"Action of Christians for the Abolition of Torture" Urgently Appeals for the Release of Dafa Practitioner Liu Chengjun
2003-11-15"...on the 24th March 2002, Cheng Jun Liu was again brutally arrested by the police. State employees beat his cousin until he divulged, under torture, Cheng’s hiding place. They then set fire to the woodpile where the latter was hiding and made him come out. Although he was already tied hand and foot they shot him twice in his thighs. After undergoing more ill treatment in a police hospital, Cheng Liu was transferred to a detention centre at Tiebei where he was tortured continuously for 52 days with the aim of extracting a “confession” from him. He was then condemned to 19 years’ imprisonment..."
An Interview with a Representative of the European Branch of WOIPFG
2003-11-06"From the standpoint of the WOIPFG, the lawsuits have brought condemnation of the persecution from a moral level to a legal level. This is exactly the purpose of this organisation. Just like World War II war criminals, even tens of years after their crimes they still have to face trial in court if apprehended. This is international justice. We don’t think that we have to wait that long. This determination to legally deal with all of these crimes will shock the perpetrators. It would be best if we could stop their actions and let people in China and other countries know that the persecution of Falun Gong by Jiang and his accomplices is a serious criminal act."
Speech by President of the German Branch of the China Democracy League at the First European Meeting of the Global Coalition to Bring Jiang to Justice
2003-11-02"In just a few years, the number of Falun Gong practitioners reached 100 million. This is twice the number of members in the Chinese communist party. As a result, Jiang Zemin was so afraid of Falun Gong that he used weapons, and he used scoundrel tactics to start the bloody persecution of Falun Gong, the worst persecution in history. Statistics show that there are over 700 practitioners who have been brutally tortured to death."
Spain: Clarifying the Truth to Amnesty International Before Filing the Lawsuit Against Jiang and Luo
2003-11-01"The intention to sue Jiang is not to win the case but to let more people know about the evilness of the persecution and to let more people know about the truth in order to stop this persecution. This persecution isnt just aimed at Falun Gong practitioners, but its also aimed at humankinds precious morality and the principles of the universe. Therefore, the victims of this persecution are not only Falun Gong practitioners, but people throughout the world."
The First European Public Assembly of the Global Coalition to Bring Jiang to Justice held in Germany
2003-11-01The assembly attracted a large audience and received a lot of feedback. Many German citizens signed their names on a petition in support of the lawsuit against Jiang Zemin; some of them even offered their ideas about how to bring Jiang to justice. Tourists from China also said, Falun Gong should file a lawsuit against Jiang. The public will be happy about this lawsuit. Some of them even took photos of the scene and said that they would show them to their relatives and friends in China.
NGO's Speech at a German Rally: "The Association of Threatened People is very concerned about the steadily escalating persecution that Falun Gong has been suffering from."
2003-10-31"The Association of Threatened People is very concerned about the steadily escalating persecution that Falun Gong has been suffering from. No other religion or group has been confronted with bloody suppression in China on a scale as large as Falun Gong. Since the suppression in China started four years ago, there have been 770 Falun Gong practitioners persecuted to death in detention centres, labour camps or prisons due to inhuman torture."
Germany: Photo Report - Global Coalition to Bring Jiang to Justice Holds a Rally in Munich
2003-10-11 -
Amnesty Internationals UK Warwick Branch Invited Dafa Practitioners to Explain the Facts about the Persecution
2003-09-25The Warwick branch asked the practitioners to give a one-hour speech introducing the persecution of Falun Gong in China. They decided to launch a campaign to collect signatures in British society to appeal to Bring Jiang Zemin to Justice and to rescue Falun Gong practitioners relatives persecuted in China so as to support Falun Gong.
WOIPFG Participated in the Lawsuit in Iceland Against Luo Gan, the Head of the 610 Office
2003-09-14This organisation, that has no legal foundation, is similar to Nazi Germanys Gestapo and also the teams during Chinas Cultural Revolution. Because of the special status and function of the 610 Office, it should be held responsible for the illegal deeds of death, torture, arbitrary detention, education through labour, as well as sentences and fines that are common with the persecution of Falun Gong.
Iceland: Amnesty International Protest Luo Gan's Visit to Reykjavik
2003-09-10According to the reports from Icelandic media, on August 7th, 2003, the Iceland branch of Amnesty International had planned to stage a demonstration in centre of Reykjavik, the Icelandic Capital, at 11:50 a.m. September 8th. The demonstration was to protest against the visit of Luo Gan, the head of the Political and Legislative Affairs Committee and one of the accomplices in the persecution of Falun Gong.
Swiss NGO Writes to Hong Kong Authorities about Appeal of 15 Falun Gong Practitioners
2003-09-03"ACAT-Switzerland has been attentively observing the last years trial against [fifteen] Falun Gong practitioners in Hong Kong, among them four Swiss nationals...With indignation we learned that all defendants were found guilty in August 2002. The charges brought against them dont have any legal foundation...We therefore consider the August 2002 judgement arbitrary and support the defendants appeal on the case. We therefore urge the court dealing with the appeal in the next days to appreciate the facts and evidences strictly from the point of view of the Hong Kong legislation and to acquit the defendants of all charges."
World Organisation to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong writes to the President of Romania
2003-09-01"In several countries/regions around the world, because of crimes of genocide and crimes against humanity, lawsuits have been filed against the former Chinese leader, Jiang Zemin, officials of the 610 Office and other Chinese officials for their roles in carrying out the persecution of Falun Gong in China. An international coalition of lawyers has also announced a coordinated effort to file more lawsuits against Jiang Zemin in the coming months. The world community is standing up to bring Jiang Zemin to justice."
Ireland: Speech from Jim Loughlin of Amnesty International
2003-08-29"Amnesty International calls for the immediate and unconditional release of Feng Liu and the other members of the Falun Gong movement, who are currently being held in prison or under house arrest in China. And we hope that you as members of the public will lend your support to this campaign and continue to keep up the pressure on the government of China."
International Society for Human Rights writes to Tung Chee Hwa calling for an End to Article 23
2003-08-27"This is Jiangs horrific form of genocide: It is a terror that does not just destroy lives, but aims to destroy faith. It is a terror that should not be allowed to exist in the modern world. It is a terror that must be brought to justice. Thats the reason why several lawsuits against Jiang Zemin have been launched. Why should Hong Kong prepare a law which would import the persecution of Falun Gong to Hong Kong, when other Countries are suing the responsible people for the persecution of Falun Gong?"
Speech for Rally at Parliament Hill
2003-08-25There can be no excuses. No silence. No looking away. Instead all governments must, with determination and resolve, do everything possible to ensure that Chinese officials, no matter how high or low their office, who have been responsible for committing human rights violations are held to account for what they have done. That is what justice demands. That is what human rights demand.