death
2004-07-19Dafa practitioner Mr. Jiang Yong, 46 years old, was from Changchun City. On April 13, 2004, Changchun City police abducted Mr. Jiang. He was then taken to a hospital after being severely beaten by police. Later, Mr. Jiang was transferred to a Detention Centre for continued imprisonment. On the evening of July 4, 2004, the Detention Centre informed Mr. Jiang's family members that he had passed away. Mr. Jiang's family members were not allowed to see him.
Falun Gong Practitioner Shu Zusi Was Tortured to Death in Tongcheng County, Hubei Province
2004-07-19Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Shu Zusi has been living in Shangkuotian, Tongcheng County, Hubei Province. One day in July 2000, he was taken away to prison by local policemen and suffered brutal tortures there. He was released a few days later, and soon thereafter he died from a heavy wound inflicted during the torture.
Liaoning Province School Teacher Li Guangzhen Tortured to Death and Her Husband is on the Verge of Death
2004-07-18Ms. Li Guangzhen, 52 years old, was an outstanding primary school teacher in Liaoning Province. Her husband Zhou Xirong is an English teacher. In March of 2003, because they practised Falun Dafa, they were illegally sentenced to three-year prison terms. Li Guangzhen was taken to Dabei Prison. She was severely tortured and thus unable to eat any longer. In October of 2003, she was bailed out for medical treatment and died on June 18, 2004. Her husband Zhou Xirong is now detained and being tortured in prison
Dafa Practitioner Ms. Wang Liyan from Mudanjiang City Dies as a Result of Torture
2004-07-18Dafa practitioner Ms. Wang Liyan from Mudanjiang City was arrested in August 2002. She suffered inhuman tortures and abuses in prison for one and a-half years. By the time she was released, she was severely traumatized. She lost control of her speech, her arms and legs and could not smile or cry or have any other facial expression. She had a hard time falling asleep, and suffered from heart problems and severe headaches. Ms. Wang passed away on January 23, 2004.
Torture Leads to Death of 61 Year Old Falun Dafa Practitioner Ms. Qi Suzhen from Hebei Province
2004-07-1761-year-old Ms. Qi Suzhen was from Hebei Province. She fully recovered from serious diseases after beginning to practise Falun Gong. Since Jiang's regime started to persecute Dafa, she was detained in detention centre where she was subjected to frequent torture. Though her family was in very difficult financial circumstances, she was still fined 1,500 Yuan. Police stayed near her home to monitor her many times and broke into her house at night as well. Both her body and mind were greatly damaged from the relentless persecution. Sadly, she died on May 15, 2004.
Additional Information on the Death of Mr. Bi Guohua While being Arrested by Shandong Province Police
2004-07-17In June 2004, the authorities from Rongcheng's' "610 Office" in Weihai City, Shandong Province staged a citywide sweep to arrest practitioners. The police raided people's home and seized them like bandits. After they broke into Bi Guohua's house, they found the 64-year-old Mr. Bi home alone. They violently assaulted him, and as a result, Mr. Bi died.
School Teacher Ms. Li Zhi from Hubei Province Died in 2002 as a Result of Persecution
2004-07-16Ms. Li Zhi was a middle school teacher in Hubei Province. Because she refused to give up her belief in Dafa, her husband, an official in the Labour Bureau, often beat Li Zhi. Sometimes he beat her so hard that the bench he used was broken. He wouldn't stop until he was exhausted. Her husband did not stop beating her until she was seriously ill and checked into the hospital. In the summer of 2002, Li Zhi passed away in the hospital.