Amnesty International Report: Minister Receives 5000 Amnesty Postcards (photos)
2003-04-17Minister Kitt said he hadn't seen such a large number of cards and signatures in many years. He assured the delegation that "such a significant statement from people in Ireland would be taken very seriously by the government." The Minister said the Irish government would do its utmost to ensure that the cases of the three practitioners highlighted by Amnesty were "raised at the highest possible level with the Chinese authorities."
Radio Free Asia: Report on the Annual General Meeting of the International Human Rights Association in Germany
2003-04-16On April 4th and 5th 2003, the International Human Rights Association in Germany held its Annual General Meeting. Two Falun Gong practitioners were invited to report on Chinas human rights situation. Two unanimous resolutions were reached which requested the German government to take any measure available to stop the Chinese regime from damaging human rights and persecuting Falun Gong.
Germany: Righteousness will Always Succeed in the End
2003-04-13The whole audience was shocked by the practitioners' speeches. People were surprised and horrified by the state of human rights in China. A person is subjected to unimaginable and inhumane torture just because he or she wants to be a morally decent person: Isnt this genocide? Isnt this a crime against humanity? All those who attended the meeting were seriously moved by the practitioners personal accounts.
Germany: Falun Gong was a Topic of Discussion During the Annual Meeting of the International Human Rights Association
2003-04-11On the morning of 6th April, the resolution condemning the general human rights abuses and persecution of Falun Gong in China was adopted by a unanimous vote...This resolution will be formally handed over by the German government to the United Nations Commission on Human Rights.
European Friends of Falun Gong Appeal for the Release of Charles Li
2003-03-30"The Chinese governments decision to put Charles Li on trial makes a mockery of any justice, which would normally be accorded to any accused person in a western democracy with a fair judicial system...We therefore appeal to you once again to ensure that his trial is conducted in accordance with international law, and, if he is found innocent, that he will be freed without further persecution or harassment by government officials."
Speech from Peter Müller of the International Society for Human Rights, Given at a Falun Dafa Press Conference in Geneva
2003-03-26"It is totally unacceptable how your fellow practitioners are persecuted, tortured, maimed, killed, and their families and friends pressurised by the Chinese dictators and their willing helpers. A screaming injustice - a shame and disgrace for China and a disgrace for humanity."
Global Coalition Against Article 23 Holds a Forum at the United Nations Building
2003-03-25On the afternoon of March 19th, a Forum on the Global Protest Against the Article 23 Legislation was held inside the UN Building. This was the second forum on human rights violations in China held during the 59th UN Commission on Human Rights, and it portrayed a worldwide concern for the situation in China and called on the Chinese government to start to respect human rights.
Mission to Investigate the Criminal Conduct of Organisations and Individuals Involved in the Persecution of Falun Gong, Begins Outside the United Nations in Geneva
2003-03-21For the third time this week, Falun Gong practitioners appealed at the Palais des Nations against the persecution of Falun Gong in China...Representatives from different organisations voiced their support and condemned the extremely serious human rights violations happening in China at present.
European Friends of Falun Gong Speech at Press Conference Outside the UN
2003-03-20"We appeal in the strongest possible terms for all nations of the UN to help bring to an end the persecution. We appeal to everyone with a human heart to unite in the face of extreme adversity, and to show the Chinese government that it will not succeed in its unjust struggle against good."
Letter from the Office to Assist Foreign Nationals in Dusseldorf to the Chinese Ambassador in Germany about Imprisoned Practitioner Lin Wenrong
2003-02-28"Since we in Germany hear more and more incidents of torture in Chinese police detention facilities, we are imploring you to please have this incident investigated specifically and intervene on our behalf, to affect the release of Mrs. Lin."
Amnesty International Statement Regarding Dr. Charles Li
2003-02-23"Amnesty International is investigating the recent detention of Dr. Charles Li, a U.S. citizen, by Chinese authorities...Amnesty International is also concerned about Dr. Li's health and is seeking assurances from the Chinese government that he is not being ill-treated."
Letter from Friends of Falun Gong Europe to Beijing Law Firms calling for the Release of Charles Li
2003-02-23"We appeal to you to allow Mr. Li the right to defend himself in a court of law, and to allow the correct judicial procedures to exonerate him from any wrongdoing, and to have him released immediately in the name of human rights."
A Public Letter from the British Branch of the Global Coalition Against Article 23 to the Chinese Ambassador to the UK
2003-02-14"...The Chinese leader, Jiang Zemin has flouted his countrys laws. He is pursuing power and interest, fooling his own subjects, ganging together for illegal activities and cracking down on dissidents. Consequently, the party and social morality is on the decline and social problems and crimes are rampant..."
Global Mission to Rescue Persecuted Falun Gong Practitioners Writes to Members of the Hong Kong Legislative Council to Rescue Mr. Chan Wing-Yuen
2003-02-14Mr. Chan is a 70-years old senior citizen who is full of kindness. In December 2001, Mr. Chan was visiting his relatives in Myanmar and also translating the book Zhuan Falun. He was arrested and sentenced to 7 years in prison by the Myanmar authorities solely because he unfurled a small banner that read "Truthfulness, Compassion and Tolerance" on the street to the airport when China's dictator Jiang was visiting Myanmar.
Speech from Vice-Chairman of European Friends of Falun Gong given before the Global Coalition Against Article 23 Rally
2003-02-10"Chinese people throughout the world are currently celebrating the Chinese New Year in the time-honoured fashion, with dancing displays, parades, and the customary culinary delights, which the Chinese nation is renowned for. However for the millions of Falun Gong practitioners in China, these New Year celebrations have been tainted with fear and trepidation, as they have been for the previous three years since the government began its brutal persecution of Falun Gong."