Exposing the Persecution
Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting
Supplementary Information on the Persecution of Mr. Zhou Jiangang, Paralysed at the Qinduankou Prison in Hubei Province
2007-02-06Since Falun Dafa practitioner Mr. Zhou Jiangang was sent to the Qinduankou Prison on November 2nd, 2006, he has been tortured so brutally that he has been rendered severely paralysed. He is paralysed from the neck down and can only move his eyes and mouth. Even after Mr. Zhou was tortured so badly, the prison guards still restrained his feet with rope. Now, Zhou Jiangang can only take in liquids, and has lost control of his bladder and bowels. Because of the paralysis, he cannot turn over and his body is covered with blisters
The Crimes Committed by the No. 4 Team of Jidong Prison in Tangshan City, Hebei Province Continue
2007-02-06In 2001, a Falun Dafa practitioner passed one of Teacher Li's articles to another practitioner. He was not allowed to sleep for six days and nights. They hung him up by his handcuffs and whenever he closed his eyes they beat his ten fingers with a bamboo board. One blow would cause so much pain that his whole body would be covered with cold sweat. He was forced to stand outdoors and read slogans that slandered Teacher Li and Falun Dafa. When he refused to read them they beat him with a rubber baton and shocked him with an electric baton.
Exposing the Crimes of Wang Xiaofeng, Political Instructor at the Masanjia Forced Labour Camp in Liaoning Province
2007-02-06Wang Xiaofeng, female, about 40, is the Political Instructor of the Third Division of the Masanjia Women's Forced Labour Camp in Liaoning Province. Wang has committed a lot of vicious crimes against Falun Gong practitioners. Wang Xiaofeng tortured practitioners by depriving them of sleep, handcuffing them to heating pipes, restraining their arms and legs, hanging them up, solitary confinement, tying them up, freezing them, etc. In December 2002, Wang Xiaofeng and female guard Xue Feng hung practitioner Ms. Wang Yulan to the heating pipe in the Division Head's office. Her right hand was burned so badly by the heat that the flesh rolled off.
Memories of My Fellow Practitioner Cheng Hanbo
2007-02-05I am a practitioner from Jiamusi who has been forced to be homeless. Today, I browsed the Minghui/Clearwisdom website and learned that Cheng Hanbo was persecuted to death. I can hardly believe this is true. I saw her picture and could not help crying. In 2001, I was detained in a forced labour camp. Around the end of September, practitioners were forced to sit and watch TV. I noticed Cheng Hanbo was also there. Our eyes met and we made a silent agreement not to cooperate with such a persecution.
Mr. Yan Weihong Very Weak and in Critical Condition at Urumqi No. 5 Prison; His Wife Forced to Leave Town
2007-02-05On the evening of February 17th, 2006, Mr. Yan Weihong was arrested by officials from the city's 610 Office and local police station. He was sentenced to four years in prison. Mr. Yan is being held at the Urumqi No. 5 Prison. He has been on a hunger strike since the beginning of his detention and is very weak and in critical condition. The authorities have denied his family any visits, ostensibly because Mr. Yan has not been following prison regulations.
Beijing Women's Forced Labour Camp Denies Family Visits for Ms. Zhang Lianying for Three Months; Unknown If She Is Alive
2007-02-05Ms Zhang Lianying suffered the following mistreatment at Beijing Labour Camp Dispatch Division and the Beijing Women's Forced Labour Camp: (1) Beatings and injuries; (2) being tied up and deprived of sleep and of use of the toilet for long time periods including prohibited toilet use during her period; (3) mental insults and scolding; (4) Deprived of family communication for seven months; (5) Extortion of money from her family members, totalling 4,000 yuan. To protest, she started a hunger strike and refused to wear the labour camp uniform. The family has so far endured three months without making contact with Ms. Zhang.
Captain Zhang Xiurong Brutally Persecutes Falun Gong Practitioners at Masanjia Forced Labour Camp
2007-02-05On May 27th, 2005, Captain Zhang Xiurong called practitioner Ms. Zhao Shuhuan to the office and ordered her to take her shoes and socks off and sit on the ground. Zhang shocked the soles of Ms. Zhao's feet, her legs, her upper body, and her lips and scalp with two electric batons. Then she threw down the electric batons and grabbed Ms. Zhao's hair, swinging her back and forth. Zhang slapped her violently in the face for more than forty minutes. Zhang punished Zhao Shuhuan by forcing her to bend over with her arms parallel to her legs. Ms. Zhao wasn't allowed to rest her hands on her knees or bend her legs. To increase her suffering, Zhang ordered her to touch the floor with her hands. Ms. Zhao was forced to stay in that position the whole morning.
Practitioner Mr. Li Hai from Shandong Province Suffered Severe Persecution Before his Death
2007-02-04Falun Dafa practitioner Mr. Li Hai suffered severe persecution by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) before his death. Police fiercely attacked Mr. Li Hai's head in the police station. After this incident, he became absent-minded and depressed. He had no strength to work and was scared whenever he saw police officers or vehicles. His legs atrophied, and his health was getting worse and worse. He felt excruciating pain in his upper body and he would occasionally spit up blood. Due to a prolonged period of unjustified harassment, threats, extortion, and torture, Mr. Li Hai died on January 24th, 2003 at his home at the age of 67.
Postgraduate Student Ms. Lin Tiemei Persecuted to Death at 33 by Guangxi Labour Re-education Camp and Guangxi Mental Institution
2007-02-04Guangxi Falun Dafa practitioner and postgraduate student Ms. Lin Tiemei died as a result of persecution on December 8th, 2005. Guangxi Labour Re-education Camp and Guangxi Demobilised and Retired Serviceman Hospital (Mental Institution) are responsible for her death. She was 33 years old. Because she firmly believed in Falun Dafa and refused to be "transformed," [brainwashed] she suffered inhuman torture at the labour camp. The death report from the hospital described Lin Tiemei's death as "sudden death." Three other practitioners have been persecuted to death at the same hospital before Lin Tiemei.
Serious Crimes Committed at Changlinzi Forced Labour Camp in Harbin City, Heilongjiang Province
2007-02-04One day guard Zhao Shuang started brutally beating practitioner Mr. Sun Hongda for his "wrong eye expression." Guard Wang Fuhai viciously shocked Sun Hongda on his head, mouth, back of his head, face, and neck, which badly burned Mr. Sun's tongue, and he had difficulty eating for several months. While Sun Hongda was held on the ground by five or six prisoners, guard Zhao Shuang rode on the top of Sun and tortured him, pushing and pulling him. This made Sun Hongda suffer extreme pain in all his joints, and he had difficulty moving around for several days. The deputy head of the labour camp witnessed the torture but walked away as if nothing had happened. Zhao Shuang also brutally slapped Sun Hongda's face, which caused Sun to lose hearing in his left ear for several days.
Details of Four Falun Dafa Practitioners from Chongqing City, Hunan Province, and Liaoning Province Who Have Been Missing for Many Years
2007-02-04Mr. Chen Chunxian is over 40 years old. He is from Yueyang City, Hunan Province. Mr. Chen started practising Falun Dafa when he was in the army. After he returned home from the army, he opened up a medical clinic. Between July 20th, 1999, when the persecution began, and 2000, Mr. Chen went to Beijing three times to appeal for Falun Dafa. The first time, he was arrested and taken back to his hometown by the police. The second time, he was beaten so badly that his head bled profusely, and had to be wrapped in bandages. The third time, he never returned. His whereabouts remain unknown.
The Truth Behind the Pretty Gift Boxes
2007-02-04One of my friends has been held at Shijiazhuang City Forced Labour Camp merely because of his belief in Falun Dafa and "Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance." The forced labour camp holds over twenty Falun Dafa practitioners. The guards force them to work intensively. They have to work about 13-14 hours per day, and then work overtime to earn money for the guards. The most frequent work is to process various boxes, cartons and containers, including the containers for the "Five-Ram Cake," gift boxes for the Jinyuan Hotel, gift boxes for the Hebei Hotel, sacks for "Three Deer Milk," napkins for "Five Grains Ritual Field," containers for "Huiyuan Juice," carry-out boxes, cartons for the drugs from Huabei Pharmaceutics and Shenwei Pharmacy, and lids for some oral medicines, etc.
Ms. Cui Hongyan from Daqing City, Heilongjiang Province on a Hunger Strike for One Month; She Is Now Too Weak to Move
2007-02-03Falun Dafa practitioner was arrested on November 1st, 2006 and taken to the Daqing City Detention Centre where she has been held for nearly three months. Saertu District Court sentenced Cui Hongyan to three years in prison. Ms. Cui appealed the verdict and went on a hunger strike to protest the persecution. The hunger strike has lasted one month. Wrapped in a quilt, she is carried back and forth twice a day at the detention centre for nasal force-feeding. She now suffers from stomachaches, and there are traces of blood in her vomit. Her eyes are bloodshot. She is skin and bones and she is too weak to move by herself.
Ms. Wang Yuhong Has Been Persecuted by Jiamusi City Forced Labour Camp in Heilongjiang Province for Six Years
2007-02-03The forced labour camps use many persecution methods. The rooms are shared by four or five people and are very unpleasant. Only half of a wooden scoop of water is provided every morning. The toilet is inside the room and has no cover. The windows are kept shut even in the warm weather. The smell inside the rooms is terrible, and there is not enough oxygen. Everyday, some practitioner got fastened to the bedside, window, or metal chairs because she was caught doing the Falun Gong exercises. At the beginning, violence was used to make practitioners give up their beliefs. Later, they attempted to trick and deceive practitioners to achieve their purpose.
Guangdong Provincial Women's Prison Refuses to Provide Medical Attention for Practitioner Physician Suffering from a Stroke
2007-02-03Falun Dafa practitioner and physician Ms. Fan Zhijun was persecuted while suffering from a stroke at the Guangdong Provincial Women's Prison. Sources say that the prison sent a notice to the family in January 2007 stating that her high blood pressure was at "the third level" and that she was suffering from a stroke. One of Ms. Fan's family members visited her at the prison. Ms. Fan is only 54 years old but she had to walk with a cane. She also had difficulty moving herself and did not have clear consciousness. Upon seeing this, the family member pressed strongly for the prison to release her immediately. However, the guard said that Ms. Fan did not meet the criteria of sickness needed for release.