Local Events
United Kingdom: "From the words Truthfulness Compassion Tolerance, I know that Falun Gong is good”
2005-03-18London Falun Gong practitioners went to Wood Green, a busy area in north London, and held an activity outside Wood Green Library, during which a middle aged Chinese couple passed the site. They carefully looked at our posters and anti-torture pictures, and some leaflets and video-CDs before holding a very long conversation with me.
Finland: Falun Dafa Was Introduced on the "Snow Castle" in Kemi City
2005-03-17It was snowing gently while practitioners demonstrated the exercises of Falun Gong on an ice stage. Many flyers were given out and people condemned the persecution openly. Many people were already aware of the injustice and brutality that Falun Gong practitioners have faced for the last six years. One lady said that she knows that this practice is good for people but still forbidden in China.
Russia: Falun Gong Practitioners Brave the Cold Weather to Expose the Persecution to the People of Moscow
2005-03-16On Saturday the 12th of March, Moscow Falun Gong practitioners again went to the city centre despite the cold, snow and windy weather. They demanded that the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) stop the cruel persecution of Falun Gong practitioners immediately and they exposed the CCP’s heinous crimes to the people of Moscow.
Sweden: Support at a Gothenburg Health Expo: “I think that the whole world should practise Falun Gong!”
2005-03-12Many people looked curiously at the Falun Gong stand and watched the video of the Falun Gong exercises. The practitioners handed out paper lotus flowers to the expo visitors. One of the visitors said, "If everyone practised Falun Gong, there would be no evil." Another said, "I think that the whole world should practise Falun Gong!"
Germany: Participating in the Vietnamese New Year Festival in Bremen
2005-03-11Vietnamese residents celebrated the New Year together in Bremen. Every year for fifteen years, Bremen’s Vietnamese community has come together for this event, which offers elaborate stage performances and tasty Vietnamese delicacies. This year, north German Falun Gong practitioners were asked to participate in the activities.
Slovakia: The People of Hlohovec give a Warm Welcome to Falun Gong
2005-03-08On Saturday the 5th of March, practitioners of Falun Gong visited Hlohovec, a medium-sized city in western Slovakia. They told people about the benefits they have received from practising Falun Gong, as well as the brutal persecution that is happening in China and has already taken the lives of over 1,400 people. People greeted the practitioners with a warm and friendly welcome. Many people stopped to sign the petition and show their disdain and disapproval of the persecution.
Switzerland: Collecting Petition Signatures to Rescue a Practitioner who is Wrongly Imprisoned in China
2005-03-06The practitioners organized this event at the last minute and did not have much time to prepare their information stall. However, it was enough to have the sincere wish to help fellow practitioners in China, who are under threat of persecution, torture and even death for wanting to practise Falun Gong. The impact of the information stall was very positive and many people came to find out more.
Czech Republic: Brno Activity Exposes the Persecution against Falun Gong
2005-03-05Many people stopped to read the poster display boards, which detailed the methods of persecution and torture used in cruel attempts to force Falun Gong practitioners to give up their belief. Several thousand leaflets were distributed and many people talked with practitioners and offered messages of support. Around 200 petition signatures were collected calling for an end to the persecution.
France: Introducing Falun Gong at the Primrose Expo in Lyon
2005-03-04The practitioners introduced Falun Dafa to between fifty and sixty thousand people from Lyon and other neighbouring cities. They also informed them about the abuses of human rights that are happening to people who practise Falun Gong in China, with a large-scale campaign of suppression being enforced by the Chinese Communist Party.
Swedish Newspaper "Skövde News" Reports on Falun Gong at the Skövde Health Expo
2005-03-03The report mentioned that the health expo gave people a unique kind of feeling and provided different ways to achieve physical and spiritual health. The report also revealed how Falun Gong practitioners from Gothenburg and Lerum demonstrated the exercises on a large stage and talked to the public about the practice.
Slovakia: Mayor of the City of Pezinok Attended Falun Gong Appeal to Sign a Petition calling for and End to the Persecution
2005-03-02Saturday the 26th of February began as a nice, sunny day so practitioners of Falun Gong took advantage of the good weather to visit Pezinok city. They called for public attention to the persecution against Falun Gong, which has continued for almost six years. Documented evidence details the killing of 1,379 practitioners, although Chinese Government estimates put the unofficial figure close to 10,000.
Romania: Exposing the Persecution to the Local Chinese People
2005-02-28During the holiday period of the Chinese New Year, a group of Romanian Falun Gong practitioners distributed leaflets to local Chinese people despite a temperature of minus ten degrees. Many Chinese people were happy to accept the information and find out the truth about Falun Gong and the campaign of genocide that has been waged against practitioners in China by the Communist Party. Several new practitioners also participated in the activities.
European Practitioners' Chinese New Year Celebration Activities: Part 5 - Positive Responses from the Public
2005-02-25After getting to know the truth further, people condemned the Chinese Communist Party’s persecution of Falun Gong practitioners, praised Falun Gong practitioners for bringing the beauty of Chinese culture to the French people and showed their support for those who still persist in opposing the persecution peacefully.
European Practitioners' Chinese New Year Celebration Activities in Paris: Part 4 - Hail and Rain Could Not Stop the Events
2005-02-24Following the Chinese New Year celebration parade on Saturday the 12th of February, European Falun Gong practitioners gathered at the Eiffel Tower on the 13th to display the beauty of Falun Gong to tourists from around the world and to let more people know about the brutal persecution against practitioners in China.
Russia: Collecting Petition Signatures in St. Petersburg to call for an End to the Persecution
2005-02-24Many passers-by were shocked when they found out what is happening in China from seeing pictures of Falun Gong practitioners being tortured by the Chinese authorities. People found it incomprehensible that such a terrible thing could be happening in today’s world. They were touched and signed a petition to call for an end to the human rights abuses.