Exposing the Persecution
Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting
Lu Xiuyun Killed By Brutal Force-Feeding
2002-03-14 -
60-year old Practitioner Zhang Guangqing Tortured to Death
2002-03-14 -
Police and Inmates Beat Practitioners in Wanjia Labour Camp
2002-03-14 -
Evil Deeds in Fuyu County
2002-03-14 -
Horrendous Crimes in Handan Labour Camp
2002-03-14The guards declared, "Any one tortured to death will be treated as suicide case." They beat one practitioner so hard that his kidneys were damaged, and he had to stay in hospital for several months.
Mr Liu Qiusheng Tortured to Death; Police Turn Body Snatchers
2002-03-13 -
Evildoers Force-Feed Excrement and Urine to Practitioners Determined in Practice of Falun Gong
2002-03-13 -
Exposing the Evil Deeds in Nanmusi Female Labour Camp
2002-03-13 -
Covered with Injuries, Female Practitioner Jiang Shuhua is Tortured to Death
2002-03-12 -
Chinese Police Exhibit Behaviour of Robbers and Thieves
2002-03-12People are always looking forward to being reunited with family and friends and having a warm, festive holiday. However, before the New Year, Yan Shan Police ransacked the few belongings practitioners owned, forced them to leave their homes and harassed their families. How would practitioners and their families spend the New Year? What do the days after the New Year hold for them?
In Memory of Chen Chengyong - written by his wife in Australia
2002-03-12I wonder how I should tell the horrible history of our family to our growing daughter. I am even less sure of the impact of such a horror on her life. I have no more tears to shed, because my tears have all dried up. My heart is bleeding. I have no idea about how to prepare our child to face this cruel fact that is happening and will become history.
Practitioner Yue Kai Dies After Two Years of Torture
2002-03-11"After returning home from the labour camp, Yue Kai could hardly stand up, as his weakened body had been reduced to skin and bone. To make matters worse, his wife's term of illegal labour re-education was extended for one more year. Suffering from both physical and mental persecution, he died on February 28, 2002, at the age of only 29."
Tears and Blood in Laodongyue Detention Centre
2002-03-11 -
Terrible Conditions in Nanmusi Women's Labour Camp
2002-03-11 -
Example of Illegal Detention and Persecution in Sichuan Province