Death Cases
Dafa Practitioner Mr. Li Yuanguang from Daqing City Dies as Result of Torture (Photos)
2004-03-29In the afternoon of July 12, 2000, Jing Aiguo, the local police head and other police officers including Xia Yanbing arrested Mr. Li Yuanguang. Eight police officers led by Sun Wanku ordered a locksmith to open the door to his home. These people even opened a sealed sack of rice to search for things....Li Yuanguang weighed less than one hundred pounds when he died. Everyone present could not help but cry when they looked at the wedding picture of the handsome Li Yuanguang and then at the one with the stark physical changes in the photo taken at his death.
Fifteen Practitioners Suffer Persecution After the 2002 Truth Clarification Television Broadcast in Gansu Province
2004-03-29The authorities wanted to detain Dafa practitioners en masse, so they secretly transferred a huge sum of money to rebuild the Haomen Prison at Menyuan County, Qinghai Province. It is not known how many Dafa practitioners are being detained there at present. From information provided individually, the forms of torture carried out there are extremely barbaric. Two policemen from the prison were overheard boasting about how they trained dogs to attack and ravage prisoners. One of them said: "Once you arrive at the prison, you will cease to be treated as a human being!"
More Details on the Death of Dafa Practitioner Ms. Tong Guijie
2004-03-28We learned from family members of the former director of Xingfu Police Station that before sending Ms. Tong to Changchun City, the police asked the local "610 Office" director, "She is in critical condition, do you still want to send her to the labour camp?" The answer was, "Yes, send her even if she dies. No one will be responsible for her death." After Ms. Tong's death, the detention centre lied, saying that she died from a heart attack. We are still investigating the details of the abuses Ms. Tong suffered.
More Facts about the Torture Death of Practitioner Ms. Cao Yali from Jilin Province
2004-03-28The police blindfolded her and jailed her in a secret interrogation facility, (Some people have revealed that it was a place called, "Jingyuetan" in Changchun City). There they tortured her for one whole day and night...Then, without presenting any evidence, they sentenced her to two years of forced labour at Changchun City Heizuizi Female Detention Centre...On February 6, 2004, she died from complications that resulted from the prolonged torture and mistreatment she endured.
Changchun City Dafa Practitioner Mr. Yu Xianjiang Tortured then Discharged from Hospital to Die (Photo)
2004-03-27The next day when his neighbours came to pay him a visit, they found he had already left the world. The local residents all knew that he was a good person and he was tortured to death. The police officers Ma Aihui and Yuan Ye who persecuted Yu Xianjiang were promoted for their persecution of him. Another police officer named Bai was also responsible. These several officers had abducted nearly 100 local practitioners.
78 Year Old Ms. Fang Yuqin from Liaoning Province Dies as a Result of the Persecution
2004-03-27On the night of February 3, 2002, Ms. Fang's third daughter, grandson and granddaughter were planning on hanging some truth-clarification banners, when they were arrested by the police. The grandson was able to escape, however, the third daughter and granddaughter were sent to Masanjia Labour Camp. Ms. Fang was very worried about her children and grandchildren. The arrest was a heavy blow to her, and her health started to deteriorate. Nine months into her destitute life, she passed away on May 29, 2002.
Mr Zhao Guo-an Tortured to Death in the Henan No.3 Labour Camp -- Family Only Allowed to See His Ashes, and Not His Body
2004-03-27Yet, at the end of December 2003, county police suddenly notified his wife, who was detained in the Yancheng Brainwashing Class, that she should go to the labour camp. To her horror, she only saw her husband's ashes. One male employee of the Houji Township government acknowledged Zhao's death, and said he died over 20 days ago (when people called in January). We have learned that besides Mr. Zhao Guo-an, two Falun Dafa practitioners have been tortured to death in the No.3 Labour Camp. They are young lawyer Li Jian, and Normal School teacher Yao Sanzhong, both 34 years old.
Lanzhou City Falun Gong Practitioner Mr. Zhao Xudong Tortured to Death, His Wife and Mother Still in Detention
2004-03-26On February 7, 2004, after two months of imprisonment, Zhao Xudong died from persecution in the Dashaping Rehabilitation Hospital. On February 8, the Lanzhou City Public Security Bureau and the Police Division of Lanzhou City Chemical Industry Company informed Mr. Zhao's family members that he had died from a lack of oxygen to the brain . Zhao Xudong's father discovered blood in his nose, but was too anguished at that time to pay attention to this detail.
Falun Gong Practitioner Ms. Sun Yuhua Beaten to Death at Liaoning Province Women's Prison
2004-03-26They stuffed human faeces into her mouth. However, despite the torture, Sun Yuhua was always determined. One day Sun Lijie and others beat Sun Yuhua so badly that she passed out. When they carried her to the prison hospital the next morning, she was already dead. Even so, they still kicked her, claiming she was faking death. In no more than one month, Sun Yuhua was beaten to death.
Death of Heilongjiang Province Dafa Practitioner Ms. Sun Yuhua as a Result of Torture
2004-03-26Ms. Sun Yuhua, 48-years-old, was a Dafa practitioner from Hulan County, Heilongjiang Province. She was tortured to death on March 8, 2004. Her husband was sentenced to prison for clarifying the truth about Falun Gong, and her 18-year-old daughter was also sent to a labour camp. The whole family suffered because they adhered to the principles of Truthfulness - Compassion - Tolerance.
70 Year Old Practitioner Mr. Zheng Zhong Dies As A Result of Being Detained Five Times and Forced Into Homelessness
2004-03-25Because of the brutal persecution of Falun Gong by Jiang Zemin's regime, the Huangzhou police detained Zheng Zhong in the detention centre five times in succession....The police and "610 Office" personnel monitored and followed Zheng Zhong's two sons for a long time. They also tapped their phone, and harrassed and threatened his daughter-in-law and her parents. Due to the hardship of being away from home for a long time, Falun Gong practitioner Zheng Zhong died on March 9, 2004.
Ms. Cao Yali Dies as a Result of Brutal Torture in Heizuizi Labour Camp
2004-03-24In the evening of January 24, 2002, Cao Yali was forcibly taken from her home by a dozen local policemen. She was blindfolded and detained in a secret interrogation room in Changchun City, where she was tortured over a 24-hour period with various brutal methods, including savage beatings to her head with an iron bucket, sitting on the "Tiger Bench", electric shocks, sleep-deprivation, and having cold-water poured over her lightly-clad body in minus 20 degrees outdoor temperatures.
Shandong Province Falun Gong Practitioner Mr. Zhang Yanxun Died of Torture in 2000
2004-03-24On March 1, 2000, he was unjustly detained in the village police station, and on March 4, he was transferred to the county detention centre. While in detention, he was brutally tortured. The inmates even forced this 50-year old man to imitate a frog jumping on the ground. When he failed to jump high enough, they beat him. The police witnessed this, and just turned a deaf ear. In the end, Mr. Zhang was tortured to the point of being unrecognizable.
Dafa Practitioner Ms. Xie Caile Dies as Result of Torture Suffered at Chengdu City Detention Centre
2004-03-23Ms. Xie Caile, in her 30s, was from Xindu District, Chengdu City, Sichuan Province. She was unlawfully sentenced to five years in prison in June 2003. Ms. Xie held a hunger strike at Chengdu City Detention Centre and was force-fed. One month later, although she could no longer be force-fed, the guards refused to release her. She passed away in October 2003.
Persecution Brings Endless Suffering to Wang Hongbin's Family and Causes His Tragic Death
2004-03-23Wang Hongbin's family of three suffered continuous persecution. Their house was ransacked and property confiscated five times, and the couple was arrested six times. First, Wang's family life was shattered, then they were forced to become homeless, travelling from place to place to avoid persecution, and finally the family was totally ruined. Wang Hongbin was arrested, beaten up, tortured and sentenced to forced labour. On October 9th, 2003 he died at the age of 39 because of the torture he suffered. He left a wife and a 13-year-old son behind, who are in dire financial straits.