European Parliament
Vice President of European Parliament Expresses his Concern for Falun Gong Practitioners’ Safety to the Speaker of the Parliament
2007-10-11After his visit to China, Mr. McMillan-Scott has been using various ways to appeal to the international community for their concerns about the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners in China, especially the on-going atrocity of the Chinese Communist regime’s organ harvesting from living Falun Gong practitioners. In August 2006, he joined the Coalition to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong in China (CIPFG). He believes that a campaign of genocide is occurring in China. He is deeply concerned with this and warned that these people responsible for the crime would face punishment by law.
Vice President of the European Parliament Speaks at a Bangkok Conference
2007-09-19"I met two men at a secret site in Beijing ... [one] man I met was Cao Dong, who was imprisoned and tortured for four years because of practising Falun Gong. Mr. Cao told me that one day his friend disappeared and when he showed up again, he was a dead body with a big cut. Apparently, his organs had been taken".
MEP Statement from London Activities to Commemorate April 25th
2007-05-08The following statement by John Purvis, Member of the European Parliament for Scotland, was read at a press conference opposite the Chinese Embassy in London on Saturday April 28th 2007. The press conference was the start of a day of activities to commemorate April 25th 1999 when Falun Gong practitioners in China appealed to the government to release fellow practitioners who were wrongfully imprisoned. This appeal was used by members of the Chinese Communist Party as an excuse to publicly launch the persecution against Falun Gong, which had previously been happening clandestinely.
European Parliament Continues Efforts to Rescue Falun Gong Practitioner Bu Dongwei
2007-03-18On February 13th, 2007, Jean-Louis COUGNON, Head of Division, European Parliament, wrote a letter to Falun Gong practitioner Bu Dongwei's wife, Mrs. Lou Hongwei, informing her that the European Parliament will continue its efforts to rescue Bu Dongwei. The letter motioned that on September 7th, 2006, the European Parliament unanimously passed a resolution for a report on EU-China relations, calling on the Chinese regime to release Falun Gong practitioner Bu Dongwei.
Vice Chairman of European Parliament Sends Statement of Support on Establishment of European Branch of Coalition to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong
2007-02-14"The fact that Red China's corrupt army has its dirty fingers in every money-making pie is not news; nor is it news that they are the mechanism by which body parts are transacted. It is news that the army is involved in systematically murdering prisoners – especially Falun Gong – for their vital organs, and even takes parts from live prisoners. The world must shun Red China's Olympics and look forward to the imminent trial by the International Criminal Court of all those who have given genocidal orders."
MEP Raises Questions about Human Rights Lawyer Imprisoned for Speaking out for Falun Gong
2006-12-30"A court in Beijing recently found lawyer Gao Zhisheng guilty of subversion. Gao is an active human rights attorney. As we can imagine, the Chinese regime sentenced Mr. Gao because he defended Christian members of unofficial churches and practitioners of the Falun Gong spiritual movement. His two lawyers were neither allowed to enter the court nor meet their client. Consequently, they cannot confirm whether Gao pleaded guilty as the regime claimed."
Italian MEP Holds Press Conference Highlighting Persecution Against Falun Gong
2006-12-29On November 22nd 2006, an Italian news agency reported that Mr. Benedetto Della Vedova, member of the Liberal Reformers and Radical Member of European Parliament, held a press conference to expose the lack of basic human rights in China. Former Canadian Secretary of State for Asia and Pacific David Kilgour was invited to the press conference. Recently, Mr. Kilgour has been devoted to raising awareness about the Chinese Communist Party’s forced removal of Falun Gong practitioners’ internal organs.
Members of European Parliament Raise Question about Organ Harvesting Against Falun Gong Practitioners
2006-11-04"On the 6th of July 2006 David Matas and David Kilgour, both Canadian lawyers, published their 'Report into Allegations of Organ Harvesting of Falun Gong Practitioners in China' following an independent investigation they carried out into the very disturbing stories leaking out of China that allegedly state institutions in the People's Republic of China have been harvesting human organs from innocent unconsenting live Falun Gong Practitioners, and killing the practitioners in the process by extra-judicial executions during the organ removal process."
Vice-President of European Parliament Writes to Chinese Ambassador
2006-10-31"On 21 May in Beijing I held a meeting with Mr Cao DONG, a Falun Gong practitioner, who had been ‘administratively detained’ for his religious beliefs. He had discharged his sentence and was guilty of no crime. Following this meeting, he was arrested. I have recently learned that he is still being detained by the Chinese public authorities, has been transferred to Gansu province and is being held in the Public Security Bureau detention centre. An arrest warrant for 'producing Falun Gong material' was issued on September 29 2006. I now insist that your superiors release him immediately: I am about to refer this matter to the United Nations in person."
UK Independence Party and Liberal Democrat Groups’ Response to “Organ Harvesting” in China
2006-10-12The UK Independence Party wrote to the European Friends of Falun Gong to express their concern “about the practice of ‘organ harvesting’ from prisoners of conscience in China. MEP Graham said he and “his UKIP MEP colleagues all abhor the disgraceful practices and will do all they can to try and prevent it. “ He continues to say that they will give their support to “try and bring these horrific practices to an end.”
Michel Hunault, MEP, Calls for Protection of Falun Gong Practitioners' Rights
2006-09-20Michel Hunault is a member of the French Parliament and a member of the European Parliament. He is also a member of the Human Rights Committee of the European Parliament. On September 12th, Mr. Hunault met David Kilgour in Paris and learned about the organ harvesting report authored by Kilgour, former Canadian Parliament member
European Commissioner’s Concern about Organ Harvesting in China
2006-09-16"For the moment I can assure you that the European Commission attaches the utmost importance to the issue of organ harvesting. It is clear that the legislation on this recently adopted by the Chinese government does not adequately address the issue of donor consent, particularly for the those who have died in custody or have been executed. We have made our concerns known to the Chinese government both through our human rights dialogue and wider political channels, urging them in strong terms to take measures to address these concerns as a matter of urgency. We will continue to do so."
European Parliament Passes Resolution Calling for Release of Bu Dongwei and Gao Zhisheng
2006-09-11On September the 7th 2006, the European Parliament unanimously passed a resolution for a report of the EU-China relations, calling on the Chinese regime to release Falun Gong practitioner Bu Dongwei, lawyer Gao Zhisheng and other human rights defenders. The resolution was initiated by Charles Tannock MEP, Edward McMillan-Scott MEP and Simon Coveney MEP.
Statement from Vice-President of the European Parliament: “There is enough circumstantial evidence to alert the international community to what amounts to genocide”
2006-07-24"The United Nations’ annual report on China has since 1999 consistently documented widespread human rights violations committed by the Chinese communist regime against Falun Gong practitioners in China. Such violations include illegal arrests and detentions, brainwashing, torture and killing. Now, the atrocities have culminated into the most despicable crime of all – removing organs from living Falun Gong practitioners held as prisoners of conscience n China’s gulag-like network of jails and labour camps, and selling them at huge profit to unsuspecting victims worldwide who are in desperate need of transplants. The UN owes the world an enquiry."
Three Senior MEPs Appeal to European Union to Further Investigate CCP's Organ Harvesting from Living Persons
2006-07-23On July 12th 2006, the vice president of the European Parliament Human Rights Branch Committee, Dr. Charles Tannock, the Human Rights spokesman for the European Parliament EEP-ED, Mr. Simon Coveney, along with the vice president of the European Parliament, Mr. Edward McMillan-Scott, jointly signed to submit an interpellation to the European Parliament Committee, asking the Committee to further investigate the allegations regarding Falun Gong practitioners having their organs harvested in China.