Financial Times (London) : No room OBSERVER COLUMN
2002-10-29"But the Falun Gong delegation had its 50-room hotel booking mysteriously cancelled a few days ago and were offered rooms elsewhere, far away from where Jiang is staying. The hotel insists it was suddenly overbooked. Perhaps the US has taken some tips from the UK which, three years ago, shamefully quashed all peaceful protest against Jiang while he was on a state visit to London."
The Epoch Times (Chinese language newspaper): Lord Provost of Dundee attends Minghui Thank-You Meeting
2002-10-26Mr. Ian Luke MP and Mr. John Letford, Lord Provost of Dundee, with Baby Minghui and her parents. They are holding Baby Minghuis new Chinese passport and her mothers passport, on which her registration was stamped but later cancelled by the Chinese Embassy.
France Digipresse: Zhu Rongji Faces Human Rights Issue in Paris
2002-10-16"..What Zhao Ming has gone through is quite different to what any other students of his age have gone through. Solely for his faith [in Falun Dafa], he was tormented by cruel torture in a labor camp in China."
Jyllands-Posten (Denmark): Photos of Falun Gong Practitioners Appealing During ASEM Summit Published
2002-10-14On September 24 2002, one of Denmark's major newspapers, Jyllands-Posten, published photos of practitioners peacefully appealing at the Asia-Eruope Summit Meeting. Left: One of the pictures to appear in Jyllands-Posten.
Schwetzingen News (Germany): Falun Gong in Steffi Graf Park Traditional Chinese Exercises for Inner Peace
2002-10-13"Falun Gong encompasses five easy to learn movements and the teachings of Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance, the principles taught and thoroughly explained in the book Zhuan Falun. These all help people to lead a life of inner peace and harmony, free from excess stress."
Politiken (Danish Newspaper): In Chinas Clutches
2002-10-06"In Ireland there was a growing attention on his case, and Zhao Ming was released in March this year after international pressure from, among others, the Irish Prime Minister. Shortly after he was back in Ireland, even though he is physically free, he is still mentally captured."
Politiken (Danish newspaper): Censorship at Danish festival
2002-10-02"It is reprehensible and very non-Danish, if the Chinese authorities have taken part in the censorship of a Danish cultural festival, says Peter Skaarup, The legal spokesman of The Danish Peoples Party, who has asked the Foreign Minister for a statement of the Chinese authorities role in the case."
Berlingske Tidende (Danish newspaper): Meditation against Persecution
2002-10-02We are not on a confrontation course, but we will use our democratic rights to demonstrate. The Danish authorities have been pressed by the Chinese embassy, and for that reason we will not move,
Jyllands-Posten (Danish newspaper): Demonstrations crawled along through the city
2002-10-02"With great dignity and complete peacefulness, the Falun Gong [practitioners] from Denmark, as well as from others countries including China, Poland, Germany, Holland and France, turned the attention to the suppression the movement is exposed to in China."
Financial Times: LEADER - Securing Hong Kong - Proposed new legislation could threaten the city's genius
2002-10-01"When the British government handed Hong Kong back to China a little over five years ago it promised to do everything possible to help preserve the city's civil liberties. Now is the time for London to step in to fulfil this promise."
BBC: China: Man arrested in Shandong over Falun Gong broadcasts
2002-10-01"Public Security officials in Yantai city arrested Song Tao, of Jiamusi, Heilongjiang, on 19 July, according to the Jinan-based Qilu Evening News. Song was accused of [tapping into] a cable television channel in Jiamusi and beaming footage of the banned group on 20 April."
Morgunbladid (Icelandic newspaper): Representatives of Falun Gong Finish Meeting with Icelandic authorities
2002-09-19 -
Morgunbladid (Icelandic newspaper): Representatives of Falun Gong meet with Icelandic authorities
2002-09-18 -
BBC World: Extract from Click China
2002-09-15"There is a danger of having too many false expectations about China...some of the opportunities may not be as big as people think." It is a stark warning to foreign IT businesses that see the mirage of a massive, billion strong market.
The Guardian: Google is back in China but don't try asking any difficult questions
2002-09-14China's web censors have lifted their ban on access to the popular international Google search engine - but they have ways of making sure no one asks the wrong question.