Press Releases and Media Reports

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  • The Capital Times (Wisconsin): What Are You Reading?

    Hong Jiang, an assistant professor at the University of Wisconsin, said that at the moment he was reading Zhuan Falun by Li Hongzhi. Falun means law wheel, and law here refers to the three principles of Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance. An understanding of the book helps me to conduct myself in a more truthful way and to be compassionate and tolerant of other people.
  • Hong Kong: Widespread Concern Over the Arrest of Journalist's Family Members in China

    Liang Zhen's mother Yuan Yuju and brother Liang Jinhui are practitioners of Falun Gong. They were arrested on July 19 on false criminal charges. Situ Hua expressed that Liang Zhen's revealing the facts would at least prevent her family members from quietly disappearing from the world. He hoped that those Chinese Communist Party members who had not quit the party would not assist the evildoers in the persecution of Falun Gong or other groups.
  • Diario de Ferrol (Spain): Condemned for Practising Falun Gong

    "Something so inoffensive was all of a sudden prohibited by the Chinese government, then presided over by Jiang Zemin. The reasons for this persecution, according to the organisations that defend this large collective, point to the harsh control that the dictatorship exerts over everything that does not follow the regime’s principles. In barely six years, the number of people murdered, tortured to death, persecuted and incarcerated has not ceased to grow..."
  • Website (Croatia): Falun Gong practitioners’ peaceful protest.

    "In the eyes of the former head of the CCP and Chinese President, Jiang Zemin, his greatest threat was the popularity and respect that Falun Gong held among the Chinese population. He worried that the greatest threat and challenge to the CCP's power was the high ethical principals that are the mainstay of Falun Gong. Once the number of Falun Gong practitioners became larger than the CCP membership, Jiang Zemin began his brutal persecution."
  • Sweden: A Programme About the Persecution of Falun Gong on Presens TV in Stockholm

    A television programme about the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners in China was transmitted by a television-station, Presens TV on July 22nd. The programme was high quality, covering different aspects. As an introduction, two pictures of Falun Gong practitioner Gao Rongrong were shown, one before and one after she was tortured.
  • Hohenloher Newspaper (Germany): Falun Gong Practitioners' Information Stall

    "Suddenly on July 20th 1999, one hundred million Chinese citizens are declared as public enemy number one. The former head of state Jiang Zemin was very clear in his instruction: “Tarnish their names, ruin them financially, destroy them physically!” A minority is demonised and become the scapegoats for all the ills in the Chinese system and society."
  • Spain’s Oldest Newspaper Reports on Falun Gong Practice and the Persecution in China

    Truthfulness, Compassion and Tolerance are universal principles that were too demanding for the Chinese Government. Each year China tops the lists of human rights violations, torture or the implementation of capital punishment that are published by the most prestigious independent organisations such as Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch. This intolerance has afflicted Falun Gong practitioners.
  • BBC: Ma Yingjiu Declares Support for Falun Gong and Criticises the Anti-Secession Law

    The BBC Chinese website published a report on 8th August 2005 entitled: “Ma Yingjiu: Standing Strongly Against the CCP with China”. The report says, Mr. Ma Yingjiu, the new leader of the Taiwanese Kuomintang Party, said to a Chinese Times reporter during an interview on Jinmen Island: “Justice for June 4th, support Falun Gong, criticise the anti-secession law. These viewpoints will not be silenced just because I have become the president of the Taiwanese Kuomintang party.”
  • Czech Republic and Slovakia: Exposing the Persecution and Promoting Falun Gong (IV)

    Between 16th and 22nd of June 2005, for the first time Falun Gong practitioners in the Czech Republic and Slovakia made wide contact with the mainstream media, exposing the brutal persecution of Falun Gong by the Chinese Communist regime. They also hosted various activities to introduce Falun Gong to the general public. Practitioners invited Falun Gong practitioner Xiong Wei from Germany as a special guest. Xiong Wei was imprisoned for two years in a Chinese forced labour camp after being arrested for distributing leaflets exposing the Chinese Communist Party’s human rights abuses aginast Falun Gong practitioners.
  • European News Agency: Falun Gong Exposes the Crimes of Genocide in China

    Six years ago, on the 20th of July 1999, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) started a persecution against Falun Gong in China that shocked the world. To commemorate over 2,600 Falun Gong practitioners who have been persecuted to death and to appeal for an end to these human rights abuses, Spanish practitioners held a peaceful protest.
  • Spanish News Agency: Falun Gong Appeals to the Chinese Government to Stop the Genocide of People who Ask for Freedom of Belief

    More than twenty people from the Spanish Falun Gong Association and their legal team peacefully protested at the Chinese Embassy in Madrid. They urged that the genocide, persecution and torture of hundreds of thousands of innocent people who have a right to freedom of belief in China be stopped. The organiser said that to commemorate the sixth anniversary of the persecution against Falun Gong was the purpose of the day’s gathering. The former president of the Chinese Communist Party, Jiang Zemin, initiated the comprehensive persecution of Falun Gong practitioners, the followers of an ancient Chinese spiritual practice, with the policy of defaming their reputations, bankrupting them financially, and destroying them physically.
  • Radio Free Asia: German Society Pays Close Attention to the Development of Jiang Renzheng's Case

    Due to the concerns of the International Organisation for Human Rights and the German Government, during the human rights forum between China and Germany the Chinese Government was obliged to admit the arrest of Mr. Jiang Renzheng, a Chinese Falun Gong practitioner who was deported back to China from Germany at the beginning of May. According to a lady from Wuerzburg who has been actively involved in the efforts to rescue Jiang Renzheng, the Chinese Government was once again obliged to admit to the German Government that Jiang Renzheng was arrested for political reasons.
  • Czech Republic and Slovakia: Exposing the Persecution and Promoting Falun Gong (I)

    Between the 16th and 22nd of June, for the first time Falun Gong practitioners in the Czech Republic and Slovakia received mainstream media attention on a large scale. While exposing the Chinese Communist Party’s brutal persecution of Falun Gong, the practitioners held activities to introduce the exercises and principles of the practice.
  • Article from a Norwegian Newspaper: Support Persecuted Falun Gong Practitioners

    Falun Gong has five powerful and peaceful exercises that cultivate the body and the soul...The Chinese authorities banned Falun Gong in 1999, because the number of practitioners far outnumbered the number of members of the Communist Party. Since then, several thousand Falun Gong practitioners from China have been persecuted, illegally jailed, tortured or sent to forced labour camps. Several thousand have been killed.
  • Press Release: Complaint Filed Against Four Chinese Communist Party Leaders of the Gestapo-like 610 Office for Harassment of Belgian Citizens

    Two Belgian citizens file a complaint against those responsible within the Chinese Communist regime for harassing them and attacking their way of life. Being Falun Gong practitioners, Nicolas Schols and Yuhong Shi practise meditation exercises and follow truth, compassion and tolerance in their daily lives. For 6 years now (since 20/07/1999) the Chinese Communist regime has relentlessly persecuted Falun Gong practitioners inside China through torture and killing. In addition, it has tried to extend this persecution outside China through defamation, blacklisting, espionage and harassment.