Edinburgh Amnesty International Group Releases a Statement calling for an End to the Persecution of Falun Gong
2003-07-24"Members of Edinburgh South Group of Amnesty International have been very concerned to learn yet again of the appalling treatment Falun Gong practitioners have received at the hands of the Chinese authorities. News has reached us in the past few days of the dreadful way in which practitioners have been illegally detained and tortured in China."
Edinburgh Amnesty International Group Supports the Lawsuit against Jiang
2003-07-18On July 10 2003, Mr. Jim Moffat, the Secretary of the Edinburgh South Group of Amnesty International, Scotland, released a statement in support of the lawsuit filed by Falun Gong practitioners against the former Chinese leader.
France: Human Rights Organisations held a Public Seminar on Falun Gong
2003-07-13Falun Gong practitioners began their talk to the seminar attendees by comprehensively introducing the spread of Falun Gong from China, Falun Gongs features, the cruel methods of persecution used by Jiangs regime over the last 4 years, Falun Gong practitioners peaceful and rational resistance, the worldwide spread of Falun Gong, and the countless voices of support from around the world.
Speech by European Friends of Falun Gong at Article 23 Press Conference in London
2003-06-29"We know how many people are against the introduction of Article 23. 26,000 people have signed a petition against it in the last few weeks alone. Article 23 must be stopped in its present form. We must help maintain the One country-two systems principle, which China agreed to in 1997. Hong Kongs citizens must be given the chance of freedom of belief and expression, which we in the west take for granted, but which should be extended to all citizens of the world."
European Friends of Falun Gong asks Members to Support the Lawsuit Against Jiang
2003-06-14"Today, the worlds determination is put to the test as genocide is taking place in China. It is waged by former Chinese president Jiang Zemin against over 100 million people who practise a peaceful meditation and exercise system known as Falun Gong. Hundreds of thousands have already been sent to concentration camps, and thousands have already been tortured and killed."
Letter to Pirjo Svensson from a Geneva Student Association
2003-06-08"In the University of Geneva, in a very small period of time, more than 1000 students from the Faculties of Medicine, Law, Economic Science and Psychology have signed a petition asking Switzerland, the European Parliament and the United Nations to intervene for your freedom. A lot of students were worried about the outcome of this affair."
Germany: Speech by Peter Muller of the International Human Rights Association at a Falun Dafa Appeal in Hannover
2003-06-06"It is every U.N. members responsibility to guarantee [basic human] rights. However, none of these rights are guaranteed in China. In this regard, no one knows this better than the Falun Gong practitioners in China. Falun Gong practitioners are being persecuted and tortured to disability or death in China. Their family members and friends are even oppressed by the dictator and his accomplices, and this is absolutely unacceptable."
European Friends of Falun Gong: It is Time to Bring Jiang Zemin to Justice
2003-06-05"We believe that it is right that Jiang Zemin, the perpetrator of a four-year campaign of brutal persecution against Falun Gong practitioners in China, be brought to account for his evil actions in a court of law, and that the worst example of mans evil against man in recent history should be exposed to the world. We give our full support to those in Chicago (USA) and Switzerland who are currently in the process of prosecuting Jiang Zemin through the courts in their own countries."
Russia: Information and Public Facility Association Supports Falun Dafa Activities
2003-06-04"Our information indicates that there are about 100 million people in almost half of the countries in the world practising Falun Dafa. Our investigation had led to the conclusion that the activities of Falun Dafa do not violate the laws of Russia...Judged by the democratic characteristics of the political system in Russia, however, I believe the activities of Russian Falun Dafa practitioners will mature and establish freedom of belief, a right protected by the Constitution."
Human Rights Organisation Writes to Thailand Prime Minister Calling for the Release of Detained Swedish Practitioner
2003-05-30"Our human rights organisation, ACAT-Switzerland, which is affiliated to the International Federation FI.ACAT and has consultative status at the UN, is deeply concerned by the arrest of the Swedish citizen Mrs. Pirjo Svensson on April 29th 2003 in Bangkok...Mr. Prime Minister, we appeal to you to pay full attention to this case and seek cooperation with the relevant Ministries and administrative officials in order to release Mrs. Svensson as soon as possible and without any restrictions to her staying in Thailand."
World Psychiatric Association Members Strongly Condemn China's Abuses of Psychiatry to Persecute Falun Gong Practitioners
2003-05-29"Despite the resolution of the WPA at the 12th WPA conference in Yokohama Japan...there have been new cases of abuse and torture of Falun Gong practitioners in mental hospitals, some concluded in death, after almost four years of persecution the torture and killing of the practitioners continue. Over 1000 practitioners have been involuntarily detained in mental hospitals at least 91 hospitals have been identified for being engaged in this psychiatric abuse of the practise. Today the number of normal healthy Falun Gong practitioners incarcerated and abused in mental hospitals way way way exceeds one thousand."
Letter from Front Line Human Rights Defenders to Thai Prime Minister regarding the Illegal Detention of Pirjo Svensson
2003-05-23"It seems that Mrs Svensson has been given no explanation or reason for her arrest and detention but it would seem to be in connection with her Falun Gong activities. If this is so then her continuing detention is a violation of her rights to freedom of belief and expression. We therefore call for her immediate and unconditional release."
Letter to Thailand Authorities from European Friends of Falun Gong
2003-05-07"Falun Gong practitioners have no political motives for wanting to gain the freedom of practitioners in China, they simply want them to be able to practise Falun Gong freely and in accordance with the Chinese constitution. The Thai government must not allow China to exert political influence on it it must act independently and must surely see that the detention of Mrs Svensson goes against her human right to freedom of belief and expression."
International Society for Human Rights Passes a Resolution Demanding China to Immediately Stop the Persecution of Falun Gong
2003-05-01"The Chinese government has launched a comprehensive persecution of Falun Gong. Government officials and police are inflicting this persecution with no legal basis. The persecution penetrates all classes and political life in China. The state-run media in China is using deceitful lies and manufacturing stories to slander Falun Gong and mislead the people. This is to turn public opinion against Falun Gong. In particular, women are subjected to sexual violence, gang rape, sexual harassment and forced abortion."
Ireland: Dafa Practitioners and Irish Branch of Amnesty International Hold a Signature Collection Drive Calling for the Release of 2 Chinese Students
2003-04-29Liu Feng and Yang Fang are two students who were arrested at Christmas 1999 in China, after they returned home to visit their families and peacefully appeal for Falun Gong. Prior to their return home to China, both were studying in Dublin.