European Parliament
Belgium: Brussels Press Conference Exposes Chinese Communist Party Organ Harvesting Atrocities
2006-07-22Former Canadian Secretary of State for the Asia-Pacific region Mr. David Kilgour held a press conference in Brussels. The press conference was regarding the Chinese Communist regime's barbaric practice of harvesting organs from living Falun Gong practitioners in China. He was joined by Vice-President of the European Parliament Mr. Edward McMillan-Scott and Belgium human rights lawyer Mr. George-Henry Beauthier.
Edward McMillan-Scott Urges European Parliament President to Inquire About Practitioners Cao Dong and Jinhui Liang on His Upcoming Visit to China
2006-07-13"On 21 May in a hotel room in Beijing I held a meeting with Mr Cao Dong, a Falun Gong practitioner (aged 36), who has served time in prison for his religious beliefs. He had discharged his sentence and was guilty of no crime. Following this meeting, he was arrested and he has not been seen since. I fear for his welfare. His flatmate was arrested and questioned for five days and Mr Dong's possessions have been seized by the police."
MEP on CCP's Organ Harvesting: “This is a fundamental breach of human rights and must be stamped out immediately”
2006-06-20"The MEP's intervention comes after reports of mass harvesting of organs from Falun Gong practitioners held in a Chinese concentration camp. According to the Chinese reports, organs are removed from prisoners whilst they are still alive and their bodies then destroyed in on-site crematorium. Previous media coverage has exposed similar practices at Suijatun camp in Liaoning Province. As well as being a horrific breach of human rights, any use of executed prisoners' organs contravenes a 1998 European Parliamentary resolution which condemned the practice..."
MEPs Question European Parliament about Chinese Communist Party's Organ Harvesting
2006-06-17One MEP wrote: “Thank you for your letter of 4th June regarding an independent investigation into allegations of organ harvesting from prisoners in China. I share your concerns about reports of this appalling and barbaric practice. As you know the European Parliament has passed several resolutions condemning it and called for improvements in China’s human rights record. I am one of the more active MEPs pressing for change in this area and will be pleased to continue to raise the issue wherever I am able.”
China's New Tyranny - European Parliament Vice-President Edward McMillan-Scott Writes About CCP Organ Harvesting
2006-06-14"With the World Cup well under way in Germany, across the world Beijing is preparing to host the 2008 Olympics. But if what I was told there recently by former prisoners is true, the civilised world must shun China. In a dingy hotel room with the curtains drawn, the men I met told of brutal persecution of their spiritual movement and worse, the sale of living organs, to order. Along with my interpreter, the men were rapidly arrested, detained and questioned for the 'crime' of meeting me. One practitioner is still missing and it is feared that he is being tortured."
A Letter to Gao Zhisheng from Vice President McMillan-Scott
2006-06-05"The condition of prisoners in China is increasingly well-known but it is only in recent months that a particular mistreatment - of Falun Gong practitioners - has come to light, namely the selection of prisoners for 'reverse-match' organ and tissue transplants, leading to their deaths. This is genocide, as defined in Article 2 of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide..."
Motion on the Organ-Harvesting Case is Recommended in Council of Europe
2006-05-03The second steering committee meeting of the Council of Europe in 2006 was held in Strasbourg from April 10th to 13th. 11 representatives of the COE raised a motion to ask for a hearing on the case which was recently exposed to the public regarding the CCP crimes of organ-harvesting from live Falun Gong practitioners.
Members of the European Council Reply to Practitioners' Letters Regarding the Removal of Falun Gong Practitioners' Organs by the Chinese Communist Party
2006-05-01"I paid a high degree of attention to the report by the Washington Post you sent me about 6,000 people detained in a secret concentration camp in northern China and the removal of organs which were sold for profit. This is an incident that the human rights subcommittee of the European Council's foreign relations committee definitely must conduct an investigation into."
Member of European Parliament: "Falun Gong followers remain at the sharp end of Beijing’s repression"
2005-12-21"The European Parliament is aware of the increasing violations of human rights in China and has passed several resolutions on the issue...The EU is engaged in continuous dialogue with the Chinese authorities, designed to encourage the transformation towards an open Chinese society based on the rule of law and continues to raise areas of concern. Falun Gong followers remain at the sharp end of Beijing’s repression, with a reported 200,000 people interned in labour camps."
During a Session of the European Parliament, A Councillor Appeals to the Chinese Communist Party to Release Yang Feng, a Falun Gong Practitioner
2005-09-25On September 8th, there was a forum on the Chinese Communist Party's record against human rights and freedom of speech during a session of the European Parliament. Mr John Bowis, an MEP from London made a brief speech appealing to the CCP to stop its violation of Human Rights. In his speech, he also mentioned Yang Feng, a former UK Falun Gong practitioner who is locked up by the CCP.
Swedish Member of European Parliament Sends Greetings to the Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance Fine Art Exhibition in Stockholm
2005-06-20Humans have material and physical as well as spiritual needs. Therefore the work for freedom of religion and freedom to seek and find a spiritual home for the soul is one of a human being’s most basic and undeniable rights. Human beings’ dignity, human rights and freedom will always be preserved all over the world. The silence about what is happening in China and the violations of human dignity in this country are deeply worrying. That is why this is a significant exhibition.
Falun Gong Practitioners were invited to the European Parliament on International Women’s Day
2005-04-03On March 7th 2005, Xiong Wei and Chen Yin, Falun Gong practitioners from Germany and France who personally experienced persecution in China’s labour camps, were invited to visit the European Parliament in Strasbourg. They met with German MP Mr Gahler, who offered his heartfelt support, and they spoke in a press conference in the EU Council Chamber.
MEP: “We should expose China’s persecution publicly in the European Parliament.”
2005-03-27Two Members of the European Parliament, Mr. Michel Galher from Germany and Mr. Alain Lipiez from France, also attended the conference. After Chen Ying and Xiong Wei completed their speeches, Mr. Galher commented, “It is so shocking! I fully believe what you said. It is really shameful that a country with major economical success like China should have turned itself into a mega concentration camp for prisoners of conscience. We ought to spread what is happening in China publicly in the European Parliament. We don’t want to humiliate China. Instead, it is China who is humiliating itself.”
Statement from Jill Evans MEP on World Human Rights Day: "I share the concerns of many about the treatment of practioners of Falun Gong."
2004-12-11"I share the concerns of many about the treatment of practioners of Falun Gong. Peaceful freedom of expression is a fundamental human right that no government should violate...We must work together at the local and European level to bring pressure to bear on the Chinese regime so that it addresses our legitimate concerns on human rights."
Members of European Parliament Respond to Letters about the South Africa Shooting Incident
2004-07-19“I completely sympathise with you and understand your concerns regarding the treatment of David Liang. I have written to the South African High Commissioner, Linidiwe Mabuza, emphasising my concerns and I have called for a full investigation into the matter. I will be sure to keep you updated on future developments.”