Exposing the Persecution
Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting
Mr. Wang Defeng from Heilongjiang Province Dies of Police Abuse
2004-01-26Mr. Wang Defeng, 37 years old, was a resident of Handian Town, Heilongjiang Province. In 1996, he started to practice Falun Gong. On a summer night in 2001, police from Handian Police Station and the "610 Office"* broke into Wang's home and took him away while he was sleeping, not even allowing him to put on his coat. Wang was jailed and tortured in the Shuangcheng City Detention Center. He was not released until he was near death. Mr. Wang passed away on June 30, 2002.
69-Year-Old Physics Professor Suffers Mental Torture in Heizuizi Labour Camp
2004-01-2669-year-old Zeng Lingwen is a retired professor from the Physics Department of Jilin University. Because she persisted in cultivating Dafa, she was abducted from home on Feb 9, 2002 [ date provided by Zeng Lingwen’s daughter in Canada and sent to a brainwashing class, where she was tortured as they attempted to force her to give up her practice. With her righteous belief, she was not moved at all. Authorities sent her to Changchun Heizuizi Forced Labour Camp for two years'' forced labour.
Ten Practitioners Sentenced to Prison in Xinye County
2004-01-26In October 2003, the Xinye County Court in Henan Province sentenced 10 Dafa practitioners to between one and nine years in prison. The court did not even notify their families of the date and time of their loved ones' illegal trials. The ten practitioners protested to the court for putting them on trial for exercising their constitutional freedom of personal belief by exclaiming, "Falun Dafa is good!" Their righteous spirits caused the judge to close the trial in a panic. The ten practitioners are still detained in Xinye County Detention Centre.
The Brutal Tortures Suffered by Dr. Wang Xiaodong
2004-01-26Dr. Wang Xiaodong is a Falun Dafa practitioner from Daqing City and a surgeon at the County Chinese Medical Hospital. Before he practiced Falun Gong, Dr. Wang suffered from chronic tuberculosis and hepatitis B. Dr. Wang's health quickly returned to normal after he started to practice Falun Gong in October 1998. Since then, he has conducted himself strictly according to the principles of "Truthfulness, Compassion, and Tolerance." Always thinking of others before himself, he was admired by his colleagues.
Mr. Yan Hai from Zhangjiajou City Dies From Blood Loss Following Prolonged Torture
2004-01-25On November 24, 2003, Dafa practitioner Yan Hai from Zhangjiajou City, Hebei Province died as a result of torture he had endured. At the time of his death, his whole body was swollen, and his mouth and nose were stuffed with cotton. His body was very pale, including his mouth and tongue. The 251 Hospital doctors diagnosed him as "dying of dysfunction of blood circulation." But the doctors could not explain why his body was so pale. The reason was that he was losing large amounts of blood from the torture. He had became weaker and weaker everyday.
Botou City Detention Centre: Force-feeding with Large Buckets of Water, Excrement and Urine
2004-01-25The detention centre director’s special skill is his use of electric shock batons. He once even ordered others to get three full lunch boxes of excrement and urine from the sewer. Then he pinched Fu Qimou's nose and ordered a male prisoner to force-feed him the excrement and urine. In the process of being force-fed, Mr. Fu Qimou's whole body was covered with excrement and urine. Swarms of flies were attracted to the filth and flew all around him. The scene of this torture was awful to witness.
Prison Insider: I Have Witnessed Extreme Injustices
2004-01-25These practitioners had suffered from inhuman tortures for persisting in their beliefs in Falun Gong. Their basic human rights had been deprived. Whenever they said that they would practice Falun Gong, then they would be beaten up. However, they never gave up. From their words and actions I came to better understand what compassion was. They selflessly helped others and never discriminated against us criminals, but only explained to us how to conduct ourselves in society.
Head of Health Clinic at Heizuizi Labour Camp Stabs Long Needles Under Practitioners' Fingernails
2004-01-25Guo Xu, head of the health clinic at Heizuizi Labour Camp in Changchun City, took advantage of her position to torture practitioners. Using the excuse of "giving a physical examination" or" performing medical treatment," she first asks prisoners whether they are Falun Gong practitioners, and if the answer is yes, she takes out a 10 cm-long needle and inserts it under practitioners' fingernails.
Dafa Practitioner Mr. Wang Hongtian Dies from Three Years of Relentless Persecution
2004-01-24Since July 20, 1999, Wang Hongtian suffered inhumane persecution because he persisted in his belief of "Truthfulness, Compassion and Tolerance" and he was detained and sent to a labour camp. On the 14th of August 2001, two days after Wang Hongtian was sent back home from the labour camp, he passed away. He was only 41 years old. His parents, over 70 years old, were devastated when they got the news of their lost son.
Cheng Rulin is Tortured and Sentenced to 14 Years; His Family is Financially Devastated by Police Extortion
2004-01-24Mr. Cheng Rulin, 41, is a resident of Luqiao Town. Since Jiang Zemin started persecuting Falun Gong in 1999, officials from the "610 Office" in Luqiao Town, constantly paid him visits and harassed him, day and night, for no reason. Even the neighbours were not able to rest well because of this. In the two years from July 1999 to 2000, Cheng Rulin and his wife were illegally detained many times and paid a total of more than ten thousand Yuan in fines.
Personal Account: A Practitioner from Singapore Tells Her Story of Being Persecuted by Tianjin Police
2004-01-24In May 2000, I went back to China to visit my family. I heard that a fellow practitioner was sentenced to forced labour. I had used to mail some daily expense money to her, because her salary had been suspended. Later I came to know that she used the money I gave her to buy a printer to produce truth clarification materials. As a result, the authorities accused her of conspiring with international sources. When I heard this, I went to the police and tried to clarify the facts to them, but they detained me and then searched my parents' home.
Ms. Tang Meijun, an Employee of the Chongqing Railway Branch Bureau, Is Tortured to Death
2004-01-23Ms. Tang Meijun, age 49, was an operator from the Railway Communications Company under the Chongqing Railway Branch Bureau. During a two-year term of forced labour, she was subjected to both physical and mental torture. In 2003, she was released on bail for medical treatment. On December 10, 2003, she was arrested while distributing truth-clarifying materials. At 4:30 (could be a.m. or p.m.) on December 30, she died in the Maojia Forced Labour Camp. The details are still being investigated.
Falun Gong Practitioner Ms. Jiang Shulan Dies As a Result of Brutal Force Feeding
2004-01-23Ms. Jiang Shulan, a practitioner from Da'an City, was around sixty years old. On June 9, 2003, she died as a result of force-feeding for four days with high-density salt water in Da'an Detention Centre. Protesting against her illegal detention with a hunger strike, she had been subjected to brutal force feeding of high-density salt solution, which had knocked out four of her front teeth, and injured her upper jaw so seriuosly that the bone was exposed.
Additional Information About the Torture Death of Dafa Practitioner Lai Zhijun
2004-01-23Dafa practitioner Lai Zhijun was tortured to death in March or April of 2000 at Sanshui Labour Camp. Township Vice Mayor and Vice Director of the People's Congress at Fenggang Town, he was honoured as an excellent state official. In his 30's, he had been practicing Falun Dafa since Chinese New Year of 1999, and actively promoted the Fa locally. After Jiang's group started persecuting Falun Dafa on July 20, 1999, he went to Beijing to appeal in December 1999.
Police Torture and Murder Dafa Practitioners in Hengshui City, Hebei Province
2004-01-23After the second half of 1999, the Hengshui City government detention center became a place for persecuting Falun Gong practitioners, especially during 1999 and 2000. Everyone detained there was a Falun Gong practitioner. The Director of the detention center, Gen Zhanwu, received an "Award" from higher officials in 1999, because of his persecution of Falun Gong practitioners.He used all kinds of ways to get money and property from them.