European Parliament
EU Parliament Member: "The Audience Was Thrilled"
2010-03-17Frankfurt's celebrated venue, Jahrhunderthalle, was the proud host of the Shen Yun Performing Arts Touring Company for three shows March 12-14, 2010. Resounding applause attested that the audience thoroughly enjoyed this world-class show. Among many distinguished audience members was Thomas Mann, a European Parliament member.
Chairperson of European Parliament's Subcommittee on Human Rights: Lawsuit against Jiang Zemin is Encouraging
2009-12-26Ms. Hautala said: "Our task is to build such a world, so that those who have committed crimes against humanity, war criminals and the perpetrators of serious violations of human rights have nowhere to escape. Some countries will not allow them to go unpunished even if the criminals are not their own citizens. Spain and Belgium are such countries."
European Parliament Condemns China's Human Rights Abuses at a Public Hearing
2009-12-14On December 1, 2009, the European Parliament held a public hearing focusing on current human rights conditions in China. Attendees condemned human rights abuses under the Chinese Communist regime, especially the treatment of Falun Gong, and discussed diplomatic measures to be adopted in the future.
European Parliament Member Commends Falun Gong's Spirit of Resistance to the Persecution
2009-08-16Member of European Parliament Gerard Batten said in his speech: "Why are the Falun Gong being persecuted in China? The answer is very simple, it's because of what they stand for. Their three core values are Truthfulness, Compassion and Tolerance. These are the exact opposite of what the Chinese Communist Party stands for, which are lies, brutality and intolerance."
Member of European Parliament: "My heart is with the practitioners"
2009-07-26Belgium Green Party MP Bart Staes is a senior member of the European Parliament. He has consistently paid attention to China's human rights violations and the freedom of the press. For the practitioners' activities marking ten years of resistance to the CCP's persecution, he sent a statement to express his strong support for Falun Gong.
European Parliament Vice-President Mr. Edward McMillan-Scott Expresses Concern about the Human Rights of Falun Gong Practitioners
2009-05-06On April 15, 2009, European Parliament Vice-President Mr. Edward McMillan-Scott hosted an international hearing on religious belief in China and the ten-year persecution of Falun Gong. Mr. McMillan-Scott said, "I strongly believe everyone should have right and freedom to their religious beliefs. This is indeed what is stipulated in China's Constitution. Unfortunately, in the whole of China, freedom and independent religions are persecuted."
European Parliament Holds Hearing to Condemn Persecution of Falun Gong
2009-05-04One reason for holding the hearing was that ten years ago in April, Falun Gong, a popular qigong practised by tens of millions of people in China caught the attention of the authorities. The brutal persecution of Falun Gong later started. At least three thousand practitioners have died from torture and abuse and tens of thousands have been imprisoned.
European Parliament Hosts Public Hearing about Falun Gong to Commemorate "April 25" Appeal
2009-05-01This year marks the tenth anniversary of the "April 25" peaceful appeal by Falun Gong practitioners in Beijing. On April 15th, Vice President of the European Parliament Mr Edward McMillan-Scott initiated an international public hearing about the lack of freedom of belief in China. Through their own personal experiences as well as some independent investigations,participants analysed the Chinese Communist regime's persecution of Falun Gong and appealed for an end to the persecution.
Germany: Edward McMIllan Scott Speaks about Falun Gong Issues in a Plenary Session of the EU in Strasbourg
2008-09-16On July 9th, in the parliament building in Strasbourg, the European Parliament held a plenary session, to discuss the situation of the Olympic Games in China and post-quake, many representatives of the European parliament and member of the European Parliament strongly condemned continuing human rights violations in Communist China.
Members of the European Parliament Demand that Eutelsat Restores NTDTV Broadcasts
2008-07-22Since Eutelsat Communications ceased broadcasting New Tang Dynasty Television (NTDTV) signals to China, political figures in Europe have reacted strongly. In his inquiry to the EU commission, MEP Erik Meijer pointed out that Eutelsat’s action very likely stems from its expectation to sign a business contract with the Chinese government.
Polish MEP Decries Violence against Falun Gong Practitioner in Letter to Chinese Ambassador
2008-06-17On June 7th, 2008, Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Zhang Qian was delivering Epoch Times newspapers in Poland when she was physically and verbally assaulted by a woman who, locals say, has ties to the Chinese Embassy in Warsaw. In response to the CCP's continuing pattern of exporting the persecution of Falun Gong all over the world, Polish Member of European Parliament Hanna Foltyn - Kubicka sent the following letter to the Chinese Ambassador.
European Parliament Resolution Shows Concern for Beijing’s Human Rights Infringements
2007-12-20The European Parliament has been gravely concerned over recent increasing political persecution related to the Olympic Games, including persecution of human rights advocators, reporters, lawyers, petitioners and various religious believers and, in particular, Falun Gong practitioners. The European Parliament appeals to the Chinese government for immediate ... stopping of the on-going destruction of large amounts of houses without any compensation only for Olympic facilities, suspending capital punishment during the Olympic Games and recalling the ban on the forty-two categories of people attending the Olympic Games.
European Parliament (Press Release): Keep up human rights pressure on China in the run-up to 2008 Olympics
2007-11-30With next year's Olympic Games in Beijing just around the corner, the world must keep up the pressure on China over its human rights record, a hearing of the European Parliament's Human Rights Subcommittee attended by over 200 people was told on Monday. Several NGOs, including a Chinese dissident speaking live via Internet telephone conference, described the widespread human rights violations still being perpetrated by the authorities.
European Parliament Invites Falun Gong Practitioners from China to Hearing on Chinese Human Rights
2007-11-27Falun Gong practitioners from China, Cao Dong, Niu Jinping and his wife Zhang Lianying, were invited to the hearing. On May 21st 2006, Niu Jinping and Cao Dong met with the Vice-President of the European Parliament Mr. Edward McMillan-Scott in Beijing, and informed the Vice President of the brutal persecution suffered by himself, his wife and other Falun Gong practitioners around him. Two hours after the meeting, Mr. Cao was arrested by Chinese Communist regime security agents and was charged with "accepting an illegal interview". Mr. Cao was sentenced to five years imprisonment and has been secretly detained in the No. 3 Prison in Tianshui.
European Parliament Focuses on CCP's Persecution of Falun Gong before the Europe-China Human Rights Dialogue
2007-10-15President Barroso expressed that the European Commission cannot accept the unfair treatment of Falun Gong practitioners and would continue to request the CCP regime to stop the persecution of Falun Gong. The European Parliament has submitted a formal document on the basis of the International Genocide Convention.