European Parliament
Danish MEP Morgens Camre Condemns the Shooting Incident in South Africa
2004-07-15"...right now, what western society can do is keep exerting pressure on the Chinese government, spread information as often as possible, call on all world organisations like the UN and all democratic countries, to criticise and to slam the persecution and those who are behind it. We could explain to China that the leaders are digging their own graves by resorting to violence."
London MEP Signs a Petition Calling on France Not to Bow to Chinese Pressure by Abusing the Human Rights of Falun Gong Practitioners
2004-06-12UK MEP John Bowis on the 30th May 2004 signed a petition calling on the French authorities to retain liberty in France after he heard from a Falun Gong practitioner in his London constituency about how she was arrested at a Chinese/French jointly sponsored event after the Chinese authority applied pressure on France.
UK MEP Condemns the Abuse of Falun Gong Practitioners' Human Rights Under Chinese Pressure in France
2004-06-10“I am writing as a European Parliamentary Friend of Falun Gong to protest the arrest and handcuffing of practitioners who were peacefully demonstrating in the Champs Elysees on Saturday 24th January. There are serious allegations that this was done at the request of the Chinese Embassy...I find the allegations of giving in to pressure from the Chinese authorities anxious to deny any platform to protesters during the parade deeply regrettable."
An MEP Signs a Letter to Appeal to France to Protect Falun Gong Practitioners' Human Rights and Uphold French Traditional Freedom
2004-05-19A British MEP, Kris Davis, wrote to Falun Gong practitioners about a letter he sent to the French government, which stated, “France, please uphold freedom". This letter refers to when the French government, under pressure from China, arrested Falun Gong practitioners distributing flyers on the streets, because the flyers exposed the brutal persecution against Falun Gong practitioners in China.
Member of European Parliament signs a Petition calling on France to Protect the Liberty of Falun Gong practitioners and of France
2004-05-14On the 30th of April 2004, UK member of the European Parliament Chris Davies wrote to Falun Gong practitioners in his constituency and enclosed a signed petition, which states the he "deeply regrets that the French government bowed to Chinese pressure, acted against the French values of liberty, equality, fraternity and arbitrarily arrested peaceful people who in no way had disburbed public order."
MEP Matti Wuori writes to President Chirac: "I deeply regret that the French government bowed to Chinese pressure"
2004-05-07"For more than four years, in China, Falun Gong practitioners have been the target of a campaign of terror and genocide led by the ex-Party chief Jiang Zemin – more than 900 have been tortured to death, more than 100,000 incarcerated in forced labour camps without trial, thousands have been forced into psychiatric hospitals; women, children and the elderly are not spared. Jiang Zemin is being sued for torture, genocide and crimes against humanity in North America, Asia and Europe."
Letters from Two Danish Members of the European Parliament to the French President
2004-04-29In January 2004, under pressure and deceit from Jiang’s regime, who are cruelly persecuting Falun Gong, the French police strayed from the truth and harassed Falun Gong practitioners in Paris. After the incident, Falun Gong practitioners enthusiastically clarified the truth to people from all levels of society, demanding that the responsible people take the legal burden and apologise to Falun Gong practitioners.
MEP Liz Lynne writes to European Friends of Falun Gong about the “worrying, and deplorable” Events in Paris
2004-04-05"The Liberal Democrat party recognise the on-going struggles of the Falun Gong practitioners, and have written to the UK government on their behalf in the past. I have also contacted the French authorities personally, and requested of the Directorate General of the National Police that an investigation into this matter be conducted and that steps be taken to ensure such a situation will not arise in the future."
European Union Nations Raised the Issue of the Persecution of Falun Gong many times in the EU-China Human Rights Dialogue
2004-03-18“This cooperative human rights dialogue will make sense only after China has the sincerity to improve its human rights. Nonetheless, the cruel persecution participated and inflicted by all levels of the entire Chinese government system on Falun Gong has lasted more than four years. The facts showed that the Chinese government doesn’t have any sincerity to improve its human rights.”
Letter from Roger Helmer MEP to the UK’s French Ambassador Regarding “a serious violation of basic human rights” in Paris
2004-03-14"The allegations in question are that the Parisian authorities arrested, and not simply stopped for identity checks, handcuffed and detained several UK Falun Gong practitioners for up to five hours until after the afternoon’s parade had finished...As I stressed in my earlier letter, these allegations, if true, amount to a serious violation of basic human rights."
MEP Chris Davies Requests French Authorities To Formally Apologise for the Paris Incident
2004-03-09"Thank you for your recent letter regarding the arrest of the Falun Gong practitioners during the Chinese New Year celebrations in Paris. I too am horrified by the actions of the French authorities and have written to the French Ambassador to the EU to highlight my concerns. I have asked him to raise the matter with the French government and requested an apology from the French authorities for this episode."
MEP Roger Helmer writes to ‘European Friends of Falun Gong’ about the “appalling treatment” of Practitioners in Paris
2004-03-08"I wrote to the French Ambassador, Gerard Errera, on January 30th raising my concerns over the appalling treatment of the practitioners. Furthermore, I have asked that these allegations be investigated as soon as possible, and that the Parisian authorities clarify the grounds on which the arrests were made."
Irish MEP Writes to the President of France about "Extremely Disturbing" Violations of Human Rights in Paris
2004-03-06"Falun Gong adheres to the three principles of “Truthfulness, Compassion and Tolerance” and denying them the right to express these peaceful ideals is an obvious encroachment on their freedom of speech. Since Communist leader Jiang Zemin outlawed Falun Gong in 1999, 870 deaths have resulted as well as many more tortures and imprisonments. France’s contribution to this maltreatment of members of Falun Gong is disheartening and sets an extremely dangerous precedent."
MEP Patricia McKenna Writes to an Irish Practitioner about the “Shocking and Wrong” Actions of the French Authorities
2004-03-05"The blatant denial of the participation of Falun Gong groups in the New Years Parade and the repression of their right to expression and peaceful protest by the French authorities is shocking and wrong. That the French government might have conceded to the request of Jiang Zemin to suppress and silence Falun Gong is extremely worrying indeed."
Reply Letter from Ms Liz Lynne MEP: “I applaud your continuing peaceful efforts”
2004-03-04"I am aware that Falun Gong practitioners have long endured brutal persecution by the Chinese authorities and I applaud your continuing peaceful efforts to protest and reform the regime’s actions. It is regrettable that members of your group must also endure maltreatment in France, a country that professes tolerance and human rights."