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Letter from Dublin Students to the Irish Prime Minister: "Ireland should do all in its power to help bring this absurd persecution to an early end."
2003-12-01"The campaign directed at eradicating Falun Gong is a systematic state terrorism and a policy that has drained China's fragile economy. The assurances given in the EU China dialogue over the past few years have changed nothing on the ground; everyday new death cases are being received. The Chinese consulates and officials even continue to spread slanderous material concerning Falun Gong in the hope that this will incite hatred or at least doubt in the minds of overseas politicians. Indeed politicians in Ireland have received such material. Their aim is clear: To justify their campaign against the practice so that they can continue their brutal suppression and genocide while escaping condemnation from the international community."
Letter to a Practitioner from the Chief of the Human Rights Department of the Finnish Foreign Ministry
2003-11-27"The Finnish government has continued to pay close attention to human rights situation in China. Just like I mentioned in the letter sent to you on the 25th of November 2002, Falun Gong issue is being looked at all the time in the relations between China and Finland as well as in the European Union."
Letter from an Irish MP to a Practitioner
2003-11-22"I was glad to hear from you and appreciate your very real and deep concerns about persecution of Falun Dafa practitioners in China. This is a concern which I and the Labour Party as a whole share, and we have raised it on numerous occasions in the Dail. I enclose some Parliamentary Questions which we have put to the Minister for Foreign Affairs on this topic in recent times, along with the Minister’s replies."
UK Member of Parliament Marris Writes to Wen Jiabao Urging Chinese Government to Release Falun Gong Practitioners
2003-11-21"On November 13 2003, UK Member of Parliament Marris wrote to Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao, urging the Chinese government to release Falun Gong practitioners unconditionally. Marris said in his letter, they are incarcerated solely because of their expression of their peacefully held belief. "I strongly urge the Chinese government to ensure that independent investigation is carried out into the allegations and released them unconditionally if the allegations are upheld."
MEP Offers Help to Bring Chief Persecutor Luo Gan to Justice
2003-11-18This MEP reminded practitioners that action must be taken, justice will win and as a result the persecution of Falun Gong will come to an end. In conclusion, she stated "if there is an opportunity, I am willing to help you with the lawsuit against Luo Gan. With regards to this, please let us keep in contact."
"Action of Christians for the Abolition of Torture" Urgently Appeals for the Release of Dafa Practitioner Liu Chengjun
2003-11-15"...on the 24th March 2002, Cheng Jun Liu was again brutally arrested by the police. State employees beat his cousin until he divulged, under torture, Cheng’s hiding place. They then set fire to the woodpile where the latter was hiding and made him come out. Although he was already tied hand and foot they shot him twice in his thighs. After undergoing more ill treatment in a police hospital, Cheng Liu was transferred to a detention centre at Tiebei where he was tortured continuously for 52 days with the aim of extracting a “confession” from him. He was then condemned to 19 years’ imprisonment..."
Swedish MEP's Message at the Opening of a Falun Gong Exhibition in Mora
2003-11-12"As a member of the European Parliament and the Swedish State Committee, my attention has on several occasions been drawn to the infringement and mistreatment of Christians and Falun Gong practitioners within the oppressing dictatorship of China. It is a matter of direct persecution, where many people have lost their innocent lives. Let us all think about those who have sacrificed, who have been victimised for believing in freedom and the right to choose their religion, theory of life, belief and form of meditation. With deep respect for those people who are suffering, and with hope that this exhibition at the Mora house of culture will attract many visitors and receive great appreciation, I send my heartfelt greetings to you all."
Ireland: The First Proclamation of Falun Dafa Day in Ireland by a Mayor in County Laois
2003-11-10"Whereas, Falun Dafa started in china in 1992, and its activities of exercises and practices are based on the universal quality of Zhen-Shan-Ren, which means truth-compassion-forbearance; and, Whereas, Falun Dafa is designed to improve their physical condition, cleanse their mind, uplift their moral standards. Now, therefore, I, mayor of Ballylinan and district county Laois Ireland, do hereby declare November 9th 2003 as Falun Dafa day."
"Something needs to be done, so that justice is served and the persecution against Falun Gong is stopped." - A Member of European Parliament Offers Help to Bring a Persecutor to Justice
2003-11-07"The measures that China has taken against Falun Gong, especially after the systematic persecution began in 1999, are not only strictly condemnable but also very concerning...Something needs to be done, so that justice is served and the persecution against Falun Gong is stopped. Therefore I am interested in helping you in your legal battle against Luo Gan, if a suitable opportunity arises."
Italian MPs Write to the President of the European Commission and the Italian Premier, Calling on China to Improve Human Rights
2003-11-07Prior to the Summit meeting between the EU and China, Italian MP Giannu Vernetti and Senator Alessandro Forlani jointly wrote to the President of the European Commission, Romano Prodi, and to the Italian Premier, Berlusconi, to urge them to put the issue of China’s human rights on top of their agenda during the bilateral dialogue with China.
UK: Scottish MPs Sign a Petition to Support Bringing Jiang to Justice and Rescuing Practitioners Persecuted Friends and Family
2003-11-06One Scottish Member of Parliament wrote, This sort of barbaric practice has to stop, you cannot attack and torture people for exercising their belief in freedom, democracy and justice to speak for those who cannot.
An Interview with a Representative of the European Branch of WOIPFG
2003-11-06"From the standpoint of the WOIPFG, the lawsuits have brought condemnation of the persecution from a moral level to a legal level. This is exactly the purpose of this organisation. Just like World War II war criminals, even tens of years after their crimes they still have to face trial in court if apprehended. This is international justice. We don’t think that we have to wait that long. This determination to legally deal with all of these crimes will shock the perpetrators. It would be best if we could stop their actions and let people in China and other countries know that the persecution of Falun Gong by Jiang and his accomplices is a serious criminal act."
UK: Human Rights Lawyer Joins Practitioners to File a Lawsuit Against Jiang Zemin
2003-11-02A UK human rights lawyer has agreed to work on a lawsuit against Jiang Zemin, which has been initiated by UK Falun Gong practitioners. The lawyer has started the due process and begun to prepare information. Some other High Court human rights lawyers also showed strong interest and support for the case. They expressed shock at the horrific persecution of Falun Gong practitioners and wished practitioners success.
Speech by President of the German Branch of the China Democracy League at the First European Meeting of the Global Coalition to Bring Jiang to Justice
2003-11-02"In just a few years, the number of Falun Gong practitioners reached 100 million. This is twice the number of members in the Chinese communist party. As a result, Jiang Zemin was so afraid of Falun Gong that he used weapons, and he used scoundrel tactics to start the bloody persecution of Falun Gong, the worst persecution in history. Statistics show that there are over 700 practitioners who have been brutally tortured to death."
Spain: Clarifying the Truth to Amnesty International Before Filing the Lawsuit Against Jiang and Luo
2003-11-01"The intention to sue Jiang is not to win the case but to let more people know about the evilness of the persecution and to let more people know about the truth in order to stop this persecution. This persecution isnt just aimed at Falun Gong practitioners, but its also aimed at humankinds precious morality and the principles of the universe. Therefore, the victims of this persecution are not only Falun Gong practitioners, but people throughout the world."