Death Cases

  • Liu Qingyu, Director of Shuangcheng's Detention Centre Has a History of Torturing and Murdering Falun Dafa Practitioners

    They force-fed another Falun Dafa practitioner, Ms. Liu Jie, and she died in the same way. Liu Qingyu directed the use of force-feeding as a method of torturing practitioners. Every time he sent Falun Dafa practitioners to the forced labour camps or prisons, he had to bribe someone because these institutions would refuse to accept severely wounded practitioners. Liu Qingyu would personally bribe these institution officials to accept them without the mandatory medical examinations.
  • Recently Released Facts: 63 Year Old Falun Dafa Practitioner Wu Simin Tortured to Death 3 Years Ago

    He was beaten to the brink of death, and was sent to the Yongning Hospital on January 5, 2001. He died after rescue efforts failed. His body was covered with bruises. Wu Simin's older brother found the Director of the local police substation, and told him that he would sue them. The former Assistant Director Zheng Jianmin said, "Can you afford a lawsuit? You can't win no matter what the circumstances. We officials look out for each other."
  • Mr. Xun Ruilin's Wife is Threatened by Police after Seeing the Injuries on his Dead Body

    When Xun Ruilin's wife went to Linzhang County to see him, the police did not allow her in. Two days later, she unexpectedly saw her husband's dead body in Linzhang County Hospital. She saw that there were shocking injuries all over his body. His face had many wounds. Blood stains were seen on the corners of his mouth and on his nose. The police threatened Xun Ruilin's wife that she was not allowed to tell anyone about his condition. Neither was she allowed to look into the circumstances of her husband's death. Linzhang County Police Department hurriedly cremated Xun Ruilin's body. Such a kind and good person who cultivated himself by following Truth-Compassion-Tolerance lost his precious life this way.
  • To Cover up Evidence of Death by Torture, Kaiping Labour Camp Cremates Mrs. Cui Yulan's Body

    In the spring of 2001, the Kaiping Forced Labour Camp telephoned the family to come and take Cui Yulan home. When the family went, they only saw the box of her ashes and the clothes and blanket that were being returned. They were not told how long ago she had died or the circumstances of her death. The prison police were afraid that details about their responsibility in her death would be exposed, so they secretly cremated her body without notifying her family.
  • 60 Year Old Lady Ms. Zhang Dabi Tortured to Death

    The labour camp refused to accept Ms. Zhang becuase of her physicial condition. But the reasons behind their refusal reveal a chilling disregard for human life. Based on Jiang Zemin's persecution policy, each forced labour camp gets a "death quota", or "the number of Falun Gong practitioners a forced labour camp is allowed to have die in the camp." Each forced labour camp is also rewarded for making a Falun Gong practitioner renounce his/her belief in Falun Gong. The camp officials did not want to forfeit one of their death quota numbers for a dying Falun Gong practitioner without obtaining their reward from making her renounce Falun Gong.
  • Falun Dafa Practitioner in His Thirties Dies as a Result of Torture in Hefei City

    It has been learned that Falun Dafa practitioner Li Jun, a worker in his 30's at the former forklift factory in Hefei City, Anhui Province, was tortured to death in November 2003 at the Hefei Detention Centre. Details are being investigated.
  • Jiang Regime Tries to Hide the Truth of Ouyang Ming's Death from the Australian Government

    Recently, the Chinese government released a statement regarding the death of Falun Gong practitioner Ouyang Ming. Ouyang Ming worked as a teacher at Huanggang Industrial College, Hunan Province, and his brother Ouyang Yu is an Australian citizen. The Chinese government claims that Ouyang Ming's death was the result of an accident during his escape from the hospital. The Chinese Government, in the grip of the Jiang regime is lying to the world and covering up the facts in order to protect the regime and to continue its vile persecution.
  • The Torture That Led to the Death of 26 Year Old Mr. Song Changguang

    Due to internal wounds and foot injuries sustained through beating and torture in the labour camp over a month before, Mr. Song had difficulty walking, could no longer work, and often coughed and experienced lung congestion. He was often in extreme pain and his health status was unstable. In November 2003, he was bed-ridden and could no longer stand up. His family sent him to the Jiutai hospital for treatment, but medicine did not help him. Six days later, Song Changguan died on November 12th.
  • Guangxi: Dafa Practitioners Mr. Xuan Deqiong and Mr. Wang Rencheng Tortured to Death by Police

    Since July 20, 1999, police in Qinbei District, Qinzhou City, Guangxi Chuang Municipality Autonomous Region have been brutally persecuting Dafa practitioners. They tortured two practitioners to death in March and June of 2001 respectively. Afterwards they tightly blocked the information and details of the deaths were not known until recently. Mr. Wang Rencheng was a 35-year-old practitioner who lived in Dazhi Town, Qinbei District. In 2000, he was illegally detained in the Qinzhou No.2 Detention Centre by the Qinbei District Police Department after he distributed Dafa truth-clarifying flyers. In June 2001, he was shocked to death with electric batons during interrogation. However, the government claimed that he died because of his contact with high-voltage electricity.
  • Anhui Province: Dafa Practitioner Mr. Li Jun Dies as a Result of Abuse and Torment in in Hefei City

    The court started to pass verdict without any due legal procedures, which enraged the accused's relatives and friends sitting in the public gallery. Li Jun and his fellow practitioners started to sing the song "Falun Dafa is Good" and their voices could be heard in and around the court, which made the evildoers fearful and deeply moved kind-hearted people. In view of this circumstance, the judges wanted to send them away as soon as possible, but Li Jun and his fellow practitioners refused to cooperate with their illegal conduct. The police resorted to violence, but the people present condemned their conduct. The police used violence to cover up their inner fear, threatening to beat anyone who dared to criticize them.
  • Jilin Province: Dafa Practitioner Ms. Li Li Murdered by Torture

    On July 4, 2001, she was arrested yet again in Fangshan District. She insisted that she was innocent and held a hunger strike to protest the illegal detention. In late 2001, she was unjustly sentenced to seven years in prison and was incarcerated at Fangshan Prison. On February 1, 2002, she was tortured to death at Beijing Police Hospital, because she believed in Truthfulness - Compassion - Tolerance.
  • Hunan Province: Fifty-One Year Old Falun Dafa Practitioner Tortured to Death by Police

    In 2001, Chen Changfa was accused of wrongdoing, when he was clarifying the truth to people. In August 2001, he was forced to become destitute and homeless in order to avoid being illegally arrested at home. Nevertheless, he continued appealing for Dafa. Soon thereafter, he was arrested by police in Hunan, and brutally tortured to death. In May, 2002, police from Hunan Province acting on information contained in his personal I.D. card, took a photo of his dead, tortured body to his local police station and informed them that he had died.
  • Jilin Province: At Least Ten Falun Gong Practitioners Are Tortured to Death at the Chaoyanggou Forced Labour Camp

    Starting from the end of 2001, Wang Yunkun, Secretary of the Jilin Province Party Committee, and Lin Yanzhi, Vice Secretary of the Jilin Province Party Committee started devising and directing a large-scale persecution of Falun Gong practitioners at the Chaoyanggou Labour Camp. In March 2003, Wang Yunkun required them to "Achieve a 95% conversion rate [percentage of practitioners forced to give up their belief] by any means and any cost, and send the remaining 5% to prison." To achieve the so called "conversion rate," all policemen and some criminals of the Chaoyanggou Labour Camp cruelly beat practitioners using 10,000-volt electric batons, truncheons, police ropes, hoe handles, handcuffs, V-belts, axes, etc. Usually a dozen of them beat one practitioner. The effects are so brutal that blood can be seen all over the walls.
  • Hebei Province: Dafa Practitioner Mr. Li Chouren Confirmed to Have Died from Torture Two Years Ago

    Li's parents had passed away long ago, and his younger sister had married and moved out. He, along with his mentally retarded brother, lived a very poor life. Since his family could not afford to pay the so-called fines the police asked for, Li was jailed for the longest time among the arrested practitioners. In the end, the police released him after extorting 1500 Yuan from his sister. In about 10 days or so after he returned home, Li passed away. He died at the age of 40.
  • Heilongjiang Province: Phone Numbers Related to the Torture Death of Dafa Practitioner Mr. Wang Jiguo

    In August 2000, due to severe persecution, Wang Jiguo was on the verge of death in the labour camp. He was diagnosed with liver cirrhosis, liver cirrhosis ascites, and comprehensive liver and kidney syndrome. The labour camp had to agree to let him out on bail to be hospitalized for treatment. In December 2000, only three months after Wang Jiguo was released from the hospital, the authorities from Mudanjiang City Teachers' College ignored the fact that he was still urinating blood and had almost lost all sight in both eyes, and sent him back to the labour camp. Later, Wang Jiguo was sentenced and held in Mudanjiang City Prison. There he was again abused to the verge of death. When he was sent to the hospital again, it was too late to save his life, and he passed away in September 2003.