Local Events

  • Austria: A Great Welcome for the Chinese Spectacular in Vienna

    In the mid-18th century, the most brilliant classical music masters in the history of music including Mozart, Haydn, Beethoven and Schubert lived in Vienna. The Chinese Spectacular, upon completion of performances in Germany, France, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, Belgium and Switzerland, opened at City Theatre in Vienna at 7:30 pm, March 6th, 2008. Austrian government officials and celebrities all extended their greetings on the arrival of the Gala Spectacular.
  • Turkey: Human Rights Torch Relay Arrives in Mersin

    The global Human Rights Torch Relay arrived in Turkey on 1st March, 2008 and the ceremony of the relay was held at the famous Ataturk Park in central Mersin. The Human Rights Torch Relay was initiated by the CIPFG (Coalition to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong in China) on 9th August 2007. The protest revealed the Communist Party (CCP)’s crimes of persecuting Falun Gong, its human rights abuses and violation of the Olympic spirit, calling on the Turkish government and people to pay attention of human rights situation in China and to boycott the Olympics.
  • France: Parisians Fall for the Gala Spectacular

    On the evening of March 1st, 2008, the French International Conference Centre welcomed the third performance by Divine Performing Arts. This rich and splendid performance once again conquered the heart of the romantic Paris audience. Many French main politicians and well known people in the art circle came to see the show.
  • Czech Republic: Divine Performing Arts Chinese Spectacular in Prague a Hit with Artistic Community

    On March 10th, the Divine Performing Arts held the first show of the Chinese Spectacular in Prague, Czech Republic. Many artists came to the show and had high praise for it afterwards. Mr. Jiri Korn, one of the most popular singers in the Czech Republic, is an important person in the Czech art community. He attended the Chinese Spectacular on March 10th with two of his children and a friend and was full of praise for the show afterwards.
  • France: Chinese Spectacular Brings a Perfect Example of Chinese Culture to Paris

    After seeing the Chinese Spectacular, the president of Lien Direct Association said, "The dancers are wonderful. Tonight I learned about the three features of your classical dance: bearing, form and technique. I think the performers' exquisite bearing and form made the dances so different. You can see technique in other shows, but you cannot find the beauty I saw tonight."
  • Austria: "The Risen Lotus Flower" Is an Eye-Opener

    On March 7th, 2008, the Divine Performing Arts Touring Company's second presentation of the Chinese Spectacular in Vienna was honored with continuous applause from the audience. The spectators were delighted by the wonderful show. Traditional Chinese dances, Western and Chinese musical instruments combined to produce Chinese classical music, and a state-of-the-art backdrop transported the audience from the present back to ancient China.
  • Finland: Chinese International Student Calls on the Chinese Communist Regime to Release her Parents

    Student Sunny Xu appealed at the Chinese Embassy and called on the Chinese Communist regime to release her parents, who were kidnapped by the authorities because they practised Falun Gong. She also strongly protested against the Chinese regime’s escalation of the persecution against Falun Gong practitioners in the run-up to the Olympic Games.
  • Slovakia: Divine Performing Arts Performs to a Full House

    The Divine Performing Arts Chinese Spectacular premiered to a full house at the Slovak National Theater in Bratislava, Slovakia on March 9th, 2008. According to the organizer, the tickets were completely sold out a week before the performance. Many people who did not get tickets in time were disappointed that they could not see it this year.
  • Switzerland: Divine Performing Arts Honoured for Promoting Traditional Chinese Culture in Geneva

    On the evening of March 4th, many gathered at the Theatre du Leman in Geneva for the Chinese New Year Spectacular. To the performers' surprise, renowned Swiss violinist Armene Stakian and a representative from the Traditional Chinese Cultural Arts Renaissance Association presented a music box to the Divine Performing Arts Company in appreciation of their efforts.
  • Switzerland: People from the Fields of Politics, Business, Finance and Art Enjoy a Feast of Chinese Culture in Geneva

    The Divine Performing Arts Company on Tour arrived in Geneva, Switzerland on March 3, 2008 at the invitation of 12 financial and international organizations. The two-plus-hour show at Theatre du Leman won thunderous applause from the audience and the performers had to answer the curtain call twice at the end the show.
  • Germany People of Halle are Shocked by the Atrocities of the Chinese Communist Party

    At the exhibition stand placed by Falun Gong practitioners at the Rathausplatz, the people of Halle were shocked and indignant when seeing the information about the CCP’s cruel torture and spiritual destruction of the Chinese Falun Gong practitioners. Practitioners' petition forms were quickly signed one after another.
  • Germany: “This perfect interaction between music, choreography and dance was absolutely wonderful”

    He continued, “The other thing I was most impressed with was the political theme that was shown in two dance scenes. This was done extremely well. The choreography of the second one of the two scenes was done especially well, mainly how the three principles “Truthfulness, Benevolence, Forbearance” were brought into the scene. It was very impressive. The choreography was done so well, without appearing deliberate, although it addressed a very serious issue".
  • Germany: 'Information Day' during a Football Match between Germany and China

    On February 28th 2008, the World Organisation for Human Rights held an Information Day activity at Badenova Stadium in Freiburg, Germany. Some Falun Gong practitioners from Germany and Switzerland also participated in the activity. They exposed the truth about the persecution against Falun Gong to the spectators who came to view the women’s football match between Germany and China and called on the Chinese Communist regime to put an end to the persecution of Falun Gong.
  • United Kingdom: More Praise for the Chinese Spectacular in London

    Daniel Gao, who has been on an assignment with an engineering firm in the UK for a year and a half, came from Eastern Texas in the US. His wife Carolyn is a novelist.They were both very excited to see the Chinese Spectacular in the UK on the evening of February 22nd. Carolyn said that the performance was “lovely, moving, spiritual and sensational.”
  • Slovakian Ambassador to Korea and his Family Praise the Chinese Spectacular's Performance in Seoul

    After seeing the Divine Performing Arts’ Chinese Spectacular in Seoul Korea along with all of his family members, the deputy Ambassador of Slovakia Juraj Petruska said in an interview, "For me it is hard to decide which act was more wonderful, because they were all great. I liked the fan dance. I was interested in all the acts conveying cultural meaning." Mrs. Petruska continued, “I was interested in the show, especially the last act depicting the Chinese people’s struggle for freedom of human rights. It was great.”