Statement at Press Conference in London by Chair of Coalition to Investigate Persecution of Falun Gong in China
2007-07-06"The torch will start on the 9th August in Athens and will then be carried through more than ten countries in Europe and then onto other countries around the world, in order to show the Chinese authorities the volume of support for an end to the persecution of Falun Gong, and to demonstrate the strength of feeling amongst right-minded people that the 2008 Olympics cannot co-exist with a climate of intimidation and physical and mental abuse of Falun Gong practitioners by the Chinese government".
Speech by Vice Chairman of CIPFG-Europe: "The CCP is Clearly Doomed"
2007-04-08"We already have numerous documented first-hand experiences of the persecution, but we believe that in time the case against the CCP will be overwhelming. We must strive to reach the point where its evil leaders and their intricate web of subordinates can no longer withstand the weight of international pressure to end the persecution, and to allow Falun Gong practitioners and all other citizens of China to lead peaceful lives under democracy, free from all fear of persecution for their beliefs. China and Chinese people can only have future without CCP and this day is not far away."
Chairman of the Peace and Culture Association in Spain Condemns the Persecution of Falun Gong
2007-03-25"All reports by the Human Rights Committee of the UN, the Parliament of the European Union, the Parliament of NATO and organisations of human rights such as Amnesty International and Human Rights Observation have mentioned the cruel violation and persecution of the most basic human rights by the CCP government. It has caused many innocent people to suffer from the persecution because of their faith. As the Chairman of the Peace and Culture, my mission is to vindicate the freedom of all people, respect the truth, respect justice equality and tolerance. Such a situation of suppressing individual freedom in faith by force, I firmly oppose it."
Chairman of the German International Society for Human Rights: “The persecution of Falun Gong is surely one of the saddest chapters in the history of mankind”
2007-02-16"Since the beginning of this persecution in July 1999, based on our information, several hundred thousand arrests already had taken place – many thousands are being detained in forced labour camps, prisons and psychiatric institutes without legal procedures, merely because of their peaceful ideology. In these places, they are exposed to systematic torture. Currently over 3,000 known victims have died as a result of the tortures in these camps, the estimated number of unknown/unreported cases is not included."
Asian Branch of Coalition to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong (CIPFG) Congratulates the Establishment of CIPFG-Europe
2007-02-15"Human dignity today is indivisible around the shrunken planet. All faith communities and other members of civil societies everywhere should be fully united on issues like the ones still facing Falun Gong practitioners across China. All governments of, by and for their citizens should be working much harder and effectively towards achieving a fully democratic world as early as possible in the new century."
President of Danish International Committee: “We owe it to the many millions of people who have suffered at the hands of this brutal regime to root out the evil perpetrators of these terrible crimes”
2007-02-13"I wish to add my support to the establishment of the Coalition to Investigate of the Persecution of Falun Gong (CIPFG). It is vitally important that all nations outside China should join together in condemning the ruthless activities of the Chinese authorities towards Falun Gong, and that an investigation should be initiated to find out exactly what has happened in China’s labour camps and prisons over the last seven years since the persecution began, especially regarding the source of the harvesting of human organs for transplant."
Australian Branch of Coalition to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong (CIPFG) Congratulates the Establishment of the European CIPFG
2007-02-11"When 100 million innocent Falun Gong practitioners in China have been under severe persecution and torture for more than seven years, and what is worse, while their vital organs have been the subjects of commodity, as fellow human beings of this global village, we cannot turn a blind eye and do nothing about it. Silence is the same as allowing the murderer to continue killing the innocents."
Eurotransplant Foundation Member Supports Coalition to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong
2007-02-10"The conclusions of the investigative report by David Kilgour and David Matas of July 6th 2006, together with already existing allegations by e.g. Amnesty International, have caused great concern among the international organ transplant community, since they provide credible evidence for the accusation that the Chinese authorities are implicated in a systematic persecution of Falun Gong followers, and that prisoners from that movement (together with other executed prisoners) are exploited as organ donors. The updated report of Mr. Kilgour and Mr. Matas of January 31st 2007 has further substantiated these alarming findings."
NGO Chairman Speaks on the Establishment of CIPFG-Europe
2007-02-09"As we all know the human rights situation in China has not improved in the last few years, despite a dramatic economic improvement. The enormous flow of money into the country has in fact given the communist regime more resources to carry out oppression and persecution. And the recent information about organ harvesting from living Falun Gong practitioners makes it all the more important to put pressure on the Chinese government."
United Kingdom: Coalition to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong (European Branch) Is Established
2007-02-07More than 40 important members of government and prominent members of society from European countries have joined CIPFG-Europe, including members of parliament, senators, lawyers, clergymen, chairmen of NGOs, doctors, writers, journalists and officials from major enterprises and governments in over a dozen countries.
Vice Chairman Speaks at Press Conference to Announce Establishment of CIPFG-Europe
2007-02-07"We have organised today’s press conference to announce the establishment of the Coalition to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong (CIPFG). Over forty VIPs from across Europe have joined the European Coalition so far, among them MPs, senators, lawyers, barristers, clergy, NGO directors, doctors, writers, journalists and other leading company and government officials from over ten countries. We hope that the formation of this kind of coalition will signal a new chapter in the struggle to uncover the truth about the heinous crimes the Chinese government has perpetrated against Falun Gong practitioners over a period of nearly eight years."
Press Conference Speech by Director of Czech NGO Human Rights without Borders
2007-01-29" ... I invite you to symbolically ring the keys once again, this time to support all the Chinese people who were not as lucky as we were seventeen years ago and who couldn’t successfully finish their own “Tiananmen Velvet Revolution”. Together, let us help all the people in concentration camps in China whom I believe we can still rescue. We can learn from history that in these issues time plays the most important role and to hesitate even a little bit might mean an irretrievable loss of human life."
Support Letter for Practitioners from the Confederation of Political Prisoners
2007-01-24According to reports and testimonies in domestic and foreign media, we often learn about the horrible atrocities of the Chinese Communist Party, which persecute followers of Falun Gong spiritual movement since 1999. In 2001 in Sujiatun, Shenyang city, it has allegedly established a concentration camp, where doctors harvest human organs from living bodies of prisoners of conscience and sell them to medical facilities. There are several dozens of such camps in China. We urge you, not to seek solely economic and political goals during your visits to China but to look also at the state of human rights, religious freedom and democracy.
Support Letter from Amnesty International in Czech Republic
2007-01-23"For some time now, Amnesty has been bringing attention to the persecution of followers of the Falun Gong movement in China and has devoted several reports to that issue. In its report, presented to the UN during the election of members for the Human Rights Council, Amnesty stated: “The suppression of Falun Gong spiritual movement intensified after February 2005. Many Falun Gong practitioners are allegedly detained and in serious danger of torture and mal-treatment.” Amnesty is also greatly alarmed by the media campaign of slander by the Chinese regime, which is apt to incite hatred against Falun Gong adherents."
Support for Rally against CCP Organ Harvesting from Director of Czech NGO The Civil Institute
2007-01-22"Dare we say that the Chinese regime changed in those seventeen years? Not at all. It is not an authoritarian regime, that only abuses its political power and does not force other aspects of society under its state control. It is a totalitarian regime, that does not tolerate even the smallest part to be independent of the state control. That is why even an apolitical Falun Gong spiritual movement is heartlessly persecuted, as well as the independent Christians. The Laogai prison camps are fully comparable with the Nazi concentration camps or the Soviet gulags."