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Norway: Falun Dafa Practitioners Hold Activities in Oslo To Commemorate the April 25 Appeal
2020-05-02Falun Dafa practitioners in Norway held a peaceful protest in front of the Chinese Embassy in Oslo on April 25, 2020 to commemorate the April 25 Appeal twenty-one years ago.
Finland: Falun Dafa Practitioners Peacefully Commemorate the April 25 Appeal in Front of Chinese Embassy
2020-05-02Falun Dafa practitioners in Finland held a peaceful demonstration in front of the Chinese Embassy on April 25, 2020, to solemnly commemorate the April 25 Appeal by practitioners in China 21 years ago, and raise awareness of the ongoing persecution.
Learning about Falun Gong and Discovering the Mystery of Life
2020-04-28Since antiquity, Chinese people have been trying to figure out the universe, the human body, and life itself in a variety of ways, with many forays into the metaphysical and spiritual. This is a history of how Falun Gong was introduced to the public and why it is so popular in this period of time. As more people take up the practice, perhaps our world will become a kinder place, and our lives will find a higher meaning.
Commemorating April 25: Contrasting Attitudes Toward Falun Gong on Both Sides of the Taiwan Strait
2020-04-25On April 25, 1999, tens of thousands of practitioners rushed to the State Council's appeals office located near Zhongnanhai on Fuyou Street after learning riot police in Tianjin had beaten and arrested practitioners. Practitioners from all over China came to peacefully appeal for the release of the 45 practitioners who were detained in Tianjin.
Sweden: MPs Came to Support Anniversary of April 25th Peaceful Appeal
2020-04-25On 24th April 2020, Falun Gong practitioners in the Swedish city of Gothenburg held a commemoration event opposite the Chinese Consulate to mark the April 25 1999 Peaceful Appeal.
Chinese People Are Victims of the Chinese Communist Party's Lies
2020-04-19What many in the West may not know is that many Chinese people have believed the lies perpetuated by the CCP, and thought that the U.S. and/or other countries are to blame for the pandemic and that China is the saviour of the world in its fight against the virus.
Ukraine: Falun Gong Practitioners Call Attention to the Persecution in China
2020-04-19To slow the spread of the coronavirus in Kharkiv, the second-largest city in Ukraine, the government has forbidden gatherings of over 10 people. Without violating these regulations, local Falun Gong practitioners went outdoors to do the exercises and call attention to the persecution in China in late March and early April.
Denmark: Woman Recovers From Coronavirus After Denouncing the Chinese Communist Party
2020-04-19Connie Brix went to Spain for a holiday on February 18, 2020. At the time, Spain was still allowing carnivals, unaware of the risks posed by the spread of the Wuhan coronavirus. Connie attended carnival parades in two different cities in Spain.
Sweden: Falun Gong Practitioners Raise Awareness of the Persecution Amid the Coronavirus Pandemic
2020-04-19Falun Gong practitioners held activities at Mynttorget Square next to the Swedish Parliament (Riksdag) in central Stockholm on April 4, 2020, to raise awareness of the ongoing persecution in China.
Romania: Peaceful Protest at Chinese Embassy
2020-04-19Falun Dafa practitioners from Romania peacefully protested at the Chinese Embassy in Bucharest on March 21, 2020. They held the event to raise awareness of the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) 20-year-long persecution of the spiritual group.
The Chinese Communist Party Virus: A Wake-Up Call to Reconsider Our Moral Obligations
2020-04-05Throughout the coronavirus incident, the world has witnessed how the CCP has lied about the initial outbreak and continued to lie after the epidemic worsened into a pandemic. But will we be able to prevent this from happening again?
Coronavirus Pandemic Reveals Chinese Communist Party’s True Nature
2020-03-27Lessons from history told us that no promise of the CCP should be trusted, because they never honour what they promise. Those who continue believing in the CCP will pay a huge price.
Third List of Persecutors of Falun Gong Submitted to Governments in the U.S., Canada, U.K., Australia and New Zealand
2020-03-27Clearharmony calls on officials in China to immediately stop following the persecution policies and make up for the harm they have caused to Falun Gong practitioners.
United Kingdom: People Pause to Learn Falun Gong on Trafalgar Square
2020-03-27Falun Gong practitioners have been holding activities to introduce the practice and raise awareness of the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) persecution on the weekends for many years on Trafalgar Square.
Lithuania: Falun Gong Practitioners Hold Introductory Activities
2020-03-27Falun Gong practitioners held a series of activities in Vilnius, the capital of Lithuania from March 6 - 8, 2020. Many people expressed their support and appreciation, and signed a petition calling for an end to the CCP's (Chinese Communist Party) persecution.