Video: Swedish People Join Practitioners to Appeal Against Article 23 (photo)
2003-01-01At the moment, 6.5 million people in Hong Kong are being threatened with the loss of their basic right of expression, belief and association by Article 23, a proposed law in Hong Kong. Swedish Falun Gong practitioners appealed to the public to support an international petition against this threat to the human rights of Hong Kong citizens.
The Economist: Chinas Re-education Through Labor Camp, A Jail by Another Name
2002-12-30 -
UK: Queen Elizabeth replies to Letter from European Friends of Falun Gong
2002-12-26European Friends of Falun Gong wrote to Queen Elizabeth to inform her about the persecutory nature of Article 23. Friends of Falun Gong is a non-profit making organisation consisting of non-practitioners who support freedom of belief for Falun Gong practitioners. To find out more, please visit www.fofg-europe.org.
Epoch Times: Many Different Associations Gather in Frankfurt to Appeal Against Article 23
2002-12-25The European branch of the Global League Against Article 23 gathered in Frankfurt to protest against the establishment of Article 23 in Hong Kong. This protest activity received support from many non-governmental organizations, including student associations from across Germany and democratic rights associations.
Ireland: Letter to Two Irish Newspapers about Article 23
2002-12-21'The guise of secession and subversion, combined with increased police power, would turn Hong Kong into a police state. Not only this, but questions would arise over the safety of the media, business and other sectors of society.'
Värmlands Folkbladet (Swedish newspaper): When Will Todays World Wake Up?
2002-12-20'Why does [jiang Zemin] want to persecute innocent people? Perhaps because he is jealous of Falun Gong which touched peoples hearts, as 100 million people began to practise Falun gong in only several years and started to follow the principles of Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance.'
BBC Monitoring: China: Complaint lodged in France against Vice-Premier Li Lanqing
2002-12-12'A complaint has been lodged in France by Belgian and French nationals in the name of universal competence against Chinese Vice-Premier Li Lanqing during a visit [of Li Lanqing to France].'
BBC: China 'blocks 10% of websites'
2002-12-05"As many as one in 10 websites may be deliberately blocked to users in China, a US study suggests."
Best of Vienna Report (Austria): Free of Charge Outdoor Practise
2002-12-03The latest issue of the Austrian magazine Best of Vienna, which is published twice a year, contained a report on Falun Gong and some of the benfits of practising.
Tribune de Geneve: Falun Gong: Threat or Opportunity for China?
2002-12-02Whatever the line taken by the new leadership of the Party, the desire to eradicate Falun Gong is totally absurd and doomed to failure. Inner freedom cannot be destroyed, even by the most powerful tools of suppression.
Helsingin Sanomat (Finland): Prime Minister Lipponen defends President Halonen's remarks on human rights in China
2002-12-01[Finland's Minister for Foreign Affairs Erkki] Tuomioja also brought up the violations of the human rights of members of the Falun Gong [..] movement, which he said was a cause for concern in Finland and the rest of Europe.
BBC: US warns HK over anti-subversion law
2002-11-26"Britain has also expressed its concerns regarding the law, saying in a statement on Monday that any laws which undermined basic freedoms would be "seriously damaging" to the territory. And the Paris-based World Association of Newspapers warned on Wednesday that the legislation would "give excessive weight to national security at the expense of civil liberties, especially press freedom and freedom of speech"."
Chairman of a Prominent UK Law Society Expresses Concern Over Article 23
2002-11-25The widely opposed Article-23 legislation has caused deep concerns within the UK. Several MPs and Lords have raised the issue with UK and HK authorities and the UK government has urged the HK authority at various occasions to protect human rights and freedoms which must not be jeopardised by any legislation.
The Times: The great firewall of China
2002-11-12"As the chinese regime changes, censorship of the internet is intensifying."
UK: Judge Exposes the Jiang regimes Persecution of Falun Gong Practitioners
2002-11-11"..Trials are rare. Torture occurs in accounts of interrogation and police detention, including accounts of the treatment of foreign nationals. There are numerous reports of deaths in custody of Falun Gong adherents."