Exhibitions and Cultural Events
Germany: Anti-Torture Exhibition on Marienplatz Square Expose the atrocities and Appeals for an End to the Persecution
2004-10-10After viewing the posters and the anti-torture exhibition, many people asked how they can help the practitioners suffering in Mainland China. Some said that they will take home leaflets for their relatives and friends; some signed a petition to “Bring Jiang Zemin to Justice.” Since too many people wanted to sign the petition, the practitioners ran out of signature books.
France: A Professional Photographer is Touched by an Anti-Torture Exhibition
2004-10-08The Jiang Regime’s inhumane persecution of Falun Gong and practitioners’ dignified perseverance in the face of adversity deeply touched a professional French photographer. He took a large number of photos and expressed hope that practitioners will carry on raising awareness about the persecution through peaceful appeals.
UK: Anti-Torture Exhibition Tour Successfully held in Scotland
2004-10-06From the 24th to the 27th of September 2004, UK Falun Gong practitioners organised an Anti-Torture exhibition tour in three major cities in Scotland: Glasgow, Aberdeen and Dundee. The exhibitions attracted many local people. Streams of people came to sign our “Bring Jiang to Justice” petition.
Switzerland: Anti-Torture Exhibition in Basel Exposes the Brutal Persecution of Falun Gong in China
2004-10-04To expose the Jiang regime’s crime of persecuting Dafa practitioners and to let more people know what's happening in China, Swiss practitioners held an anti-torture exhibition in a square in the centre of the famous industrial city of Basel on September the 18th. They distributed leaflets and Video-CDs, and answered people’s questions.
Germany: The Munich Beer Festival Attracts Tourists to an Anti-Torture Exhibition
2004-10-01The 18th of September was the opening day of the 171st Munich Beer Festival, which lasts for sixteen days. Tourists from all over Germany and the world travelled to Munich to take part. Falun Gong practitioners held an information day and anti-torture exhibition to show people how Jiang Zemin uses his regime to persecute Falun Gong practitioners in China.
Germany: People Ask Practitioners, "What Can We Do To Help You?" at Anti-Torture Exhibition in Nuremberg
2004-09-22On the 11th of September, practitioners from Bavaria obtained permission for an information day to introduce Falun Gong and expose to the general public the ongoing torture of practitioners in China. We also collected signatures in support of suing Jiang Zemin for genocide of Falun Gong practitioners.
Belgium: Anti-Torture Exhibition in Brussels City Centre Moves People's Hearts
2004-09-21On the afternoon of September the 11th, practitioners from Holland, France and Belgium held an anti-torture exhibition in Brussels city centre, displaying to the public torture methods used on Falun Gong practitioners in China. People were all very eager to know more about the situation and listened carefully to practitioners' explanations.
Slovakia: Exposing Jiang's Crimes with an Anti-Torture Exhibition in Bratislava
2004-09-20On Saturday the 18th of September, Falun Gong practitioners from Slovakia and the Czech Republic organised an activity to attract the attention of the public: they demonstrated the torture methods which are used on practitioners of Falun Gong in China. Many passers-by stopped to read information on the display boards next to the torture exhibits.
Sweden: Anti-Torture Exhibition in Gothenburg Arouses the Public's Kindness
2004-09-13Gothenburg is the second largest city in Sweden and a well-known business centre in Europe. To clarify the truth about the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners in China, practitioners from Sweden, Denmark and Finland held a series of anti-torture exhibitions at Gustav Adolf Torg, the square in front of the city hall of Gothenburg on August 27th, 28th and September 3rd.
Ukraine: "The Path of Compassion" Picture Exhibition Successfully Held in Lviv City
2004-09-05Between the 11th and 19th of August 2004, Ukrainian practitioners successfully held an exhibition of photographs entitled “The Path of Compassion” in Lviv City. The exhibition served to help people understand Falun Dafa cultivation and the persecution that is taking place in China.
United Kingdom: Anti-Torture Exhibition in Cambridge Exposes the Genocide Against Falun Gong
2004-08-22On Saturday August the 21st, an anti-torture exhibition with the theme "Persecution Meets Principle" was held in the centre of Cambridge. Practitioners demonstrated several torture methods used against Falun Gong practitioners in Chinese jails and labour camps to force them to renounce their belief in Falun Gong.
Switzerland: Dafa Practitioners Hold an Anti-Torture Exhibition in Switzerland’s Biggest City Zurich
2004-08-15The Swiss practitioners told Swiss people about the five years of persecution that have been waged against the 100 million people who practise Falun Gong in China. They asked people to join them in calling for an end to these violations of human rights. Swiss politicians and NGO representatives made speeches to express their support for Falun Gong practitioners’ peaceful resistance to this persecution.
Russia: Dafa practitioners hold an Anti-Torture Exhibition during Bo Xilai’s Visit to Moscow
2004-08-13On the 4th of August 2004, practitioners gathered at Moscow’s marketplace, where Chinese people are the primary ethnic group, and appealed outside the Chinese Embassy against Chinese dictator Jiang Zemin’s brutal persecution of Falun Gong. There were also protests against Jiang’s accomplice Bo Xilai's visit to Moscow.
United Kingdom: Torture Methods used on Falun Gong Practitioners Displayed in an Exhibition in Edinburgh
2004-08-08On the evening of the 7th of August 2004, Falun Gong practitioners staged an anti-torture exhibition, showed the exercises of Falun Gong and collected signatures via the use of petitions to bring Chinese dictator Jiang Zemin to justice. The yearly Edinburgh Tattoo event was a great chance to show many tourists and also the people of Edinburgh the truth about Falun Gong.
United Kingdom: Anti-Torture Exhibition during Edinburgh Tattoo Draws Lots of Media and Public Attention
2004-08-07On the afternoon and evening of Friday the 6th of August, an anti-torture exhibition was held by Falun Gong practitioners in Edinburgh. This coincided with the world-renowned Edinburgh Military Tattoo event. The exhibition focused on a few of the hundreds of brutal torture methods used by the Jiang Regime to persecute Falun Gong practitioners in China.