Without High Mountains One Cannot Experience the Lowness of Valleys -- Why Jiang Wanted to Persecute Falun Gong
2003-06-16Jiang's actions can only be explained by looking at the difference between Falun Gong's principles and Jiang's character. There is as an old saying in China: "Without high mountains one cannot experience the lowness of valleys." Falun Gong teaches people to follow the universal principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance, so the practitioners experience deep spiritual awareness and maintain high moral standards. By comparison, the deceitfulness, wickedness, and cruelty of Jiang's character are exposed. Therefore, he could not allow Falun Gong to exist.
Jiang's Unreasonable Request When He Visited the US Last October Rejected by the Texas Government
2003-06-08At that time, everywhere outside the hotel Jiang was staying in were all kinds of Dafa banners printed with "Falun Dafa," "Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance," "Stop the Persecution," etc. Jiang was very angry as well as frightened. He pressured the state government to force practitioners to remove all the banners. But the state officials immediately turned down his request, "No, this is a free country!"
Three UK Bishops Express Opposition to Article 23 Legislation
2003-06-07Recently the Bishop of Bradwell, the Rt Rev Laurie Green, wrote to Falun Gong practitioners regarding the Article 23 legislation. She said I do assure you that I will do all in my power to support the intention of your letter and will press for the Hong Kong government to have a proper degree of independence of mind and authority whenever I find myself able to do so.
Lord Bishop of Oxford Writes to Chinese Ambassador to Express His Grave Concern Over the Treatment of Falun Gong Practitioners in China
2003-06-02 -
At International Meeting of Psychiatrists, UK Researcher Exposes Jiang's Use of Psychiatric Hospitals to Persecute Falun Gong Practitioners
2003-05-26"Many reports provide evidence that detained Falun Gong practitioners are forcibly locked in mental hospitals. They are obviously mentally healthy but are forced to receive psychiatric treatments and are mistreated or beaten. None of this is treatment; it is persecution. It is very clear that over the past nearly three years, there have been a few hundred of these kinds of cases, each of which has reliable evidence."
A Letter from Lord Moyne to the Ambassador of Thailand
2003-05-21"There is widespread and increasing disgust in many countries of the world at the unprovoked and inhuman persecution of Falun Gong by the Chinese Communist authorities; and your Governments action in collaborating with this persecution is disappointing in that it appears to show that it is to curry favour with its large neighbour. Such action can only diminish the respect with which your country is regarded in the rest of the world and lead to doubts as to the genuineness of its sovereign independence."
Swedish Newspaper: "Swedish Practitioner in Thailand to Appeal Against Deportation Threat"
2003-05-18Her friend in Sweden says that the arrest of Mrs. Svensson by the Thai government is a clear indication of the pressure that the Chinese authorities have actively imposed on other countries. A representative of the Swedish Falun Gong Information Centre commented, The most obvious probability is that her name has been included on the Chinese governments blacklist.
Report from Spanish Newspaper - "World Health Organization Criticizes China Again for Manipulation of SARS-Infected Population"
2003-05-16The World Health Organization has published a straightforward condemnation of the Communist regime in China. The WHO also firmly indicated that the Chinese authorities continue to cover up the facts, and manipulate the SARS-infected population so that the world is kept from panic.
Switzerland: Grandfather Writes to an MP Calling for Action to End the Persecution
2003-05-13After reading the latest information about the persecution of Falun Gong in a newspaper, the grandfather decided to help practitioners in China. He wrote a letter to a superintendent in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, who is also an MP, appealing for help stop the brutal persecution of Falun Gong. He cannot understand why this practice, which brings so many benefits to his grandson, has been banned and brutally persecuted in China.
Report from Swedish newspaper Expressen: Falun Gong Woman Still Detained
2003-05-11'Today marks the eleventh day since Pirjo Svensson, 44, from Gothenburg was detained in Bangkok. The Thai authorities have still not stated why she is being detained. Despite his attempts, the Swedish Ambassador has not received any answers either.'
Weekend Aisen (Danish Newspaper): Falun Gongs distress call
2003-05-06'The latest annual report on human rights from the U.S. Foreign Ministry ...refers to various sources according to which more than 200 Falun Gong practitioners have been killed while detained, or as a result of torture or abuse. Should only part of this information turn out to be true, then what we are facing is one of the biggest human rights violations in Asia today.'
Austrian News Report: My Husband Was Tortured to Death
2003-05-02'All of her family in China practise Falun Gong and they have all lost their jobs. Some have even had their belongings and property confiscated. Ms. Dais sister-in-law has been arrested many times and was tortured so brutally that she went insane. Her father-in-law also passed away due to the continued stress.'
Norway: National Magazine Publishes a Large Article About Falun Gong
2003-04-11The article included a big picture of a practitioner sitting in a meditation position and three sections of facts about Falun Gong. One section gave a short overview of what Falun Gong is. A second included facts about the cruel persecution of Falun Gong practitioners in China. In the third section there was information about where to learn Falun Gong and how to get exercise videos, music and books.
Letter from a Greek Professor to the Chinese President
2003-03-28"A Greek who studied in China was also practising Falun Dafa and introduced me to many others who are really very nice, friendly, helpful and righteous. They do not belong to any Political Party or to any specific religion and they do not harm anybody in practising Falun Dafa. My opinion is that they are so fine and harmless that you, as the Leader of China, should be very proud of them."
24 Heures (Swiss newspaper): Criminal Lawsuit in Switzerland Against Jiang Zemin
2003-03-27The net is about to tighten around Mr Jiang Zemin and many others taking part in this vast machinery of repression. Global justice is slowly but surely finding its place, and one day will catch up with them the lawyer says, hoping to have a deterring effect on the torturers. The Swiss judicial authorities will be called upon the moment one of the known perpetrators sets foot on Swiss soil."