Amnesty International Issue Formal Response to Article 23 Proposals
2002-12-05"Amnesty International is disappointed that the need to implement Article 23 of the Basic Law has not led to the removal of archaic laws and the development of legislation in line with human rights and international laws and standards. Instead the authorities have included more offences, many of which have the potential to conflict with human rights standards."
Amnesty International Urgent Action to Rescue Yoko Kaneko
2002-11-30Amnesty International is seriously concerned for the safety of sisters Luo Rong (also known as Yoko Kaneko), and Luo Zhen, who are at serious risk of torture or ill treatment...
Amnesty International Raises Concern about Ms. Yoko Kaneko and Calls for her Immediate and Unconditional Release
2002-11-19She was detained while handing out Falun Gong leaflets to passers-by in Beijing...Amnesty International considers her to be a prisoner of conscience and is calling for her immediate and unconditional release.
International Society for Human Rights (ISHR)-Australia Appeals for Rescue of Australian Resident's Relative Detained in China
2002-11-18Ms Zeng fled China after being incarcerated in a labour camp for twelve months because she is an adherent of Falun Gong. She is currently in Australia seeking asylum. Her attempts to ascertain why her husband was arrested and his present whereabouts have been unsuccessful. As she notes, her husband is not a follower of Falun Gong, he is non-political and is a businessman by profession.
UAW Strongly Urges China to End Its Repression of Trade Unionists, Close Its Prison Labor Camps and Respect the Fundamental Rights of Its Citizens
2002-10-18This is the text of a letter from United Auto Workers President Ron Gettelfinger to President Bush urging him to advocate for the freedom of imprisoned trade unionists in China.
Amnesty International Urge the European Union to Stand up against the Chinese Communist Partys Suppression of Falun Gong and Minority Nationalities
2002-10-11On Monday 23rd September, International Human Rights Organisations urged the European Union to take an uncompromising stand and oppose the Chinese governments suppression of Falun Gong and other minority groups.
Letter Sent to UK Dignitaries by European Friends of Falun Gong
2002-10-08"If Article 23 becomes law, it would mean the complete end of the Hong Kong peoples freedoms of speech, belief and expression. The adoption of an anti-subversion law based on Article 23 will do nothing more than extend the ability of Jiang Zemins regime to violate human rights as well as persecute Falun Gong and other peaceful democratic groups in Hong Kong."
Amnesty International Holland Begins Campaign Together with Two Other Dutch NGOs
2002-09-15Prior to their campaign, Amnesty dedicated their two-monthly newsletter on human rights and philosophy completely to religious freedom in China. Falun Gong was extensively covered in the newsletter and mentioned as one of the most severely persecuted
Letter from European Friends of Falun Gong to the President of Ukraine
2002-09-13"We would further urge the Ukrainian authorities not to be influenced in its decisions by pressure from China, and to stand fast against a brutal regime, which has shown no mercy in its persecution of Falun Gong practitioners in its own country, and which is now worryingly trying to widen its evil influence by persuading other countries to act likewise."
International Association for Human Rights Press Release: China extends Falun Gong Persecution to Hong Kong
2002-08-19This guilty verdict does not merely recognize and affirm the persecution in Mainland China, but has extended it to Hong Kong, thereby effectively and dramatically worsening the human rights situation in China itself.
Human Rights Watch: The Falun Gong: New Targets of Psychiatric Abuse [Excerpt]
2002-08-18 -
UK: Speech of European Friends of Falun Gong at London Press Conference
2002-08-16"Hong Kong must not be allowed to go down the same path of persecution which has so blighted life in China over the last three years. Hong Kong must stand up to Jiang Zemin and his murderous treachery. Hong Kong, you must release these 16 innocent practitioners in the name of Truth, Compassion and Forbearance"
Letter from a Representative of the "Freedom of Religion Association" to Swiss Practitioners
2002-08-04 -
Bern, Switzerland: Support From International Association for Religious Freedom
2002-07-26"The international community cannot remain silent in the face of these terrible violations of human rights against a numerous and peaceful minority."
Human Rights Organization Representative in Germany Says, "You Do So Well!"