THE OBSERVATORY for the Protection of Human Rights Defenders
2003-02-02"Since July 1999, the Chinese government has forbidden the movement of Falun Gong practitioners and has launched a repression against them. They are victims of an increasing use of torture in order to force them to renounce being part of the movement and reeducation through labour is largely used in the brutal campaign against them."
Amnesty International Magazine Reports on Persecution of Falun Gong
2003-01-23'Tens of thousands of Falun Gong practitioners have been arrested. Several dozen have been convicted and imprisoned after unfair trials. Thousands have been assigned, without any judicial process, to 're-education through labour'. And several hundred may have died as a result of torture.'
A Letter of Response from Specially Appointed Members of a Human Rights Committee in Russia
2003-01-14"After reading these materials, I think Falun Gong practitioners are walking a road to return to their original, true self."
Russia: Human Rights Protection Centre expresses Respect for Practitioners who follow Truthfulness, Compassion and Tolerance
2003-01-13Even though the members of our Centre are not Falun Gong practitioners, we would like to express our deep respects toward practitioners who follow the principles of Truthfulness, Compassion, and Tolerance.
Ukraine: Social Orientation and Prospect Research Centre Confirm Falun Gong is Good for Society
2003-01-12We think that Falun Gong is a method of personal cultivation that is beneficial to society. It can improve peoples health and upgrade their moral standards. This practice can beautify peoples hearts, improve interpersonal relationships, eliminate various habits that are harmful to the mind and body, and rectify the adverse effects of certain quasi-religious practices have had on the modern society (especially on young people).
Amnesty International in Germany: Economic reform cant guarantee the improvement of human rights
2003-01-12Amnesty International had appealed for the Prime Minister of the Federation to express his stance during his visit to China from December 29 to 31: anti-terrorism cannot be used as an excuse to harm internationally recognised human rights. Mr. Pleiter warned, Silence will be thought of as acceptance of the Chinese leaders behaviour.
Statement from the French Tibetan Association regarding Article 23 in Hong Kong
2003-01-09"Supporters of the Tibetan cause wholeheartedly join the demonstration against this anti-subversion law in Hong Kong. Since Hong Kong was returned to China in 1997, basic liberties have been constantly decreased; freedom of thought, freedom of association, freedom of belief...movements like Falun Gong are being repressed more and more...this is why we support all initiatives that defend peoples fundamental right of freedom."
Speech by Christians Against Torture and Capital Punishment
2002-12-27"Power, money and economy are treading on human rights. This vicious circle must be broken in as many regions as possible. A very good opportunity has been provided to Zürich to highlight the issue of Falun Gong in China. Human rights have been squashed in China, especially issues of conscience and belief."
Austria: International Christian Group Launches a Postcard-Sending Campaign to Commemorate Practitioners being Persecuted in China
2002-12-26The Austrian Christian Solidarity International (CSI) is a Christian human rights organization. To arouse peoples concern over those being cruelly persecuted in China, and ensure people do not forget practitioners being incarcerated and physically abused, a Christmas card campaign was launched on December 24.
Letter from the German Association of Civil Servants Appealing Against Article 23
2002-12-24'Article 23 will endanger the integrity of Hong Kongs [financial and judicial] systems and will block the free flow and exchange of information and ideas. By doing this, Article 23 will endanger economic vitality and stability in Hong Kong, things which have always been the mainstay and strength of the region.'
Germany: Calling for Release of Xiong Wei on International Human Rights Day
2002-12-21When talking about the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners, the president of the International Human Rights Association condemned the Chinese government as a dictatorship without morals, and the persecution as a vicious circle of violence.
Letter from Friends of Falun Gong Ireland to the Hong Kong government Concerning Article 23
2002-12-15If the Hong Kong government wishes to continue to be seen as a democratic, open and free society then it must abandon the implementation of this proposed law. Not to do so threatens all those who live and work in Hong Kong, including those of its citizens who wish to practice Falun Gong, and those who wish to defend the right of others to do so.
Speech by Vice-Chairman of European Friends of Falun Gong on International Human Rights Day
2002-12-11'We appeal in the strongest terms to those in positions of power in Hong Kong not to allow China to exert its influence on the administration of affairs in Hong Kong. They must stand up to China and maintain the One country two systems principle in the spirit in which it was agreed in 1997.'
Amnesty International Press Release: Hong Kong: Article 23 Legislation -- The Potential for Abuse
2002-12-10"As they stand, the proposals go far beyond what is needed to implement Article 23 of the Basic Law and may increase restrictions on fundamental human rights," the international human rights organisation said. "There is a danger that those exercising these rights could be imprisoned as prisoners of conscience."
The British Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong Expresses Concern Over Article 23
2002-12-07"If the Government's aspiration to become Asia's World City is to be fulfilled then it must ensure that the rights and freedoms (as outlined in the Joint Declaration and the Basic Law) are protected, the rule of law remains intact, and the "one country two systems" principle is upheld."