Falun Gong Task Force for Human Rights in Germany: Open Letter to the German Government, the Media and all Citizens.
2006-09-15"The type of suffering that the CCP has wrought on the Chinese people during its 57 year reign is indescribable: 80 million people have died unnatural deaths. Today, countless Falun Gong practitioners are kept in labour camps, prisons, hospitals ... without a legal basis and they are slaughtered for profit as part of the organ trade."
Speech Given by the Head of the ISHR China Taskforce in Austria at the Opening Ceremony of the Truthfulness, Compassion, Tolerance Art Exhibition
2006-06-21The cultural association ARS CARA (Austrian Association for Art and Cultural Exchange in China) held an exhibition with the title Truthfulness, Compassion, Tolerance at a café in Vienna’s 7th district. A great number of people attended the opening ceremony on June 12th. Speakers at the ceremony were district director Blimbinger, and Leopold, head of the International Society for Human Rights (ISHR) China taskforce. Leopold's speech is reproduced below.
Friends of Falun Gong Receives Replies from VIPs about Organ Harvesting
2006-06-12European Friends of Falun Gong received some replies from MEPs, local councillors and Unions condemning the organ harvesting on living Falun Gong practitioners in China conducted by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). European Commissioner Ferrero-Waldner replied that the Commission “will investigate the case further”. She also said “I can reassure you that, should these allegations be confirmed, the Commission would urgently address the issue with its Chinese counterpart in the most appropriate manner and in the first place in the framework of the EU-China bilateral dialogue on human rights.”
Swiss MPs and International NGOs Condemn the Crimes of the CCP Concentration Camp
2006-04-27"We feel very painful whenever we hear that those who are asking for freedom of belief and speech as stated in the International Human Rights Convention are being persecuted. We are urgently requesting the international community to together call for the end of crimes against humanity and take action to rescue the 2,000 Falun Gong practitioners who are still locked up in the Concentration Camp. The free and civilized world cannot keep silent and remain completely indifferent to these horrible incidents happening right now."
WOIPFG: Investigative Report of Human Organ Harvesting from Live Abducted Falun Gong Practitioners at Sujiatun Concentration Camp (Part II)
2006-04-03The World Organization to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong (WOIPFG) has confirmed in their investigations that the Sujiatun District Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital in Shenyang City, also known as the Liaoning Province Thrombosis Treatment Centre of Integrated Chinese and Western Medicine (the Thrombosis Hospital for short, below) had set up an unlawful crematorium to burn the bodies and destroy evidence. The existence of a huge live human organ bank in the Shenyang City area has been verified. The live harvesting of organs for transplants from unlawfully detained Falun Gong practitioners were found in not only at the Sujiatun area but also at many other places throughout Mainland China.
European Friends of Falun Gong Write to the British Medical Association about the Chinese Concentration Camp
2006-03-21"News has emanated from China in recent days that the CCP is selling the body organs of Falun Gong practitioners killed in one of its detention centres, the Sujiatun Concentration Camp in Northern China, to foreign buyers. The establishment of this concentration camp is severe enough in the government’s 7-year campaign to suppress and crush those who exercise their democratic right to freedom of belief and expression by practising Falun Gong, but for the CCP to deal in the sale of their organs both in China and abroad shows a callousness and brutality beyond anything we have seen before."
WOIPFG: An Investigation Report on the Death Camp in Sujiatun, Shenyang City, Liaoning Province (Part I)
2006-03-16According to our initial investigation, there truly exists a large "organ market" in Sujiatun, Shenyang City, Liaoning Province, China. It is a systematic procedural practice, which includes building the death camp, detaining the "suppliers" (living Falun Gong practitioners), matching Falun Gong practitioners' organs with people who need them, surgically removing the organs, eliminating the victims' bodies and setting up the hospitals that use these stolen organs. Without any legal procedures, Falun Gong practitioners are taken to the Sujiatun death camp without anyone's knowledge. They are in complete isolation. Their bodies are cremated after their organs are harvested.
European Friends of Falun Gong Statement on the Sujiatun Death Camp
2006-03-16"We wish to register our serious concern at the news emanating from the Sujiatun Concentration Camp involving the severe persecution of Falun Gong practitioners and the subsequent sale of their body organs after they have died in custody. The establishment of the concentration camp is the latest in a long line of brutal activities by the CCP to suppress the Falun Gong movement in its constitutional right to freedom of belief and expression since the practice of Falun Gong was banned by the authorities in July 1999. The existence of the concentration camp would be terrible enough in itself, but for the CCP to deal in the sale of human organs represents a sinister new direction to the persecution."
WOIPFG Launches Investigation of Sujiatun Concentration Camp Authorities
2006-03-13The statement said that according to informants and initial verification, the Chinese Communist Party regime set up a secret concentration camp in the Sujiatun district of Shenyang city. The camp is suspected to specialise in detaining and killing practitioners to harvest their bodily organs for profit. The camp has a crematory and corpses are cremated at the camp. Reportedly, several thousand practitioners have been transferred to the camp from other regions. They are being detained in the camp and face slaughter at any time so their organs can be harvested for profit.
Falun Gong Human Rights Working Group: European Citizens Condemn the CCP Persecution of Falun Gong
2006-03-09Falun Gong Human Rights Working Group (FGHRWG) recently published the experiences of several practitioners who were unlawfully detained in labour camps of the Chinese Communist Party. In the electronic report, practitioner Wang Bin and Chen Ying's stories were highlighted. The report received wide feedback from all over Europe. Reprinted in this article are some of the comments made by the readers to the FGHRWG Web site.
Danish Human Rights Organisation Asks the Danish Government to Support the Relay Hunger Strike in China
2006-03-07The hunger strike was initiated by the famous human rights lawyer Gao Zhisheng, who is known for his untiring struggle for the persecuted in China. Most commentators today deny China’s claims that the human rights situation in China is improving—in reality it has become much worse in recent years. For a long time the world has stood passively by as Communist China has persecuted large sections of its population, like Falun Gong, Christians and Buddhists. Gao Zhisheng himself recently commented: “When the Nazis slaughtered the Jews, they were condemned by the world. But the Communist Party has killed more than eighty million people, thirteen times more than the number of Jews and the world says nothing.”
European Friends of Falun Gong Speech about CCP Violence Outside China
2006-02-14We wish to bring to your attention the recent act of violence and burglary carried out against Falun Gong practitioner Dr Peter Li Yuan in the name of the Chinese government and Chinese Communist Party. This event appears to be part of a worldwide campaign by the Chinese authorities to intimidate and undermine the Falun Gong movement, the exportation of their own brand of persecution abroad, a persecution which has so far caused the deaths in custody of nearly 3,000 practitioners in China, while many more thousands languish in prisons and labour camps with little hope of release.
European Friends of Falun Gong Highlight the Recent Assault Opposite the London Chinese Embassy
2006-01-30"We hope that the perpetrator of this attack will be brought to justice by the due course of the law of the land. He will of course be afforded a fair trial, all the evidence will be fully considered before any conviction. That is the way it should be. Contrast this with the way Falun Gong practitioners in China have been dealt with, tortured to death and locked away in prisons and labour camps with little chance of release, and certainly with no fair trial."
Letter to the Argentinean Ambassador in UK from European Friends of Falun Gong
2005-12-19"It is our belief that the non-intervention of the police was under instruction from Chinese officials. Wednesday's assault fits into a disturbing pattern of violence, intimidation, and human rights violations in connection with visits by Chinese officials around the world over the last three to four years. It appears that in each case Chinese authorities have used economic and political clout to pressure host-country governments into assisting them in the subjugation of Falun Gong practitioners and their supporters, often with the use of violence or arrest."
European Friends of Falun Gong Writes to the Thailand Ambassador in UK
2005-12-15"We wish to express our deep concern the recent Thai police harassment of Falun Gong practitioners during a peaceful protest in front of the Chinese embassy in Bangkok, which was held to protest against Chinese police brutality...We hope that Thailand will not succumb to the intimidation and pressure put on it by the CCP to contribute towards the persecution of Falun Gong. We urge you to try to convince your government that they should stop the harassment of Falun Gong practitioners and stop yielding to the CCP’s pressure, which is a serious compromise of Thailand’s fundamental moral and political principles."