Exposing the Persecution
Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting
Boiling Water Poured Over Practitioners in Fangqiang Forced Labour Camp in Jiangsu Province
2010-09-02The guards at Fangqiang Forced Labour Camp in Jiangsu Province use a number of cruel torture methods to persecute Falun Gong practitioners. I witnessed some of these methods being used during 2008 and 2009. Guards ordered inmates to brutally beat Mr Kong Xianyong. Zhu Kanglin boiled many kettles and kept pouring boiling water over Mr. Kong's head, in an attempt to get him to renounce his belief. Mr. Kong did not succumb to their demands. Mr. Wu Zhenghai was forced to bend down and remain still, with the weight of his body resting on the backs of his legs, for 20 hours a day, and was forced to do this for the next 20 days. He was beaten by the inmates when he moved, and he fainted many times.
Ms. He Daozhen Dies from Persecution in Jiujiang City, Jiangxi Province
2010-09-01Ms. He Daozhen, 58, was twice sentenced to forced labour for practising Falun Gong after 2002. As soon as she arrived at Jiangxi Women's Forced Labour Camp in 2007, Ms. He was held in solitary confinement. Two inmates were ordered to beat and curse her every day. They also tortured her through so-called military drills. Ms. He left the labour camp in 2008, after one year of forced labour, The raw wounds on her skin that continuously oozed pus and blood never healed. She died on April 24th, 2010.
Tangshan Police Arrest Three Falun Gong Practitioners in the Middle of the Night
2010-09-01On August 11th, 2010, police pried open the metal window covers of 57-year-old Liu Baoqin house to gain entry, and then ransacked her home. They took Ms. Liu Baoqin, her husband and her daughter to Changningdao Detention Centre in Tangshan City. Liu Baoqin's family have been persecuted many times since the persecution began in 1999, for practising Falun Gong. In order to avoid being arrested, Ms. Liu left her home and became destitute. She was detained for more than a year at the Second Detention Centre in Tangshan. While being detained, Ms. Liu exposed the violent acts committed by the guards, so she was shackled with a chain weighing more than 60 pounds for ninety days. She still suffers from numbness and pain in her legs.
Beijing Lawyer Ms. Song Mingying Forced to Sit on a Tiny Stool Until Her Legs Became Swollen
2010-09-01Ms. Song Mingying, a lawyer with the Zhongying Law firm in Beijing, was sentenced to forced labour following police arrest. She is serving her term at the Beijing Women's Forced Labour Camp and was tortured for refusing to renounce practising Falun Gong by being forced to sit on a tiny stool for a very long time, making her legs swell up. The stool has a rough seat about 10 in by 10 in and is about 1.5 ft high, without a back. The victim has to sit straight and keep her legs together. Because the stool lacks arms and a backrest, to sit in that position for a long time is torture.
Eleven Falun Gong Practitioners Sent to Brainwashing Centre in Jianyang City, Sichuan Province
2010-09-01Eleven Falun Gong practitioners from Jianyang City, Sichuan Province have been arrested since June 29th, 2010. Wu Bangrong was arrested while distributing leaflets exposing the persecution and telling people the facts about Falun Gong, while others were arrested directly from home. Some are being detained at the Erehu Brainwashing Centre, while others are missing. Chinese Communist Party (CCP) officials said that this time Falun Gong practitioners must be "transformed" [forcibly renounce Falun Gong]. If they won't give up their practice, or won't sign the three statements to renounce practising Falun Gong, their sentences will be quite severe.
Mr. Xu Yunyan's Leg Fractured and Teeth Broken during Seven Years in Prison
2010-08-31Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Xu Yunyan has been suffering from persecution for ten years just because he keeps his faith in Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance and tries to be a better person. After nine months of detention in Anren County Detention Centre, Mr. Xu was sentenced to seven years in prison. Mr. Xu was first locked in Jin City Prison, then transferred to Wangling Prison. Guard Yan Fan often instructed prisoners to beat Mr. Xu. Guards tried to force Mr. Xu to write the three statements to renounce practising Falun Gong, to which he absolutely refused. The three prisoners assigned to him took turns punching him, knocking four of his teeth out.
Ms. Ma Jun Being Held in a Small, Dark Cell in Lanzhou City Women's Prison
2010-08-31Lanzhou City Women's Prison started incarcerating Falun Gong practitioners in 2002. The first practitioner who was subjected to persecution in this prison was Ms. Ma Jun from Lanzhou City. She was sentenced to three years in prison at the time, but later she was given another sentence of ten years imprisonment. As of today, she is still being held in a small, dark, and damp cell in the prison.
Mr. Sun Zheng Suffers from Tuberculosis at Gongzhulin Prison
2010-08-31Mr. Sun Zheng was sentenced to eight years in prison for practising Falun Gong. While incarcerated at Gongzhulin Prison, he was diagnosed with severe tuberculosis and was sent to the prison hospital on April 15th, 2010. On April 23rd, when Mr. Sun's family visited him, he was helped by two people. His face was pale, he was skinny, and he could hardly speak. It's been over three months, but his condition has not improved. Moreover, the tuberculosis has flared up and his life is in danger. The prison and 610 Office (an organisation of special agents just for persecuting Falun Gong) keep pointing fingers at each other and Mr. Sun still has not been released.
Guards at Beijing Women's Labour Camp Kick Practitioner in the Ribs
2010-08-31At the Beijing Women's Forced Labour Camp, in order to torture Falun Gong practitioners, the guards wear leather soled shoes to kick practitioners in the ribs. They do this because the injuries cannot be seen on the surface. However, internal organs can be seriously damaged from it. Female guard Guo Lina used this method to torture practitioners. In one instance, a practitioner in the labour camp refused to write a guarantee statement to stop practising Falun Gong. Guo Lina pushed the practitioner to the ground. Guo then repeatedly kicked the practitioner on the left side of her body. The practitioner was in so much pain that she curled into a ball, unable to breathe.
Brutal Torture at Masanjia Forced Labour Camp
2010-08-30In an attempt to have Ms. Ni Fengzhen renounce Falun Gong, she was brainwashed for three months and tortured brutally in Masanjia Forced Labour Camp. They swore at her, beat her brutally, made her squat and stand for long periods of time, kicked her in the leg, and struck her in the face with a rubber ruler for three days. Ms. Ni Fengzhen is being forced to do hard labour and still suffers from physical and mental torture.
Cases of Falun Gong Practitioners Persecuted in Ninghe County, Tianjin
2010-08-30In 2001, Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Li Xiuzhong was taken to the Shuangkou Labour Camp in Tianjin. While there, he was forced to stand with one foot on the ground, with the other foot raised half a metre. If he lowered his leg by a fraction, the guards incited inmates to hit his foot with a wooden club. In the summer he was forced to stay under the burning sun, and he was deprived of toilet use. He was forced to do 15 to 16 hours hard labour a day and sometimes had to work for the entire evening. Guard He Jun also shocked Mr. Li with electric batons. Guard Yang Zhiqiu made an inmate brutally beat Mr. Li. Guards Dong Xiu and Cheng Liwei used electrical batons to shock him and rubber clubs to hit Mr. Li cruelly, until he became incontinent and was unable to move.
Mr. Wang Youzhong Is Arrested After Four Years of Being Unable to Return Home
2010-08-30Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Wang Youzhong has been unable to return home for the past four years. This is because the police knew he practised Falun Gong and were looking for him. He was arrested in June 2010. A letter was then sent to the Qingshui Village Committee, stating that Mr. Wang had been sent to a forced labour camp for two years. There was no sender's address on the letter, no details of which labour camp he was sent to, and no authorised signature. Mr. Wang's family had to go to the various police stations to try to find out where he was, but the people handling his case refused to meet with them. They were given a phone number to call, but nobody answered the phone. When Mr. Wang's family went to the detention centre to find him, they were told that he was no longer there and had been taken away. Mr. Wang's current whereabouts are unknown.
Mr. Li Baofeng from Beijing Given a Four-Year Prison Term
2010-08-30On April 22nd, 2008, a group of police and officials broke into Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Li Baofeng's home, ransacked it and seized his money and personal property. They took Mr. Li as well as his wife and daughter to the Chaoyangmen Police Station and interrogated them. Mr. Li's wife and daughter were released at midnight that same day. After being detained for one year, he was covertly sentenced to four years of imprisonment. He is currently in a prison in Tianjin.
Ms. Yan Pingjun Dies under Suspicious Circumstances in Hebei Province Brainwashing Facility
2010-08-29Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Yan Pingjun operated a booth where she mended clothing. Her fellow practitioner, Xia Junying, is a well known tailor, and they were good friends. Ms. Xia was arrested on July 15th, 2010. Ms. Yan went to visit Ms. Xia's family on August 1st, and the police followed her back to her home. On August 2nd, police arrested Ms. Yan at home, ransacked her place, took her son's computer, and all her Falun Gong books. Ms. Yan was locked in the Hebei Province Legal Education Training Centre. The guards said she died around August 10th, due to a fall from the third floor. Ms. Yan was very healthy at the time of her arrest, but died only ten days after being detained. The brainwashing facility must be held responsible for her death, the details of which have yet to be investigated.
The Persecution of Mr. Li Weiguo and His Family in Harbin City, Heilongjiang Province
2010-08-29Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Li Weiguo and his wife, Ms. Zhao Fengyun were brutally persecuted by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) for persisting in practising Falun Gong. Ms. Zhao Fengyun died in a forced labour camp in 2004. Mr. Li Weiguo was arrested again in July. Mr. Li was imprisoned in the Changlinzi Forced Labour Camp several times during the eleven years of persecution, and endured many inhumane tortures. He was forced to perform over 16 hours of labour daily, then beaten and verbally abused when he could not complete the work. The living conditions were terrible.