Death Cases

  • Hebei Province Dafa Practitioner Ms. Jiang Suhua Dies from Injuries After Force Feeding

    Jiang's family had attempted to visit her many times while she was detained, but was turned away each time by the detention centre authorities. Her family had not seen her since the day she had been taken from her home against her will, and thus had no knowledge whatsoever of her situation in the detention centre, let alone the fact that she was conducting a hunger strike or that she had been hospitalized. Her medical bills, plus the transportation and the funeral expenses, exceeded 14 thousand yuan.
  • Siping City Dafa Practitioner Ms. Jing Fengyun Tortured to Death

    Dafa Practitioner Jing Fengyun, in her 40's, was an employee at Siping City's No.1 People's Hospital. She was arrested and sent to a detention centre during the Chinese New Year Holiday in 2002. She once held hunger strike to protest the illegal detention and was tortured to death within a week. This is yet another tragic death of an innocent person who only wanted to live her life according to the principles of Truthfulness - Compassion - Tolerance.
  • Dead After Long-term Detention and Torture: Mr. Chen Hanchang from Qidong City

    While in detention, he suffered inhumane torture. He was forced to do long-term intense physical labour, such as carrying heavy rocks. He used to be a strong, healthy man, yet he was reduced to just skin and bones... Despite all the torture, Chen Hanchang was still determined in cultivation. He was then transferred to an out-of-town place where he continued to be tortured. When he was finally released at the end of November 2003, he was in a coma and could not speak.
  • In Memory of Practitioner Ms. Qi Fengqin

    One of the inmates forced her to the ground, while another gave her a hard kick and cursed at her. That night, Qi Fengqin began to cough, spitting out blood and pus. It was quite a while before other Dafa practitioners were able to reach and inform a guard about her situation. A practitioner told the guard, "The force feeding tube has damaged Qi Fengqin's oesophagus and stomach. We need to send her to a hospital." But the guard just ignored the practitioner.
  • Crimes Committed by Liu Guansheng, Deputy Director of the Shanhaiguan Public Security Bureau in Qinhuangdao City

    For more than four years now, Liu Guansheng has served Jiang's regime in persecuting kind and innocent Falun Gong practitioners in Shanhaiguan, and he detained many Qinhangdao City practitioners in his Shanhaiguan Detention Centre. According to incomplete statistics only accounting for the Shanhaiguan District, Qinhangdao City, between 170 and 180 practitioners were illegally detained, brutally tortured and interrogated under torture as a result of his direct and indirect instructions.
  • Over 20 Prisoners Encouraged to Gang Up and Beat a Practitioner to Death: Story of Ms. Zhu Yinfang from Chengdu City

    Over 50 year old, Ms. Zhu Yinfang was sent to the 7th Middle Team in Zizhong City Women's Labour Camp on April 25, 2003. The guards then ordered inmates detained for drug abuse to tape her , and bind her hands and feet with handcuffs and shackles. The following day, police guards commanded over 20 prisoners under custody to torture this Falun Dafa practitioner from Chengdu City to death. The jail terms of those who beat the practitioner to death was extended for only half a day, while the jail terms of those who didn't participate was extended more.
  • More Information about the Torture Death of Shanghai Dafa Practitioner Mr. Ma Xinxing

    In late 1999, Falun Dafa practitioner Ma Xinxing from Shanghai was detained in a mental hospital for three months. The police and doctors claimed that practitioners detained in the hospital were suffering from psychosis. They also attempted to have practitioners give up their belief, threatening to turn the practitioners crazy. One of the tactics they used was to force practitioners to take harmful drugs. If practitioners refused to take the drugs, the police and doctors oftentimes resorted to force-feeding.
  • Elderly Falun Dafa Practitioner Ms Zhang Guangxian from Guizhou Province Passes Away Under Great Strain Caused by the Persecution

    Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Zhang Guangxian's son, Hu Dali, also a Falun Dafa practitioner, was sentenced to 10 years in prison. He was tortured in Lannigou Detention Centre, leaving both legs disabled. While her son was tortured in prison, she faced ongoing harassment and threats at home. After being subjected to repeated harassment and intimidation to the limits of her endurance, she passed away on the evening of February 22nd, 2004, at the Xiuwen County Chinese Medicine Hospital.
  • Photo Evidence of How Dalian Police Tortured Mr. Li Zhongmin

    In 2001, Falun Dafa practitioner Li Zhongmin was arrested by the Dalian Development District Public Security Bureau. He was then severely tortured by policemen. When Li Zhongmin escaped, his hands were still handcuffed, and they deeply cut into his wrists. He had cuts and bruises all over his body, and the wound in his forehead vibrated when he breathed. It was too appalling to watch. Li Zhongmin was tortured to death in Dabei Prison on March 4, 2003.
  • After an Amazing Recovery, Twelve-Year-Old Girl Dies after School Forbids the Practice of Falun Gong

    When a teacher asked, "Who practises Falun gong?" Twelve year old Qian replied, "I do." The teacher asked, "Don't you know our country doesn't allow practising Falun Gong?" Qian told the teacher, "I would have died if I hadn't practised Falun Gong." The teacher sent her directly to the principal's office, where the principal scolded her. He would not allow Qian to attend school unless she gave up the practice.
  • Gruelling Account of Chengdu City Ms. Meng Xiao -- A Practitioner Who Died as a Result of Four Years of Persecution (Part 1)

    On December 2 Meng Xiao came to the understanding that since Dafa practitioners were good and innocent people, they should not be forced by the prison to do slave labour for 13-14 and even 15-16 hours a day, and this was also in violation of the legal labour time requirement by prison law. She therefore refused to work....For almost one month, the guards didn't allow inmates to approach her or talk to her, and gave her nothing but a meagre portion of rice and salted vegetable.
  • Laiwu City Dafa Practitioner Mr. Shang Qingling of Died from Severe Lung Injuries after being Tortured and Force-Fed with Excrement

    Upon returning home, Mr. Shang could not eat anything. He had chest pains and he was always short of breath. For more than ten days, he could only sit because he was unable to lie down due to the severe pain. His health condition deteriorated daily. He was sent to the Laigang Plant General Hospital for treatment, and doctors there drew out two bottles of pus from his chest. They tried their best, but they failed to save his life. On January 31, 2001, Mr. Shang Qingling died in hospital.
  • Qingdao Dafa Practitioner Ms Wang Xiaoli's Death Caused by Police Brutality

    After Wang Xiaoli died, they spread a rumour that she "committed suicide" in order to cover up the truth. However, the truth that Wang Xiaoli died as a result of the persecution quickly spread to the neighbourhood around her home. Chen Guolei, the director of Luoyang Street Police Station and Xu Zhaozhen, the director of Luoyang Street Resident's committee are very frightened. In an attempt to shift the responsibility, they told Wang Xiaoli's husband that her death had nothing to do with them.
  • Chief Sun Hongzhi and Officer Chen Yongfu of Tanpeng Police Station Responsible for the Death of 24-Year-Old Falun Gong Practitioner Ms. Sun Xiumei

    24-year-old Anhui Falun Gong practitioner, Ms. Sun Xiumei, died as a result of persecution on the morning of February 2, 2000. She was murdered by the authorities in Tanpeng Police Station simply because she would not give up her belief in "Truthfulness, Compassion, Tolerance"! The authorities who are directly responsible for this crime are the head of the police station Sun Hongzhi and police officer Chen Yongfu. The details regarding Sun Xiumei's suspicious death is pending further investigation.
  • Ms. Yang Zhongfang Beaten to Death; Dozens of People Hold Sit-in Protest in front of City Government

    Dafa practitioner Ms. Yang Zhongfang was 37 years old when officers from the Jiangong Police Station in Yanji City beat her to death overnight. Originally from Chengdu City, she had a deli business at the Xiyuan Market near the Yanxi Street Brick Factory in Yanji City. Because she was a warm and conscientious person, her business did well. The people living nearby loved her food. Ms. Yang Zhongfang also did lots of good things for the market, but she was persecuted for her belief in Truthfulness-Compassion-Tolerance.